As it was explained in the class of today, your first journal is due this Saturday at 12:00 PM (noontime). You should read the instructions of the journals very carefully both in the syllabus and in the Journal template in Bb. Since this is your first journal, I will repeat some of the items in here:
Take the following 3 steps to access and submit your journal:
1. To access it, select the following modules in Bb in their order: “Tools”, “Journals”, and “Journal 1”.
2. Select “Create Journal Entry” and type your journal (or copy-paste it if it is already written) into the box.  
3. Then, submit it by selecting “Post Entry”.
Contents of Journal 1: In this journal, you should share your reflections on the first presentation (P1: Questions about God and Religion). To better understand the 3 methods of exploring a reality, read the article on Three Methods (in Bb under Course Documents) in addition to the class presentation. 
Pay close attention to the following 7 instructions in order to get a good grade in your journal (and to avoid losing points):
1. Review the presentation carefully to properly understand everything. The contents of the journal should demonstrate your deep and comprehensive knowledge of the main topics in the presentations and article. 
2. Identify the key and major points of the presentation by noting those points that are very new to you, very interesting to you, very important to you, very surprising to you, etc.
3. Share your reactions, your thoughts, and your deep reflections about those specific points as well as about the whole presentation in overall.
4. Do not write like an essay or article with some mere information about the subject. Further, do not copy-paste and do not repeat the points and text of the class materials except briefly referring to them. Instead, focus on your own thoughts (things that I do not know) regarding those points. 
5. Write the journal in your own computer so you have your original version for future use. Copy-paste your journal into the text box of “Journal Entry” and do not send attachments. 
6. Remember the word limit of 300-500. While the minimum of 300 words is a must, there will be no penalty for writing a little more than 400. Break your thoughts into smaller paragraphs, instead of lumping everything into one big paragraph.

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