
“Truman Show”
The film “The Truman” represents a series of ideals with the journey of the main character rendered in an insightful manner to enable the audience to full understand the different dimension of the film (Peter Weir, n.d.). The film is based on the life of Truman who acts as the central character within the script as he moves from one life challenge to the next. The film is based on identity and realities of life as is readily evident in the scene where the main character of the story gives a dying impression before he eventually overcomes the life challenges as he becomes active. The truth of the film is also evident in the sense that Truman communicates with his passive tormentor in a manner that informs him that he is unable to conquer him (Solly et al. 179). The film is a clear expression of betrayal which exists within the society in the setting of the play as well as the vices that a displayed in the context of the contemporary society.
The concept of truth is a main thematic postulate of the film as Truman who is the main character undergoes a traumatizing life experience as he comes close to his death. After his resurrection, the main character in the film goes beyond the world within which he lives and forms his own perception about life. In particular, Truman goes far above the horizon named “seahaven” and into its clouds as his views about life and the concept of that which is truthful undergoes serious changes (Peter Weir, n.d.). In order to build up on his self- esteem, the film shows that Truman comes to a point of his psychological development in which he outright rejects the false teachings about the concept of religion. He challenges the concept of religion and safety of people as emphasized in the world order as established under the leadership of Christof. He sees Christof as his main tormentor within the film and whose major desire is to impose his ideals upon every members of the society and any attempts to reject such a postulate warrants torture on an individual. Truman attempts a discovery of truth as he seeks to attain self-identity for himself away from the indoctrinated world created by Christof. He aligns his desires with the fate which is bound to meet him as he ventures into the world of unknown away from the betrayal of the creations of truth as seen in the ideals of Christof (Atkinson 95). The assertive nature of Truman is highly useful in furthering the discussion on the concept of truth since the film depicts that he declined to accept the offer for conformity from Christof.
It is explained that Truman was designated to be the character whose main role was to render the truthfulness within the society as seen in his naming by Christof. In an attempt to fully understand his origin as the basis for his life directions and to assert his real personality, Truman proceeds to inquire about his identity and whether his life experiences are real or mere abstractions (Solly et al. 179). This identity seeking discussion is seen in the film at the point where Truman makes a decision to confront Christof in order to obtain an explanation on his origin or the true meaning of his name (Foster 5). In response to this inquiry by Truman, Christof offers a response which suggests that everything which included the meaning of the name as well as the other experiences that the main character had undergone were all real. He explains that he had an original idea of coming up with a true man who would emerge as heroic in his created world and it is upon such an assumption that Truman attained the position of the main character within the film (Peter Weir, n.d.). This is a clearly disturbing situation to the main character and this response at the close of the film could be justified as the basis for rebellion under which Truman seeks to become himself by venturing into unknown world before seeking relevant answers on his own identity.
Christof is depicted as the creator of a fictitious world in which every member of the society must conform and any person who attempts to undertake activities which contradict his doctrines is subjected to punishment (Solly et al. 179). The identity crisis in the movie is facilitated by Christof who acts as the creator of humanity and whose leadership compels individuals to remain loyal to him. In order to find his own world and to unearth his true identity away from the regime established by Christof, Truman initiates a rebellious act in which he considers the advances of Christof as improper and against the basic tenets of religion. Truman remains committed towards rejecting the ideas projected by Christof as the clear examples of falsehood in terms of religious practices (Foster 7). The film also shows the central role that the Vatican plays in the identity crisis and religious ideals projected by Christof and this is an important factor that the director uses to explain falsehood in religious practices within the contemporary world. By the narration on Christof and his clear relationship to Vatican, the film director makes his work more effective in unearthing the role of an imposter in religion (Peter Weir, n.d.). Indeed, Christof represents a machination of a religious godhead in the context of the film and whose shaping of the religious ideas of the people is paramount. However, the falsity of the teachings and the forceful loyalty which is demanded from the members of the society in the world created by Christof baffle Truman.
In conclusion, the falsehood of Christof and the Vatican as shown in the film make Truman to arrive at the decision towards a rejection of the doctrinal teachings of the world created by Christof. Instead, he ventures into the world of unknown far above the horizon named “seahaven” and into its clouds in a bid to unravel the truth and his own personal identity. The concept of truth as presented within the film “The Truman” is very relevant to the society in which we live today in different aspects. Specifically, the film serves to highlight the role of the church within the contemporary society in which there is constant imposition of doctrines and teachings which are perceived as universal. Consequently, the church or its leadership expects every members of the society to observe such doctrines and any departure from the teachings is deemed as revolutionary by the serving church leadership. It is in this regard that members of the society who are represented by Truman in the film may opt to explore the concept of truth while seeking to recover their own identities at the same time.

Work Cited

Foster, Jack. Response to the Movie “the Truman Show”. Munich: GRIN Verlag GmbH, (2014): 1- 12. Internet resource.
Atkinson, Dennis. Art in Education: Identity and Practice. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2002): 95. Internet resource.
Solly, Martin, Michelangelo Conoscenti, and Sandra Campagna. Verbal/visual Narrative Texts in Higher Education. Bern: P. Lang, (2008): 179. Print.
Peter Weir on the Truman Show – Director Commentary

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