
  • What is primary care Role of primary care in general
  • Who is involve in primary care

Role of allied health in primary care And demography of allied health worker ( so graph or data or statistics on different allied health works) 

Access of allied health professionals primary care

  • data and epidemiology on service use (who access allied health)
  • Medicare criteria about access to allied health ( e.g. GP Management Plan (GPMP) – and Team Care Arrangements (TCAs))
  • Referral issues from GP to allied health
  • Assess environmental influences allied health services e.g. social, economic, political, historical/contextual, technological and ethical factors. ( what are the barriers to access)

Cost of allied health

Allied health views of the current system

Gaps of the current services (allied health services)  or knowledge gaps, health needs

Recommendations on how to improve the current system ( based on what was discussed above and from journal articles or government reports)

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