Cross Cultural Management Research paper|Business

Please submit a 8 page research paper about operating in a global environment for the company: Mercedes Benz with abstract on that topic with an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected. You will format your paper in APA style, and write two paragraphs for each article. Please have at least three annotated bibliographies.

I started a rough draft to help you, thanks…

For my research paper I will be writing on “4. Operating in a Global Environment”. I will be writing about Mercedes Benz. Mercedes Benz has sky rocketed since the 50’s and has not stopped growing globally. Of course its sleek look and wide variety of selection with reliable service makes it top brand. As it grows globally the employees need cultural training to adapt and relate to the culture and their environment. I want to talk more about its production and how the customers affect the employees training towards cultural diversity. How marketing works differently in different countries.

Below are the topics and subtopics I will be writing my research paper on:

-Mercedes Benz world wide profitable growth in its core business.

-Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Services and Electric (CASE) in all business areas.

-Cultural change as a framework.

-Training for its leadership and employers and stages in their careers to grow and adapt accordingly.

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