Evaluate HR Service delivery

To complete this assessment you must first complete Assessment 1: Case Study.

In this assessment you will;

· evaluate the service delivery feedback from the Case Study provided in Appendix A.

· develop a plan for collecting feedback from clients.

Part A

In this task you need to develop;

· a plan for collecting feedback from clients, and

· a plan for collecting ongoing client feedback for a review of the HR services strategy you developed in Assessment 1.

· Submit the plan and tools / surveys / questionnaires to your trainer for assessment.

Part B:

Read the case study in Appendix A.

· Make recommendations for changes to HR service delivery and seek approval for their implementation.

· Conduct a training needs analysis to identify gaps in knowledge across the organization.

· Develop and example system or procedure that will assist in monitoring the quality of HR service delivery.

· Complete a written submission to management outlining your plans to vary the original HR strategy taking this feedback into consideration. Your goal is to improve the HR Service Delivery.

· Submit your recommendations in the form of a report to your trainer for assessment.

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