Preparing For System Implementation|Computer Science

Whenever a company gets the opportunity to develop something new, it is always of great importance to ensure that the best initiatives are activated for a successful process. The following paper highlights the needs for Brewton Enterprises as the company seeks to go through development and implementation of a software application.


In this case that the company is faced with the sensitivity of project implementation, it is necessary to include top level stakeholders in the process. This will include the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Operations Officer, the Sales and Advertising Director, the Human Resource Director, the Information Technology Director and the Systems Director. The inclusion of these key stakeholders comes in the realization that it would be perilous to leave any of them out, if the implementation plan is to work.



Each of the stakeholders will have vital roles to play in the plan as enumerated here onwards. As the overall leader of the team of stakeholders, Mark Brewton will act as the cohesive power amongst them and ensure that the process of implementation goes hand in hand with the general expectation of the company. It may however be challenging for the team to work in the presence of the C.E.O, citing the limiting of freedom. It is however very important to have Mark on the team, to closely coordinate with William Hunter, the Chief Operations Officer. William will be responsible for identifying all the resources, (including human resource) needed for the completion of the implementation plan. Mark and William will need to agree on virtually everything in the process to ensure that every other person on the team work effectively.

Possible challenges that may arise in working with the C.O.O would be the lack of coordination with all other stakeholders to accurately identify all the resources in need.

William will then have to consult with Barbara Scharer, the Chief Financial Officer in order to streamline the resources needed with necessary financial spending. The C.F.O will be of great importance in keeping the financial aspects of the implementation plan in check. This includes budgeting for the process and ensuring minimum spending for maximum achievement in quality. At this level, it would be very key to ensure the keeping of financial records for the purpose of auditing the whole process and the end product. The biggest anticipatable challenge in the involvement of the C.F.O would be the lack of sound financial records to follow through the process.

Human Resources

The Human Resource Director and the Information Technology Director will provide human resource needed to implement the plan, while the Systems Administrator will be involved in testing the application before it is approved. The Sales and Advertising Director will be instrumental in searching or creating a market for the end product, and raising awareness on it to boost sales. During the development and implementation phase of the project, it is anticipated that there could arise a challenge in coordinating a human resource force that is comprised of company employees and outsourced experts. In this case, it will be necessary to hold a meeting between the project manager, the Chief Executive Officer, the Human Resource Director and the Chief Operations Officer. The meeting will be necessary because there will be the need to provide a common working ground for everyone.

Computer and Network Resources

Computer and network resources necessary for the operation ability of the system will include CAC readers and protection software that will secure the whole system against viruses and malware. The process will require the intervention of specialized human resource who will be tasked with key roles in preparation of System Deployment and System Documentation especially involving the preparation of the software requirements specifications document. Others will be tasked with the conversion of data, testing the system, trainers who will rigorously train the new users of the system and finally, the launchers of the system.


The issues addressed above would enable the best possible working plan for the successful implementation of the System Application. The exclusion of one or two stakeholders from the process does not point to the notion that they are insignificant. For this reason, the project manager provides room for an external observer for the whole process. This position can be filled by anyone of the top level leadership in the company who has not been included in the list of key stakeholders.


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