Complete a project closure report and review the lessons learned.

Details | The Chico’s Pizzeria project is complete. The web site is now launched and the social media campaign is up and running. Now it’s time to close out the project.

To close the project you will:

  • Hand over the project deliverables
  • Archive and submit all project documentation to the client ():
    • Business Case (This one is done)
    • Project Plan (This one is done)
    • Financial Plan (This one is done)
    • Work Breakdown Structure (This one is done)
    • Risk Matrix (This one is done)
    • Change Management Documentation (This one is done)
    • Project Closure Report (Not DONE)
  • Complete the project closure report
  • Complete the Lessons Learned Report
    • Go back and review your Risk Matrix assignment
    • Assume that the risks in this assignment actually occurred
    • How were the risks handled? What lessons were learned?
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