Provide an overview of the human resources technology

Scenario: Costco pays generous wages and benefits in accord with CEO Jim Sinegal’s maxim: “Taking care of your employees and turning inventory faster than your people is good business.” The chain is experiencing booming growth and surging revenue and profits. Costco uses human resources technology in its management of applicants and employees.

After reading the case study, conduct independent research to help support your paper. Describe the assessment processes used. Then in a 2 – 3-page paper (hire research essay pro writers) address the following:

Provide an overview of the human resources technology used at Costco.

Describe what assessment methods they use.

Your conclusion on the importance of HR technology.

What can you learn from Costco?

Do they really value their team?

Do they practice what they preach?

Provides a conclusion on the case study

Be sure to use APA style with at least two sources cited.

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