Watch recorded lecture about chronic pain by David Tauben and respond to case study questions (accessed through Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Frank is a 42-year old male who currently suffers from chronic back pain and sciatic pain running down his left leg after a work accident. In addition, he has a Dx of PTSD & MDD. Frank lives with his wife and 15-year old daughter.

History: Five years ago Frank witnessed his co-worker die when lumber fell on his co-worker’s head. At the same time, Frank’s lower left leg got caught under lumber. This required surgery for his dislocated knee and ankle joints, but the pain in his back and leg remains. Frank was diagnosed with chronic pain four years ago. He has been on different narcotics since that time, and is now taking two Vicodin pills (5/300) every six hours; without these Frank states that he is in severe pain 24 hours a day. He had managed working at a local nursery counter on a part-time basis until recently, when his diagnosis of MDD, in addition to PTSD (due to the lumber accident and previous sexual abuse as a child), forced him to stop working. His most recent PEG rating (9/10 for pain, 6/10 for enjoyment, and 6/10 for global functioning) has him on 150mg/day of Zoloft. Frank is still depressed (PHQ-9=10), has PTSD symptoms (PCL-5=40), and is passively suicidal, but would like to get better for his family. Questions: What are your evidence-based treatment plans for Frank for his 1) chronic pain management and 2) PTSD? As you respond to both questions, briefly identify what further information you may want to collect in order to implement your evidence-based plan? For his PTSD, consider Frank’s cumulative trauma history and assume you will start CPT. Please consider what “stuck points” in Frank you will likely have to work with in the treatment process.

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