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Community Health Problem

The predominant cause of child mortality is low birth weight infants, whose development is stunted due to poor prenatal treatment. It is discovered in several concerns that environmental conditions also impact the welfare of infants and mothers. Inevitable fatalities occur as a result of birth abnormalities caused by a mother’s nutritional deficiencies. If mothers get sufficient psychological care, child mortality may be minimized. Certain mothers drink alcohol and smoke during breastfeeding, which may result in death.

Substance dependence is often correlated with narcotics and alcohol. Although these are not usually associated with adults, including pregnant women, who can self-medicate with legal and illicit drugs and alcohol, which may have significant health implications. Additionally, women can consciously or unconsciously combine drugs and alcohol usage. As a result of our preconceived notions about senior citizens, often medical professionals tend to inquire about potential drug dependence by seniors (“Top 10 most comment health issues – Common senior health issues – Senior health – University of Rochester Medical Center,” 2021)

The committee proposes a community health development framework as a foundation for accountable community engagement in tracking public health challenges and resolving individual health issues. This mechanism will help in the formation of common collective priorities for health change and the development of a well-thought-out strategy for achieving such objectives. If health staff or this initiative will teach moms about their nutrition, behaviors, breastfeeding methods, neonatal treatment, and immunization awareness, only a few babies can live. Birth control strategies that are effective will also serve to reduce it.

Many aspects affect a community’s wellbeing, and many organizations and people in the community play a part in meeting such needs. The committee believes that a structure is needed to allow a group to take a holistic approach to sustain and enhancing health, including identifying its health needs. They are also evaluating their resources and assets to foster health, design and enforce an action plan, and determine who is responsible for particular outcomes (Oetzel et al.,2018). This chapter outlines a mechanism for enhancing neighborhood wellbeing that includes such a structure. Performance management practices are critical to this mechanism because they demonstrate that responsible actors are taking suitable measures and that such efforts are having the desired effect on community wellbeing (World Health Organization,2018).

Any society must understand its unique situations while implementing a health improvement policy, including health challenges, finances and capabilities, social and political backgrounds, and conflicting needs. The committee cannot advise a group on what steps to do or who can be accountable for what. Still, it does agree that societies must resolve specific problems and that a systemic approach to health improvement is essential. Rather than being sequential or short-term, the ongoing health management phase must be seen as iterative and changing. One-time incidents hastily created coalitions, and isolated remedies would not suffice. A CHIP must be able to handle the diverse existence of populations and the interdependence of group operations without impeding the successful and productive functioning of the responsible institutions in the community that is required to react to particular health concerns. It could also make it possible for responsible agencies and other neighborhood organizations to exchange knowledge and organize their activities. Community-level surveillance reports and more accurate knowledge on individual health conditions must be fed back into the framework regularly to direct future review and decision-making (World Health Organization,2018).

Daniel Tomas

Community Health Improvement Plan for Diabetes

One of the community health problem in our area is diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic illness that occurs due to changes in the way insulin is synthesised and used. Diabetes is found worldwide, with an estimated 370 million people suffering from the condition (Golden et al., 2017). Millions of people with type 2 diabetes are unaware that they have the condition before they experience symptoms associated with it, such as elevated blood glucose levels (Stoto et al., 2019). Many factors affect a community’s health and well-being, and many groups and stakeholders in the community play a role in meeting those needs. The health committee should ensure that a structure is created to enable society to take a holistic approach to sustain and improving health. For example, assessing its health needs, evaluating its resources and assets for health promotion, designing and executing an action plan, and determining who is responsible for particular outcomes. There is a pressing need to identify low-cost, efficient, and easy-to-implement qualitative and quantitative prevention strategies, as well as tertiary preventive measures, that delay disease progression, complications, and affiliated function degradation in diabetic patients. According to Golden et al. (2017), the Chronic Care Model is a well-known paradigm for strengthening diabetes disease attention in public and primary care health facilities.

Some of the assessment and evaluation structures for health improvement plans include organizing and preparing, engaging the community, creating a mission or vision, performing community health assessment(s), and prioritizing health concerns. Islam et al. (2018) argue that the community training curriculum offered before implementing the programs into the group includes providing step-by-step guidance for the peer leaders. Community leaders may obtain training in several fields, including curriculum material, group management skills, behavioural motivation strategies, EMR navigation, and workplace skills (Freeman et al., 2018). Until peers may be assigned, competencies must be met.

Assessing the community’s health status and needs by gathering and evaluating data and making the information accessible to guide community decision-making is another step of the issue recognition and prioritization cycle. These diabetes evaluation practices can, at the very least, result in a community health profile that provides essential information about a community’s demographic and socioeconomic features, as well as its health status and health risks (Golden et al., 2017). This profile would include background information that could help interpret other health data in a population. Various excellent protocols have been developed and tested that show promise in preventing diabetes or lowering readmission rates in diabetic patients in hospitals. These protocols were carried out using rigorous treatments, which were often administered by highly trained nurses, dietitians, and psychologists (Freeman et al., 2018). When these data are measured over time or with data from other populations, it may be possible to distinguish health problems that need more focus. The community health coalition should supervise the creation and use of a health profile, but data collection and analysis may fall to individual coalition members with resources tailored to specific tasks.

Individual states and healthcare professionals have a role to play in gathering and publishing data and providing technical support to societies on how to use and obtain community-level data not accessible from other sources. States and communities should work together to improve the information tools and technological expertise needed to sustain annual revisions to most health policies.


Ethical issues with nursing use of social media are of concerns especially now that social media is highly engaged in everyone who interacts daily decisions. Nursing is a controversial topic to talk about in social media realm of communication. Ethical issues that would arise and be of concern would be equity of resource and conflict of interest (AMA J Ethics, 2015). Social media is used to bring people together, and medical or nursing advice should remain in a professional setting.

Equity of resource (AMA J Ethics, 2015). Information that is given and shred via social media is not always validated and research. There can be a licensed healthcare provider on social media sharing information that they may have been exposed to be are not currently practicing in their field of specialty. Just because they are licensed does not the information has been reviewed and patented by a research based or evidence-based practices. Social media also has been known to have fraudulent activity such as private accounts, fake accounts, and unknown accounts with suspicious activity. With all information on social media cannot be trusted as may not even know who is on the other end of the network feeding information that is inadequate for your health or your care. It is best practices to receive healthcare advise from a professional in the right setting whether it’s in a medical office, hospital, or telehealth social media is not the proper avenue to obtain healthcare advice.

Conflict of interest (AMA J Ethics, 2015). Healthcare information or advice given on social media can be conflicted with what your health care provider is recommending for you individual treatment plan. Following healthcare providers orders and direction is vital to maintain and treatment for your disease process. Obtaining advice from social media related to your healthcare plan can be very dangerous as that healthcare provider is not familiar with your case and making alteration related to this advice can be detrimental to your health. Healthcare providers are put through rigorous courses to provide their patients with optimal care, it is believed that a healthcare provider that is working within ethical practices would not give health information in an unsecured atmosphere i.e., social media.

Best practices as a patient are to be vigilant and have discernment related to your health. Many people would pride themselves as healthcare providers and many not even practice with a board-certified license. Continue to medical attention and help from a reliable resource usually through your insurance carrier or even your community health department. Social media information is not validated for everyday practices in healthcare due to equity of resource and conflict of interest. Social is used to connect people not to medical advice people on their healthcare issues and concerns.


Ethical Issues Related to Social Media

In the recent past, web technologies such as Social Media have been integrated to support health care services and directly deliver patient-centered care. Social media has facilitated the monitoring of patients, disease self-management tools, and ease of contact with their health care provider. However, social media leads to ethical issues that limit the exploitation of this technology. Such ethical issues include privacy and issues to do with security. This paper will discuss how these two issues affect the exploitation of social media in the context of healthcare.

Confidentiality and privacy are used interchangeably during the process of healthcare. As such, healthcare professionals must maintain professional relationships while offering care through trust. However, when social media is involved, commitment to confidentially is relegated, leading the Nursing professional to disclose privileged information. This eventually compromises the delivery of health care. On the other hand, The Health Insurance Portability and accountability act (HIPPA) only allows healthcare institutions to disclose health information only based on payment treatment and health care operations (Denecke et al., (2015).

Nursing professionals requires consent to use material either for educational purpose or otherwise. Written or verbal consent ensures that personal use and professional use of the material are distinguished, thus safeguarding the patient’s privacy. For instance, a nursing professional should not film patients in receiving care health care setting. Nursing professionals should reflect on how well to respect and protect the patient’s privacy and their professional responsibilities and relationships.

Social media is currently being utilized as a data collection tool since most of it’s a convenient way to reach many correspondents. Jianlei and Bingbing (2017) observed that data collection in this context requires the integration of electronic health records and clinical environments with social media tools. Therefore, health care providers and organizations must put in place security measures when pooling and storing clinical data sets.

Integration of social media tools with Electronic health records present several challenges. They include how will Nurse practitioners participating in research determine a piece of data is health information in a patient record. What are the legal issues surrounding the use of specific data sets in research, what are the policies on security and management of data being used in clinical research? It is, therefore, necessary that specific training is carried out to ensure that data sets harvested from social media are not shared with or accessed by third parties. (Denecke et al. (2015) advocate for training that ensures that nurses understand how to comply with HIPAA laws regarding securing patient data. Trained Nurses will understand how to maintain written records, access control while accessing specific datasets, and monitor received and stored sensitive data.

Nurses are at the center of information collection and dispensation, for instance, in clinical research. Electronic health records have been integrated with the care process, which elicits security challenges to enable this process. Nurses must be trained on how to handle and safeguard data sets gathered from social media spaces. Additionally, ethically, nurses must be cautious and employ good judgment when preserving the correct professional relationship and privacy when navigating the online spaces. Overall, Health organizations and care providers, in this case, nurses, must be sensitive and aware of how to collect, share and secure the data generated in the use of social media in clinical settings as a source of health information.

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