Create a fictional character (or real-life character but placed in your creative historical fiction writing) to fit a topic in Chapters 8-9.  Be SPECIFIC, lengthen your paragraphs, and use Internet source if you wish, but keep the comment in your own words.  The SEVEN-PARAGRAPH (or more) comment is due Thursday, October 12, will get a ten-point deduction if turned in by October 19 afterwards. (You can use Internet sources, but use your own words and cite your sources). Your choices are below:1. You are Cyrus McCormick, the Virginian inventor of a McCormick reaper making the decision to build a Chicago factory.2. You are Samuel Morse praising your new telegraph invention and condemning the Irish immigrants in the United States.3. You are a Catholic Irish immigrant who escaped the potato famine and found work in a New England factory.4.  You are a German immigrant farmer in the Midwest who started his own beer factory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 5. You are a New England mill girl under the Lowell system explaining its good and bad sides.6. You are Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, one of the first female medical doctors in the United States.7. You are Henry Clay describing the “American System” and your defense of the 1825 “corrupt bargain.” 8.You are a Seminole warrior or fugitive slave fighting Andrew Jackson’s invasion of Florida in 1818.9. You are Catherine Adams, English-born wife of John Quincy Adams, describing your life in the 1820s. 10. You are Andrew Jackson, who has just won the presidency, but lost his wife Rachel, in 1828. 

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