Health Care Management Ban6010
Take Home MID TERM Exam
Spring 2021

Answer questions #1 and #2, then choose and answer 2 of the remaining 4 questions. The first two questions require a minimum of a two-page answer. A one-page answer is required for the other two. Refer to the textbook and articles covered thus far in the semester. Cite two other references to support your answers. The written responses are to be uploaded to MOODLE by Monday April 5 th 6:00 pm.

1) You have just been hired as Director of Patient Access at St. Joseph’s Hospital. You have 5 years of experience in patient access and have served in the role of supervisor for 2 of those 5 years at County Hospital. The Patient Access Department at St. Joe’s consists of 38 employees, the majority of whom have been working there for greater than 15 years. The department is responsible for the decentralized patient access functions throughout the organization, 24/7/365. The latest employee satisfaction scores are well below benchmark, time and attendance is a chronic issue and there have been patient complaints of rude and discourteous behavior of late. Outline your plan of action as the new leader for the first 30, 90 and 180 days.

2) You have been chosen to lead the project to replace the legacy electronic medical record (EMR) with the EPIC EMR in a recently acquired Internal Medicine Clinic at Parkland Hospital in Dallas Texas. This project has been fast tracked and must be completed in 30 days. Your team consists of 4 members: a 45-year-old White technician with many years of EPIC installation experience recently hired from a competing health care system across town; two recent graduates from the local Community College with Associate Degrees in Computer Technology, both Black, one age 23 the other age 34; one Hispanic woman, aged 52, who has six years of EPIC installation experience and has worked at Parkland for over 25 years. How do you proceed to create a cohesive team and meet the project expectations and timeline?

Choose and answer 2 of the following 4 questions:

3) Consumers of healthcare are demanding a more service-oriented approach to the delivery of care. Identify 5 improvement opportunities in the current system and describe how non-healthcare industries could and will address these challenges.

4) The Board of Directors play a key role in the success (or failure) of a health care organization. Define the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Chief of the Medical Staff. How do these roles complement each other and what sets them apart?

5) Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the purpose of an organizational chart. Select an organizational chart from a company outside of healthcare and refer to that chart to support/illustrate your explanation.

6) Compare and contrast the various competencies and role dimensions of leaders versus managers. How does one go about developing and mastering these skills?

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