Medical Assistant Lab 1
Streptococcal Testing-HW #8

Part I-Rapid Strep Preparation:

Directions: Using the Strep kit product insert in Bb to answer the following questions. (20pt)
1. Name 4 warnings and precautions for this kit. (2pt)
2. When collecting a specimen for testing, it should be collected from what source? (1pt)
3. When collecting a specimen, one should try to avoid excess amount of what 2 things? (1pt)
4. Can this test differentiate between a Grp A Strep carrier & infected individual? (1pt)
5. Name two times external controls should be performed. (1pt)
6. When is an internal control performed? (1pt)
7. According to the product insert, name 2 reasons that the control line may not appear.(2pt)
8. Name 4 infections caused by Strep pyogenes. (2pt)
9. Is this test is method qualitative or quantitative? (0.5pt)
10. What does this test react with in a specimen to cause a positive result? (1pt)
11. Interpretation of Results.
Draw and label a positive, negative and invalid result. (1.5pt)

Positive Negative Invalid

12. What is the goal of streaking for isolation? (1pt)

13. How would you describe the appearance of Group A Strep on a Gram Stain. Your answer should include three distinct characteristics. (1pt)

14. Where should a used loop be disposed after use? (1pt)

15. What PPE should be worn while performing microbiology testing and culture set-up? (1pt)

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