The case study should consist of a 12-15-slide presentation, including slide notes. Make sure to include: at least 6 peer review reference in 6th edition apa style.  All slides most include comprehensive speaker notes.

Appropriate demographic factors, such as age, gender, and ethnicity.
The reason the patient was seen.
Description of the pathophysiology of the disease process/processes observed.
Past medical history of the patient and the pathophysiology of the disease process/processes, if they are different from the current concern. Determine whether the patient’s past medical history has had an impact on any of the disease processes observed.
Diagnostic findings, such as lab values or imaging results. Include an explanation of how diagnostic findings may relate to the disease process/processes.
Differential diagnoses applicable to the patient, as well as rationale for why the differential diagnoses would or would not pertain to the patient.

 A 42-year-old Black male presented by ambulance to the emergency department with several hours of severe substernal chest pain at rest. Prior to presentation, he was physically active, had no history of cardiovascular disease, and took no medications he smoke 1 packs of cigarette a day and drinks social. Family history Father died of a heart attack at age 57 and he has an imediate family of high blood pressure. At the time of arrival, the patient had received aspirin 325 mg and several doses of sublingual nitroglycerin without pain relief. His initial vital signs showed a heart rate of 64 bpm, blood pressure of 196/104 mmHg, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 95% on room air. Physical examination was unremarkable. The patient’s electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm with small Q waves in leads III and aVF with T-wave inversions in leads II, III, and aVF and ST depressions in V5 and  The basic metabolic panel and complete blood count were within normal limits. A point-of-care troponin I level was elevated at 1.5 ng/mL (normal ≤ 0.06 ng/mL) 

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