hi dear,
 can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?
I just need to 2 responses to the Homework help – Discussions, and about 100 words for each responses.
1. The 2 physical activity objectives that I find to be significant are:
PA-8.2.3 – Increase the proportion of adolescents in grades 9 through 12 who view television, videos, or play video games for no more than 2 hours a day.
The baseline level for this goal was 67.2% in 2009 with a goal to increase this by 10% to at least 73.9%.
I selected this topic because as society’s use and dependence on electronic interactions for education, entertainment, and even education, has grown, there has been an increase in the number of adolescents and young children using these devices. According to a report by Michael McCarthy in the British Medical Journal, it is estimated that youth and adolescents spend approximately 11 hours a day in front of some from of screen. This, in place of going outside to play and having live interactions with their peers, leads to early health issues such as obesity, as well as setting the stage early for a more sedentary life-style for their laters years. If  we can work to decrease how long these children are in front of these devices and encourage them to get out and play instead, we can set the pace for a healthier way of living for our children as well as ourselves.
Current statistics show that the country is on the right track with improving this rate. According to the current data on Screen Time for teens, the most recent information (2015) showed nationwide, improvement to 75.3%. This is an approximately 11.4% increase over the 2011 rate of 67.6%. In reviewing the data for all the states, there was a general increase in all states that had data for the years listed, with the exception of Alaska which increased between 2011 and 2013, but decreased in 2015.
PA-11.1 – Increase the proportion of office visits made by patients with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia that include counseling or education related to exercise.
I selected this objective because I feel it’s important for this to be addressed in all physician office visits but most importantly to those that are diagnosed with illnesses that can be prevented or positively impacted by increased and improved physical activity.  It would make a significant difference if physical activity education and opportunities for guided exercise were provided and encouraged. According to the objective data, for 2007, only 13% of office visits included counseling or ecercise education.  The goal for 2020 is for a 10% increase to at least 14.3%. 
The data showing the disparities between ethnicities showed that in 2007, only 11.5% of Black or African Americans were educated on exercise with an increase to 16.3% by 2010.  This is an approximately 42% increase for this demographic.

2.   The first objective I selected to review is PA-8.2.1Increase the proportion of children aged 2 to 5 years who view television, videos, or play video games for no more than 2 hours a day. The reason I selected this objective is mainly that my youngest is 2 years old and my son is 5 years old. The baseline for PA-8.2.1 is 75.6 percent of children age 2 to 5 years viewed television, videos, or played video games for no more than 2 hours a day in 2005–08. The target percentage set for PA-8.2.1 is 83.2 percent with a target-setting method of 10 percent improvement. From 2005 to 2008 females (76.7%) had a higher percentage compared to males (74.4%) who viewed television, videos, or play video games for no more than 2 hours a day. Black or African American had a lower percentage at (57.6%) of children who viewed television, videos or play video games for no more than 2 hours a day. Compared to white only, non-Hispanic or Latino with a higher percent of 83.7 percent of children ages 2 to 5 years old who viewed television, videos, or play video games for no more than 2 hours a day.
The second objective I selected was PA-14.2 Increase the proportion of trips of 2 miles or less made to the school by bicycling by children and adolescents aged 5 to 15 years. The reason why I selected this objective due to my oldest is in this age group. The baseline for the objective is 1.4 percent of trips of 2 miles or less were made by bicycling to school by children and adolescents aged 5 to 15 years in 2009 and the target is 3.4 percent with a target-setting method of 2 percent point improvement. In 2009 1.5 percent of males between 5 to 15 years of age bicycled to school with trips of 2 miles or less. In addition, 1.7 percent of whites only, biked to school and 1.6 non-Hispanic or Latinos also biked to school.  Based on age group 1.3 percent of 5-11 years biked to school with a trip distance of 2 miles or less and 1.6 percent of 12-15 years. Database on National Household Travel Survey 2009.

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