A priority referenced through this agency that I personally feel to be the most important in health care today is healthy living. The truth is that our country spends more resources on health care than any country in the world, yet we are the least healthy in the developed world (AHRQ, 2016). Close to half of our citizens have one chronic medical condition, with a large portion of those conditions being self-induced, attributed to unhealthy living. 
Putting greater resources into preventative medicine is going to be key to improving the healthy living practices of our communities. We all know it falls onto the individual to make the healthy living choices but providing everyone with the education and tools to be healthy is something I feel is the greatest priority. Leading by example and showing others the benefits of staying active and eating responsibly is something that I take great passion in doing. Roughly 80% of all heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancers are directly caused by the individuals actions (Advocates for Public Health Education, 2018).
A question that a patient asked me one day, stands out to me. “Why should I have to pay for someone else’s health care costs, when they are the ones responsible for their conditions?” If someone knowingly causes self-harm, should other citizens be required to pay for their treatment? 

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