MGMT Analyzing Environmental Factors
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2018), marketing is “the process of engaging customers and building profitable customer relationships by creating value for customers and capturing value in return”.
You will select a corporate brand and analyzing environmental factors that impact real-world marketing strategic decisions. First, select a thread with a brand you are interested to research and participate. Then review the associated case study in Chapter 1 Strategic Marketing pdf. Use the case study content as a starting point, but feel free to extend your environmental analysis beyond the case content. Begin brainstorming microenvironment, macroenvironment, and global marketing environment factors that impact the brand. Write and share 2-3 environmental forces (not already identified) and discuss how they affect marketing decisions. How would you recommend the company respond to the environmental forces (keeping in mind the goal to create customer value)?
Company #1: XFINITY
Company #2: UBER
Company #4: FLORIDA BLUE

MGMT Getting to the Bottom of the Problem
Identify a problem faced by a multi-national brand today and propose a research proposal that implements each step of the marketing research process. In your proposal, be sure to identify the research question(s) and sources of both primary and secondary data. Homework help – Discuss how the research results will help the business or organization. Write your proposal as a 1-2 page, single spaced, business memo addressed to the brand manager.
Review the business memo research guide:

HUMN Jane Elliot’s classroom experiment
Following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, Jane Elliot struggled with how to teach the detrimental effects of discrimination to her 3rd grade class in rural Iowa. In 1970, she embarked on the Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes experiment, in which she hoped to instill in these young students a sense of the power of inequality and prejudice to hurt and divide. Footage of the experiment was first broadcast in 1970 as an ABC documentary, “The Eye of the Storm.” Later, in 1985 it aired as a Frontline episode entitled, “A Class Divided,” which included follow-up interviews with the grown children from Elliot’s 3rd-grade class. After her teaching career, Jane Elliot became an anti-racism activist and a diversity educator. She continues to offer workshops and training sessions based on the early experiment. Below are the videos, website and documentary on Jane Elliot’s classroom experiment.
Brown eyes and blue eyes Racism experiment Children Session – Jane Elliott
Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the video you watched. In your discussion, address the following points:
1. What was your initial reaction to viewing the footage of this experiment?
2. What values and ethical issues did the experiment express?
3. Do you think the experiment was effective? Why or why not?
4. Do you think it was an appropriate exercise for a 3rd-grade class at that time in history? Why or why not?
5. Do you think a similar type of experiment would be appropriate today? Why or why not?

HUMN White Privilege and Unconscious Bias
In 1988, feminist scholar Peggy McIntosh published a controversial essay, White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences through Work on Women’s Studies. A shortened version, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, was published in 1989. In these articles, McIntosh outlines her understanding of the concept of privilege in her life in the 1970s and 1980s.
Implicit Bias refers to beliefs, stereotypes, attitudes, and prejudices that are unconscious, but still influence our thinking and behavior. It is currently a controversial topic in the social dialogue.
Read the article here:
View the following YouTube videos to see two opposing views on unconscious bias:
We all have implicit biases. So what can we do about it? | Dushaw Hockett | TEDxMidAtlanticSalon
Ben Shapiro, the speaker in the second video is a conservative American political commentator. His manner of speaking is often aggressive and confrontational, and his views are considered by some to be offensive. The purpose of presenting various perspectives from all ends of the spectrum on controversial issues is to provide you, as educated citizens, with a comprehensive understanding of the breadth of social-political dialogue that exists on a topic and that has the capacity to influence the thinking of the populous. While you may disagree, and disagree strongly, with certain views that are expressed on any topic, it is important that you understand what views are being discussed and potentially contributing to the crafting of social policy: Ben Shapiro Crushes Smug Liberal On Unconscious Bias
Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the article and discussion, address the following points:
1. What was your initial reaction to McIntosh’s list?
2. Do you think this is an accurate reflection of privilege in society during the 1970s and 1980s? Do you think it is relevant and accurate today? Why or why not?
3. What was your reaction to the videos? What did you agree with? What did you disagree with?
4. Do you think that implicit bias exists as a motivator of thought and behavior?
5. Do you consider racism, sexism, and discrimination based on ethnicity or religion to be primarily individual-based or systemic? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain your answer.

AVIA Aviation Medical Scenarios
Post your thorough and complete answers to any two of the following scenarios. Provide the scenario numbers in your answer.
Scenario 1: You are a pilot. You have a stuffy nose and are taking a commercial off-the-shelf cold remedy.
• How can you tell if it is legal for you to fly while you are taking that medication?
• Even if it proves technically legal for you to fly, would it be prudent?
Scenario 2: You are a pilot. You are arrested for an alcohol-related traffic offense.
• Are you required to report the arrest to the FAA? If so, to whom and when?
• If your driver’s license is suspended as a result of the incident, are you required to report the suspension to the FAA? If so, to whom and when?
• If the FAA requests that you submit to a battery of psychological tests to determine whether you are an alcoholic, are you required to comply? Who would be responsible to pay the costs of that testing?
Scenario 3: You are a pilot with a current aviation medical certificate but experience a health problem. Describe the complete analytical process you would follow to determine whether you can legally act as a pilot or required flight crewmember.
Scenario 4: You are an airline pilot flying international routes for a major U.S. airline. During an overnight stay in a foreign country, you go out to see the sights and sample the local cuisine. After you return to your room, you experience a crushing chest pain and become violently ill. You go to a local clinic, where the doctor examines you, does a few tests, and tells you that you had a heart attack. By morning, you’re feeling fine and believe the doctor was wrong. Is it legal for you to act as a pilot or other required flight crewmember on the return flight to the U.S.? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain.
Scenario 5: For a nation or union of nations other than the U.S:
• Compare the applicable medical standards for certification of civilian pilots with the FAA standards described in the text, pointing out similarities and differences.
• Provide hyperlinks to references relied on.
• Note: If you choose to answer Scenario 5, then also answer either Scenario 1 or 3 by reference to the regulations you identified in your response to Scenario 5.

AVIA FAA Enforcement Scenarios
Post your thorough and complete answers to any one of the following scenarios.
Scenario 1: You are piloting a light general aviation aircraft solo within the U.S. on a non-commercial cross-country flight under visual flight rules (VFR). You have not filed a flight plan, but nearing your destination in a metropolitan area, you call Center, identifying your aircraft, position, altitude, and destination (an uncontrolled field) and request flight following to your destination airport. Center assigns you a transponder code and instructs you to “squawk ident.” Moments later, the controller confirms radar contact, advises you that it has been reported that you may have entered restricted airspace, and gives you a phone number to call when you get on the ground.
• What will you reply and why?
• What do you intend to do on arrival? Describe fully and explain your reasons.
Scenario 2: You have just landed and are tying down the aircraft at a U.S. airport when a person approaches you and asks if you’re the pilot of that aircraft.
• What will you reply and why?
• What will you do and why?
Scenario 3: You are an aircraft mechanic holding airframe & powerplant (A&P) ratings and inspection authorization (IA). You’ve worked on a lot of aircraft. After working the graveyard shift at a U.S. aircraft repair facility, you went home and fell sound asleep, only to be awakened by a telephone call from a person who identified himself as an FAA inspector and asked, “Did you sign off an annual inspection on Piper N8790V and approve it for return to service?”
• What will you reply and why?
• What else will you do and why?
Scenario 4: You receive a letter from an FAA inspector stating that the agency is investigating a report of a specific event that occurred twelve days ago. The letter describes what the FAA believes was your involvement in the event that may have been in violation of some FARs. The letter invites your written response. You were there on the date they mention and were exercising the privileges of your certificate but feel strongly that they’ve got the rest of their facts all wrong.
• Are you required to respond to the letter?
• What will you do and why?
Scenario 5: For a nation or union of nations other than the U.S.:
• Identify the government entity that issues and enforces civil aviation regulations.
• Describe the process of investigation and accusation of reported violations of those regulations.
• List the possible penalties for violation of those regulations.
• Describe the hearing and appeal process available to persons and businesses accused of violations of those regulations.
• Identify any program(s) that may provide violators immunity from punishment or reduced sanctions for those violations (similar to the U.S. remedial training, ASRP, ACRCP, ASAP, ATSAP, or T-SAP programs described in the text).
• Provide hyperlinks to your references.

AVIA Research Paper: Topic Selection and Abstract
You will submit a 12 to 15-page (including cover page & references), double-spaced research paper in APA format, using the rubric in Week 8 as a guide. You will identify current issues, regulations, and practices, and address related legal considerations on your chosen topic, using proper legal terminology throughout. You must cite at least 5 references, one of which can be our textbook, if applicable. Review the AVIA Research Paper Topics docx and choose a topic. Formally present your topic selection and 100-word abstract to your professor in this activity. Your abstract should provide an overview of the theme and objectives of your paper.

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