Posted: May 1st, 2022
Huckleberry Finn: Masterpiece
Huckleberry Finn: Masterpiece
Although many people feel that Huckleberry Finn is a masterpiece, others feel that it should be removed from the reading lists in schools, I feel that they are simple mistaken by what this Masterpiece in literature really portrays. This particular novel does take place in the times of slavery, and that is part of what makes this book legendary. There are things in this book that come across as racist, or now being considered that way, however; the story itself takes place during a time when slavery did in fact exist, and was still what people knew.
This piece of literature tells the story of Huck, a wayward boy, in some ways. He grows up with a drunken-abusive father, and lacks civilization and education. We meet Huck during the time of his life when he and his friend Tom have money, as well as some “sivilizing”. Huck’s dad resurfaces, which ultimately forces Huck to run away. While on the run, Huck meets a runaway slave named Jim, and the two set out for a place where they can both be free. Jim and Huck protect each other along the way throughout the entire story. This shows that no matter what color people are there can be a friendship. They protected each other not because they had to but because they wanted too. As the story progresses, more and more things happen to the pair, thus resulting in protection for each other time and time again. At one-point Twain illustrates how caring for a person so much means sacrifices when necessary. Jim sacrificed his freedom because Tom needed medical help.
The argument can be raised that since the N word is used, and so are terms such as boy and slave, that this book is preaching hatred and racism. This argument has no true footing. I gave a brief synapse of the book in the previous paragraph, because knowledge is power. Even a brief synapse can prove that those looking for hate and racism in this book, are being blinded by dialog. Dialog is simply words, words, and more words. In order to truly understand that things that are on a much deeper and more serious level are being discussed in the book, readers need to be able to see past the dialog.
Twain has found a way to educate his readers on very scary subjects through Huck Finn and his friends, Tom Sawyer and Jim. This story tells tales of survival from a very young age, and survival through the eyes of a slave. It tells of alcoholism and abuse from a parent to a child. The treatment of the slaves is touched upon, as well as education. This story tells of helping friends in need, and being brave. I, myself, have learned so much about how to be a good person from this story and others like it.
Some people feel that bad things don’t happen to everyone, or they don’t want to read a story about bad things happening to a younger person. I think these people are hiding in a world of fiction, because that world is a safer much happier place. Although this is not a true story, a story about friendship no matter a person’s color, bravery, and survival has become a staple in modern literature. All stories have a meaning behind them, and all authors try to portray exactly what they want the reader to understand. Mark Twain has done this in a phenomenal way with the story of Huckleberry Finn. This story should be brought back to middle schools and high schools. This story is one of friendship and strength, not racism and hate. Generations and generations to come should read this story, and know the writings of this truly great American Homework help – Writer.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Masterpiece
Although many people believe Huckleberry Finn is a masterpiece, others believe it should be removed from school reading lists, I believe they are simply misinformed about what this literary masterpiece shows. This novel does take place during the abolitionist era, which is part of what makes it legendary. There are several aspects in this novel that come across as racist, or are now being perceived as racist; yet, the story takes place during a time when slavery was still a reality.
In some aspects, this piece of literature depicts the story of Huck, a mischievous young man. He grew up with a drunken, abusive father and knows nothing about civilisation.
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