Posted: August 5th, 2022
Maryland Technology Consulting
Maryland Technology Consulting
Stage 4: System Recommendation
Length for Section IV should not exceed five (5) pages in addition to Sections I, II and III.
Use at least three resources with Help write my thesis – APA formatted citation and reference. One reference must be from an external source, one must be the EZ-ATS Brochure, and one must be another reference from the IFSM 300 course content. Course content should be from the class reading content, not the assignment instructions or case study itself.
Stage 4: System Recommendation and Final BS&SR Report
A. System Justification
Cloud technologies are becoming more popular as they provide problem solving solutions to businesses in need of digital transformation. At the moment, MTC is using manual hiring processes which pose various challenges. Cloud-Based Software as a Service (SaaS) has been proposed as a perfect fit for solving the problems of MTC.
The selected solution aligns with the strategy, processes and requirements necessary to improve the hiring processes within the firm. It is fair to say that the MTC’s strategy is to move most of their processes online. The cloud offers capabilities such as collaborations, workflow, and improved communication. As a proposed solution, the cloud is the better solution when compared to manual hiring as the software is able to improve the hiring processes and give the business returns.
B. Implementation Areas
An implementation plan is important as it helps with ensuring there are no forgotten sectors during the execution of the solution. The following are the areas to focus on when doing the MTC implementation.
1. Vendor Agreement
The selected vendor will need a signed agreement to start using the MTC system. Besides that, he/she will also be given the company’s credit card or purchase information. Setting up the system will cost $1000 while the configuration will be $2500 (EZ-ATS, 2019). To support the system for a month, MTC will have to pay $100. Luckily, there is a free 30-day trial for EZ-ATS to try out the system.
2. Hardware and telecommunications
With the cloud being used as a solution, all that one needs are a computer and router. Assuming there is WLAN, the cloud should be accessible from anywhere. Within the workplace, it may be necessary to remain with the current LAN network for the sake of standalone workstations. Other considerations will include the use of VPN which offers an additional layer of security as people work from different locations.
3. Configuration
For off the shelf software, the vendor will advise on using the company name and logo, link corporate email and social media sites, as well as the job boards used by MTC (EZ-ATS, 2019). The Account manager will be the one responsible for helping the organization with the configuration.
4. Testing
To test for user acceptance, the actual users, stakeholders, business analysts, and users of the previous system will be evaluated as they test the system (Altexsoft, 2019). An example is testing the reporting requirement to check whether the time taken to process applications has been reduced by 20%.
5. Employee preparation and support
Leadership should be reinforced across the company with department heads being the champions for the intended reforms. From the CEO, CFO, to CIO, all leaders must play a role in pushing for change (Estep, 2002).
Since change management is the act of transitioning processes from the current to future state, employees should be empowered to think positively and accept the change. While leaders promote the changes to take place, they must also manage the changes before they get out of hand.
It is vital to train employees as they are the focal point of the system. The software vendors offer free EZ-ATS website videos and on-site training.
There is need for 24/7 user support to aid employees understand the system as soon as possible. Most times, similar implementations fail as there is no plan to familiarize the employee with the system.
6. Data migration
Client information is the most vital existing data that will need to be moved to the cloud during the implementation. Clients will involve employers who use MTC to look for employees and vice versa.
7. Maintenance
Upgrades and enhancements shall be provided by the vendor while MTC keeps up with the predictable and scheduled payments.
Summary and Conclusion
Cloud-based software as a service is the fitting solution for the future strategy, processes and requirements of MTC workflow. As the organization intends to move from manual, SaaS offers capabilities that focus on collaborations, workflow, and improved communication. Due to cloud telecommunications, it will be possible to achieve future plans such as recruiting and retaining more employees. MTC’s strategy to move online will be accomplished as their processes are made possible. SaaS will improve the general workflow for MTC as it accomplishes the requirements of the system. Overall, MTC will move from a manual to a fully automated hiring system.
Altexsoft. (2019). How to Conduct User Acceptance Testing: Process Stages, Deliverables, and End-User Testing Place in Quality Assurance. Retrieved from
Estep, J. S. (2002). Business Process Analysis & Information System Model for Coachman Clothiers.
EZ-ATS. (2019). Applicant Tracking Software. Retrieved from
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Maryland Technology Consulting