Posted: April 10th, 2022
Analysis of Research on the Relationship Between College Student Intoxication
Analysis of Research on the Relationship Between College Student Intoxication Level and Their Recall of Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms
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Relationship Between College Student
Intoxication Level,
and Their Recall of Alcohol Poisoning
According to Ward, (2019), college students are the leading consumers of alcohol. The students keep up with their drinking behaviour by adjusting their classroom schedule to fit in with their drinking habits. Mostly, the students involved in intoxication are between the age of eighteen to twenty-four. The common health impact of intoxication, according to the article is alcohol poisoning, characterized by seizures, low blood temperatures, pale skin, unconsciousness, and menta confusion. Alcohol poisoning and other related behaviours are the leading cause of college students’ deaths and mental issues among students (Ward et al., 2019). The subject matter of the research is alcohol consumption among college students and its impacts on students health. The article focusses on college students re the main intended audience; where according to the report, college students are the highest consumers of alcohol, where over forty percent of college student take alcohol, which leads to negative behaviours, such as sexual promiscuity, driving while drunk, and sexual harassments. The article’s thesis question is whether college students can remember the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
College students from Midwestern University conducted the research process as the main participants. The recruiters recruited from a local bar within the college town. Researchers researched in a public university with mixed races, where fifty-two of the students were women and eighty-three Caucasians. To be included as a participant in the research, the interested persons had to be students, where the recruiters used the interview approach and followed Charles and Aldridge’s recommendations (Ward, et, al., 2019). Researchers collected information through conducting interviews, where the interviewer could visit bars, ask students about their consumption history, and conducted a Breathalyzer test on the students.
The participants were consented, and every individual was given a consent form, which provides the participants with the right to withdraw from the study. The participants were also given the contact information, which provided them with the freedom to exit the study after the interview. Before the survey, the participants were trained on the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. The researchers used measurement tools, such as the toxilyzer 400PA, to check the breath alcohol level during the research. The breathalysers were used for each participant for sanitization purposes. The researchers aimed to determine whether the participants knew the symptoms of alcohol consumption, where based on the information provided, the researchers conducted an alcohol poisoning sign analysis by coding the responses.
One hundred and seventy-eight participants from one hundred and sixty-five provided the breath alcohol report. According to the results, thirty-three percent of the students drank alcohol from the house, and twenty-three percent from the bar. According to the participants’ reports, very few students did not consume alcohol, and the majority consumed alcohol at celebrations, such as birthday parties. The most consumed alcohol was beer and vodka. Most students reported throwing up and passing out as the most common sign concerning alcohol poisoning signs and symptoms (Ward, et, al., 2019). Not all students provided correct information concerning the symptoms; only seventy-nine percent provided correct information. Some of the incorrect responses include bleeding out the eyes, stumbling, peeing in public, dead, droopy eyes, and not themselves. Additionally, eighty-three percent reported getting help from peers with the same behaviour. Researchers reported the results in the form of a table that showed various bivariate correlations.
Assignment help – Discussion
The author summarized results based on two main objectives of the study. One, the factors that influence alcohol poisoning among the students, and second the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning. The results were summarized in a table, which provided the required information concerning students’ knowledge of alcohol poisoning. Most of the students were aware of alcohol poisoning symptoms, although some provided ambiguous and wrong symptoms. The results would be very important for the field, especially in understanding the impacts of alcohol on students and how forward in reducing intoxication. The information would assist the universities and colleges in dealing with alcohol poisoning, especially training and counselling sessions for victims of alcohol poisoning. The study was concentrated on information from students who consume alcohol in the local bars instead of all students (Ward et al., 2019). Getting information from non-users would be more valid and correct compared to alcohol users. All students, university lecturers, and staff would assist acquire a valid and wide range of information concerning alcohol poisoning. The study would be very impactful in future research, especially on getting information concerning alcohol poisoning symptoms and distinguishing correct signs and incorrect signs.
WARD, R. M. et al. Relationship Between College Student Intoxication Level and their
Recall of Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms. Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education,
[s. l.], v. 63, n. 2, p. 18–34, 2019. Disponível em: https://search-ebscohost- Acesso em: 26 jan. 2021.
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Analysis of Research on the Relationship Between College Student Intoxication