Posted: August 28th, 2022
Concept Map and Paper Assignment
LDRS 801: Theoretical Foundations of Leadership
Rubric to Assess Concept Map and Paper (Pre-Test)
Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished
Main concepts not clearly
identified; Contains extraneous
information; Contains numerous
Main concepts not clearly
identified; Reflects some of the
essential information; Many
concepts presented with too many
excess words
Identifies important concepts; Main
concepts easily identified; Reflects
most of the essential information;
Concepts presented without too
many excess words
Identifies all the important
concepts; Main concepts easily
identified; Reflects essential
information; Concepts succinctly
Structure (Arrangement and Links/Linking Lines)
Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished
Importance is evident but not
very distinctive; relations are
somewhat clear but lacking.
Linking words are difficult to
Sub-concepts do not
consistently branch from main
Relative importance of ideas is
indicated; relationships are
Linking words are clear but present
a flawed rationale.
Sub-concepts somewhat branch
from main idea.
Relative importance of ideas is
indicated and relationships are very
effectively mapped.
Linking words easy to follow but at
times ideas are unclear.
Most sub-concepts branch from main
Relative importance of ideas is
indicated and both simple and
complex relationships are very
effectively mapped.
Linking words demonstrate
superior conceptual
Sub-concepts branch
appropriately from main idea
Rationale for the Concept Map
Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished
Make little or no connection
between the main concepts and
Articulates superficial
understanding of the concepts
and their relationships.
Makes appropriate but somewhat
vague connection between main
concepts and sub-concepts;
Articulates limited/surface
understanding of the concepts and
their relationships.
Makes appropriate and insightful
connections between main concepts
and sub-concepts;
Articulates a deep understanding of
the concepts and their relationships.
Makes appropriate, insightful
and powerful connections
between main concepts and
Articulates a clear and deep
understanding of the concepts
and their relationships.
Writing Quality
Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished
Considerable difficulty
expressing ideas or descriptions
clearly. Many grammatical,
syntactical, and spelling errors.
Difficulty expressing ideas, feelings
or descriptions. Needs to work on
grammar, spelling, etc.
Good writing style with solid ability to
convey meaning. Few grammar,
syntax and spelling errors
Strong style with clear ability to
express thoughts and point of
view. Excellent grammar, syntax,
spelling, etc.
Criteria Possible Pts Your Pts
Concept Map:
Content 10
Structure (Arrangement and Links/Linking Lines) 10
Rationale for the Concept Map 25
Writing Quality 5
Total 50
Concept Map and Paper
Assignment Content
A concept map is a drawing or diagram organizing the mental connections between concepts.
During the first week of the course, students will develop Concept Map and develop a four to five page paper explaining the concepts and the linking connections within the map. Students are to develop the Concept Map to answer the question: What is Leadership? This paper is intended to challenge students to identify and describe their current assumptions about leadership. Students are to complete this assignment prior to interacting with any of the course materials (e.g., readings) about leadership theory.
You can access a free, downloadable software package (CMapTools) to create your concept map for this assignment. It can be downloaded at the following URL: This program is simple and easy to use. Once you have developed the visual diagram of the map, save it and export it into a .jpeg file. It can then be readily inserted into a Word document whereby you will provide the rationale for the concepts and connections. Alternatively, you can simply hand-draw your concept map, take a picture, and insert into a Word document.
To view a Youtube video that further explains Concept Maps, visit:
You will develop your concept map to reflect your current understanding of leadership at the beginning of the semester and insert it into the written document for this assignment. We do not presume that you have a detailed knowledge of leadership theories. You are not required to integrate leadership theories or concepts that you expect we will cover during the semester. If you are familiar with popular conceptions of leadership, you are encouraged to incorporate them with relevant citations where appropriate.
This paper will describe the important concepts and their relationship to one another. You will be evaluated on the quality of the concepts, and linkages you select for your concept map, but, more importantly, on the quality of the rationale you provide to justify the concepts and their relationships.
This is designed as a way to assess where you currently are in your conceptual understanding of leadership. THERE ARE NO RIGHT ANSWERS, so don’t overthink this at first. Whatever you do will be fine, provided you can accurately articulate in writing why you have developed the concept map the way you have and provided you can demonstrate an attempt at deep thought on the subject.
See the attached rubric for additional insights into how you will be assessed on this assignment.
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Concept Map and Paper AssignmentConcept Map and Paper Assignment,
LDRS 801: Theoretical Foundations of Leadership