Posted: September 2nd, 2022
Logical Framework
Logical Framework
The logical framework is for a health program targeting people living with HIV/AIDs. The goal is to prolong the lives of people living with HIV/AIDs using behavior change communication (BBC) and improved care and support for people living with and affected by HIV. It is broken down into two parts including the logical framework and the budget implications/expected outcome.
Program title: Health and care (ART program)
Program goal: To prolong the lives of persons living with HIV.
Program objective: To eliminate the prevalence and impact of HIV using behavior change communication (BBC) and improved care and support for people living with and affected by HIV.
Expected results Indicators Assumptions/risks Activities 2019
Enhanced level of awareness and knowledge on HIV and AIDS among young people through training on HIV basic skills. The number of people trained and persons reached, volunteers actively involved in activities, information corners replenished with materials youth resource center founded. The community will accept the idea and actively participate in the activities. The funds allocated will be sufficient and available. Implementation of the peer education program through
• Basic refresher trainings on Antiretroviral therapy (ART) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and for adult community peer educators
• Community awareness campaigns on ART, Comprehensive Care Clinic, promotion of voluntary counseling and testing, condom education.
• Providing motivational Information, Education and Communication (IEC) incentives for the volunteers (T-shirts, caps, umbrellas and bags).
Beter quality of life of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHIV), severely ill people and lessening in stigma and discrimination. 200 people trained on nutrition on Home Based Care (HBC). PLWHIVs adhere to treatment.
Youths volunteer for HBC to care for the sick. Development of home-based care program through
• Training and empowering PLWHIV support group members including training, ambassadors of hope, treatment literacy, advocacy plus group counselling sessions.
• Greater Involvement of PLWHIV in HIV in prevention as well as, care and support activities.
• Coordinated referrals/deferrals of HBC clients.
• Procurement and distribution of household and home based care kits
• Nutritional support through food baskets
• Follow up attitude training for Ministry of Health (MOH) staff (clinicians, nurses, support staff), HBC givers.
Improved care and support to PLWHAs, increased access and adherence to treatment, increased number of PLWHA on ARTs, and clients receiving quality treatment
and care. 30 Community health worker (CHWs), Trainers of Trainers (TOTs), MoH staff and clients trained, clients receiving quality treatment and care, 1000 clients adhering to treatment PLWHAs access and adhere to ART treatment and are accorded adequate support and care by all. Implementation of ART Programme through
• Refresher trainings for MOH and CCC staff on ART
• ART trainings for CORPS, TOTs, and CHWs trained in HBC in 2019
• Refresher trainings for core trainers on ART
Increase in number of people accessing VCT services and knowing their status and accessing care &
support services Number of persons trained in counselling, receiving counselling services, accessing VCT services and of referrals. The community embraces the importance of the VCT services and make use of the facilities. Support to VCT through
• Community outreaches & awareness campaigns on VCT promotin, condom education & promotion
Youth, teachers and other volunteers trained on psychological support to
OVC, 150 Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) receive education, number of teachers and volunteers trained and providing psychosocial support to OVCs,
OVCs receiving care and support The OVCs become a “burden” of the community and are provided with the necessary care and support by the
community Support to OVC and Affected Families through
• Follow ups on tracing services and
integration of the skills in tracing for next of kins, TB treatment and ART defaulters
Households (clients/volunteers) trained
and supported. 200 clients trained, and managing sustainable, improved economic
status among clients. The programs are owned, well managed by the community and are sustainable. Support to Vulnerable groups through
• Agricultural trainings and agricultural input
Increased level of awareness and knowledge among volunteers, members and staff.
HIV/AIDS awareness sessions are conducted, IEC materials developed and distributed. Information sharing sessions conducted, over 10,000 KRCS workforce reached through awareness forums community outreaches conducted, 10,000 people reached with information, 2000 IEC material produced and distributed Funds are available to carry out the activities Implementation of Workplace Program through
• Project staff and volunteers attend HIV/AIDS related workshops and exchange visits.
• Conduct monthly meetings between HBC volunteers and the Molo hospital staff, Comprehensive Care Clinic Campaign and Awareness through Production and distribution of IEC materials
• Community outreaches and awareness campaigns
Monthly coordination meetings among HBC and
Peer Education volunteers, More than 12 meetings held, with full participation and attendance, several
collaborative forums/activities taking place Monthly coordination meetings are well attended and stakeholders are
interested in collaboration in the Coordination and Networking through
• Monthly meetings and quarterly retreats for volunteers.
Well-coordinated project activities, lessons learnt shared and enhanced collaboration with stakeholder, PLWHA
linkages to networks enhanced planned activities • Networking with partners at Provincial, District and Divisional levels through meetings, organised forum and participation in collaborative activities.
• Quarterly coordination meetings at headquarters
Quarterly visits conducted, quarterly coordination meetings held, monthly, quarterly and annual reports produced, Enhanced implementation of activities in line with the
strategic plan 4 M & E visits conducted, Timely and quality reports produced operational research conducted and 1500 copies of strategic plan produced and disseminated Support and collaboration from the community Monitoring and Evaluation through
• monitoring visits to project site by Headquarters
• Community Reflection and Review
Detailed Budget Estimated Fund Secured Fund Required Fund
Conduct training for 200 youths on Home Based Care (HBC). 200 persons * $10/person * 1days/month
*12 months * 30 centers
Produce and publish two health topics per year ($1000 artist cost + $4000 printing costs)
* 2 health topics per year 10,000 0 10,000
1.3: Train 100 Community health worker on health and social topics. 600 persons * $10/person * 2days training/month * 12 months 14,400 13,000 1,400
1.4: Train members of community on health and social topics by trainers from the 30 committees. 600 committee members * 20 persons trained per committee member /month*
$10/person * 12days/year
1.5: 11 nurses salaries 11 nurses x 600 $x 12 months 79,200 54,432 24,768
12 social workers salaries 12 social workers x 600$x 12 months 86,400 54,432 31,968
Project coordinator salary 1 coordinator x 1260$ x 12 months 15,120 15,120 0
Project administrator salary (West Bank) 1 administrator (WB) x 1260 $ x 12
months 15,120 15,120 0
Project administrator salary (Gaza Strip) 1 administrator (GS) x 882 x 12 months 10,584 10,584 0
Consultant salary 1 consultant x 7500$ x 1 year 7,500 3,780 3,720
Total 526,324 173,514 352,810
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Logical Framework