Posted: October 1st, 2022
Wage Disparity in Professional Sport
Wage Disparity in Professional Sport
Since we are dealing with a condensed time frame, the research project will also be condensed to give ample time for completion. Below is the list of requirements for the research paper:
1. Help write my thesis – APA Style
2. 5-8 pages not including Bibliography
3. 10-12 sources
4. 12 pt font, double-spaced
5. Due May 4, 2020
The world of sport law is extremely broad. However, for this project I will be requiring you to pick out a specific topic (problem) related to Sport Law and do research on that topic. We aren’t solving world problems here, but I do want you to show your ability to find a topic on your own. If you are having trouble, simply email ideas you have and I can help focus it in. Do not, however, send an email to me stating that you are unable to come up with any ideas. To provide some help on the front end, here are a few acceptable topics (the paper you write should be more specific than just these topics):
1. Wage disparity in professional sport
2. Netting extension for baseball
3. Astros cheating scandal in baseball
4. Any type of equipment breakdown that has caused mass injury
5. Any kind of player strike in sport history
6. NCAA action
…And the list can go on. Your text will also be a great resource for finding a topic
Wage Disparity in Professional Sport
Wage disparity in professional sports has placed women at a disadvantaged position as compared to their male colleagues; thus, there is a need to develop laws, regulations, and policies to ensure that all persons involved in sports are fairly and equally remunerated based on their position and performance. The fact that basing the remuneration of sportspersons on their gender amounts to discrimination since it would only be fair if remuneration is based on factors such as performances in different sports. The introduction of the gender pay gap in different sports has introduced a consistent unequal pay in the field of sports that demoralizes the female sportspersons. The consistent unequal pay between men and women in sport has made men remain the highest paid sportspersons as per Forbes reports and research of 2018. In 2018 the 100 highest-paid athletes were male, while previously in 2017, only one female (Serena Williams) made it to the list. Research from sport-related agencies has given different reasons as to why male sportspersons are highly paid as opposed to the female sportspersons. However, the approach adopted in the remuneration of sportspersons is in contravention of different laws such as the Civil Rights Act or employment laws. Wage disparity is a common challenge experienced face by female sportspersons concerning their male counterparts, and; thus, there is a need to understand the issue and offer an effective solution to achieve equality, fairness, and equity in remuneration.
Reasons for wage disparity based on gender factor
The gender pay gap explains the differences between earning or remuneration between men and women, although they are engaged in similar activities and performances. There are different reasons and facts that establish the reasons why the pay gap exists between men and women. First, women take regular breaks in the course of sporting seasons or careers to have children or ask for lower wages for flexibility to make it possible for them to manage and care for their families (Traugutt, Sellars and Morse, 2018). In this case, people mistakenly argue that sexism is the reason behind the gender wage gap experienced in sports. The fact that women regularly engage in family issues as compared to their male counterparts introduces a consistent pay gap between the two groups, and; thus, there is a need to develop a solution to ensure that the pay gap is reduced in the interest of common good.
The women involved in athletics careers are unconsciously biased and discriminated against, for they are perceived to be less productive as compared to their male counterparts. Women are inclined to engage in additional duties in their homes, such as getting children and taking care of their families, and thus they cannot be fully involved in athletics or sports administration operations (Traugutt, Sellars, and Morse, 2018). Employers or sponsors in the athletic field believe that women will leave their workforce to have children or take care of them. In a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017 found that 42% of women had reported discrimination as opposed to 205 men in the sporting field due to issues of earning inequality. In this research, 25% of women said they were earning less than the male counterparts who they were engaged in similar jobs. On the other hand, 5% of men argued that they were earning less than women counterparts engaged in similar activities. The research further indicated that women with children earned less as compared to men with children or women without children, and this is commonly referred to as the childbearing/motherhood penalty. Therefore, the women and especially those with children are paid less or loose employment in the athletic fields as they are perceived to be engaged in other activities at home, and thus they cannot be fully productive.
The media platforms have further contributed to the gender pay gap between men and women in sports, making it possible for the male sportspersons to earn more as compared to women. Media platforms have given men a lot of media coverage, television licenses, and sponsorship deals that make it possible for men to earn more than women (Jing, 2011). Media coverage and concentration on men in different sports advertise them, thus making them build their brands in the sports industry. These facts make the male athletes be notable figures in the sport such that they can get personal branding initiatives and endorsement, thus widening the sports pay gap. Additionally, there is a perception that men sports generate the highest revenue, and thus men should be paid higher for their contribution. Therefore, the media have given a lot of concentration on men athletic to the point of making them earn more than men.
The solution to wage disparities in sports
Women have been placed at a disadvantaged position in athletics, making them to consistently earn less pay and wages as compared to women. The fact that women earn less than men in sports while being engaged in similar activities is in contravention of laws such as the Equal Pay Act, and this amount to demoralizing women (Rowan, 2017). In this regard, there is a need to adopt laws, regulations, approaches, and solutions to ensure that there is fair and equal remuneration in the sports field for both men and women. First, the gender pay gap has consistently increased due to the institutionalization of gender discrimination, and thus the women sports bodies and organizations need to joining hand to agitate for reasonable and equal payments for their engagement in sport. In this regard, the U.S. has different women athletics bodies such as U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, The U.S. Women’s National Ice Hockey Team, WNBA Players, or the Big Wave Surfers that should join hands to ensure that women are equally and reasonably remunerated as compared to their male counterparts. The different organization needs to join hands through a unity of purpose to ensure they can push for reforms and policies to ensure that they are sufficiently remunerated as their male counterparts.
Women in athletics and their relevant teams need to invoke different registrations to ensure that they get fairly and equally remunerated as their male counterparts. There is a wide range of registrations that prohibits employers from discrimination and unfair treatment while in their workplaces (Rowan, 2017). In this regard, The Equal Pay Act of the U.S. labor law ensures that differences in wages among the people based on their sex are eliminated and ensure that workers get fair pay for their work. Discrimination causes labor disputes, thus the fact that women get less pay for the same employment as compared to men, and thus the Act ensures that men and women engaged in similar jobs get equal party thus reducing the disparities. Consequently, the civil rights laws can also invoke to prevent discrimination of women in sports. The civil rights act ensures that discrimination and illegal employment harassments as well as overseeing that the employee rights are upheld. Civil rights ensure that discrimination workers are not discriminated based on their national origin, sex, religion, color, and race. This fact ensures that workers are treated fairly at the point of hiring and working based on different factors. This approach will ensure that women are not discriminated against on any factor such as sex to the point of reducing their pay. Therefore, the civil rights act ensures that women are treated equally and fairly just as their male counterparts to the point they can be equally and sufficiently remunerated.
Women in sport experiencing discrimination and unfair treatment need to seek should seek the services and help of employment agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (Arango et al., 2014). The (EEOC) as a federal agency, is involved with the enforcement of laws the prohibit discrimination in employment. The agency investigates issues of discrimination in different organization and adopts the necessary solution is adopted to settle the disputes arising. Women need to increasingly consult EEOC to ensure that consciousness in sport is realized, thus eliminating discrimination to ach8ve equal pay for men and women in sport.
Women participating in sports and related operations have faced discrimination as compared to their men counterparts, thus introducing wage disparities. The unequal pay for women arises due to different reasons such as biological differences, economic elements, and increased media coverage for men, increased endorsement deals, brand advertisement, and the fact that women do not hold a governing position in sports bodies. Consequently, women can address the issue of discrimination based on their sex by invoking the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Pay Act, and seeking help from employment agencies such as EEOC.
Arango-Lasprilla, J. C., Ketchum, J. M., Hurley, J., Getachew, A., & Gary, K. W. (2014). Allegation of ethnic minorities from 1993–2008: An equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC) study. Work, 47(2), 267-279.
Jing, P. E. N. G. (2011). The Rates of Return to Education and Gender Wages Disparities among the Highly Educated [J]. Population & Economics, 4.
Rowan, J. N. (2017). Equal Protection for Equal Play: A Constitutional Solution to Gender Discrimination in International Sports. Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L., 20, 919.
Traugutt, A., Sellars, N., & Morse, A. L. (2018). Salary Disparities Between Male and Female Head Coaches: An Investigation of the NCAA Power Five Conferences. Journal of SPORT.
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Wage Disparity in Professional Sport