Posted: October 5th, 2022
Personality is the combination of ingrained behaviors
Personality is defined as the combination of ingrained behaviors as well as the emotional characteristics that distinguish one person from another. There are numerous theorists, who have tried to explain how these personalities are formed and what constitutes them. Despite that, there has not been any agreement on the exact answers to the composition of human view. To get the better understanding of the composition of human personality, we have to go through all the sources and look at the assertions of different theories using the sources available. For instance, Karen honey describes details of the behaviors and personality traits that develop in a neurosis. She explains how neurosis develops and gives reasons why it is destructive to the real self. This means that understanding one’s neurosis is the key development.
Primary sources are the first-hand information that is collected. They are raw materials for disciplinary research. One of the essential aspects of research is learning how to think critically about the content of primary sources. When examining and evaluating there are some questions that one should keep in mind. For instance, who generated the document at hand and the period in which they were generated? What does the document tell about personality psychology, what is the perspective of the theorist, was the information provided likely to be biased or not? Does the theorist justify his or her perspective by using facts or personal experience? On the other side, secondary sources are the information created by someone who did not experience firsthand information. Some of the questions to keep in mind are like what primary source did the author used.
It is, therefore, appropriate to evaluate primary sources differently from secondary sources because the primary information is contemporary accounts of an event whereas secondary sources are used when interpreting the primary sources thus should be evaluated differently.
Cervone, D. &. (2015). Personality, binder ready version: theory and research. . Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Cervone, D. &. (2015). Personality, binder-ready version: theory and research. . Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Ewen, R. (2014). An introduction to theories of personality. . Park Drive,: Psychology Press.
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Personality is defined as the combination of ingrained behaviors