Posted: October 5th, 2022
Assignment: Treating Sexual Trauma Survivors
Assignment: Treating Sexual Trauma Survivors: Cultural, Ethical, and Legal Issues
Intimate trauma involves one person’s intentional violation of another’s body. The impact of intimate trauma on the survivor is distinct from that experienced by those involved in collective traumas. Issues of traumatic sexualization, identity confusion, safety, and powerlessness, among others, abound in intimate—or sexual—trauma survivors. Layered responses to sexual trauma refer to those that are more visible, such as depression or PTSD, as well as others that may remain hidden, such as suicidal tendencies. Layered responses complicate the recovery process, demanding specialized skills and interventions specific to the needs of the sexual trauma survivor. Layered responses make the recovery process more difficult and require specialized skills and interventions that are tailored to the needs of the person who has experienced sexual trauma. These needs depend on the gender, age, and culture of the person who survived. Appropriate interventions can improve the quality of the client’s recovery, while inappropriate interventions can hurt the client and possibly lead to legal or ethical problems. So, it’s important that you have the right training and are ready to help people who have been sexually abused.These needs are influenced by the survivor’s gender, age, and culture. Appropriate interventions can have a positive impact on the quality of recovery for the client, while inappropriate interventions can have adverse effects, leading to potential legal and ethical issues. Thus, it is important that you are adequately trained and prepared to provide services to sexual trauma survivors.
For this Assignment, Read the case study Sandra located in this week’s resources. Think about the effects of the trauma on Sandra and the interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects. Consider the cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to Sandra’s treatment.
The Assignment (2–3 pgs):
Explain the effects of sexual trauma on Sandra.
Describe two specific interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects.
Explain any cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to Sandra’s treatment.
Explain what might be different in the effects of the trauma and the interventions you might select if Sandra had been a male.
Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, in Help write my thesis – APA style, all references used within your Assignment
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Assignment: Treating Sexual Trauma Survivors