I need it in 2 days.
information and documents
select TWO masters level dissertations (thesis). It is advisable that the dissertations are based on business related topics. The dissertations can be from Msc or MBA courses. The dissertations must be written in English, the country of origin is not important.
Students are required to critically evaluate the dissertations; consider especially:-
1. The validity of the research area
2. The framing of the research question
3. The selection of research methodology
4. Details of the data collection – the sample – the research method – the strengths and weaknesses of the specific data collection method and how it was used in this situation
5. Validity of findings based on the research question and the methodology adopted.
Assessment Deadlines and Details:
NGM I Research forms 20% of overall NMG I grade. The module is accessed by 100% continuous assignment
Assignment requirements:
a) Assignment is to be in report format
b) Report must be a minimum of 1000 words
c) Submission is to be in Word format
d) Submissions are to be posted on Loop
3) Provide explanations for similarity score over 25%
Style Requirements:
• Margins: 2.54 centimetres on all sides, left justify all paragraphs
• Font: Times New Roman or Ariel
• Line Spacing: 1.5 – 2
• Font Size: 10 – 12
• Referencing: Harvard Referencing Style
• Full bibliography
All assignment elements need to be presented in a professional, easy to read and aesthetically pleasing. Please spell check and grammar check all work prior to submission
Proposed Report Structure
1. Title page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Body of report
5. Conclusions
6. Bibliography
7. Appendices (if required)