Posted: December 1st, 2022
A Study of Internet Addiction
A passion adds value to one’s life, an addiction takes away value. When the line between these two is crossed, the addict is often the last to know, due to their denial. A family and social history will reveal that the subject is being evaluated by close friends as actually suffering a great loss from their activity. While time spent online can be hugely productive, compulsive Internet use can interfere with daily life, work, and relationships. When you feel more comfortable with your online friends than your real ones, or you can’t stop yourself from playing games, gambling, or compulsively surfing even when it has negative consequences in your life then you may be using the Internet too much.
Learn about the signs and symptoms of Internet addiction and how to balance your life online and off. Rapid development of computer technology in information society and particularly the invention and advancement of internet led to major changes in human life. Today, thanks to internet, it is possible to shop from virtual stores, to meet new people and make new friends via social networks, to easily access information and sources required for any subject or to be informed about any event that takes place anywhere in the world In addition to many positive effects, it is possible to discuss negative effects of computers, particularly of internet on individuals and society.
The concept of internet addiction refers to the excessive use of internet which in turn causes various problems in individual, social and professional aspects. Internet addiction recently began to be analyzed as a psychological problem in association with various psychological problems in the academic world. Particularly educators, psychological counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists tended to carry out various researches on internet addiction.
Internet Addiction is a problem more common in society as Internet usage is increasing. The prevalence of Internet use worldwide is increasing. Along with the benefits the Internet brings, problems of excessive Internet use is becoming apparent. As a result, along with drug and alcoholic addictions nowadays, there is one more – Internet addiction, last but not least.
The opinions on the methods for the solution vary, because the problem was not studied enough. One of the solutions is to attend support groups and get the professional help. Some individuals with strong will power might be able to get rid of the addiction by themselves, understanding that this is a problem, which has to be solved in order to have a normal life. Internet Addiction, otherwise known as computer addiction, online addiction, or internet addiction disorder (IAD), covers a variety of impulse-control problems, including:
Addiction – compulsive use of Internet pornography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play sites impacting negatively on real-life intimate relationships. Cyber Relationship Addiction – addiction to social networking, chat rooms, and messaging to the point where virtual, online friends become more important than real life relationships with family and friends.
Net Compulsions – such as compulsive online gaming, gambling, stock trading, or compulsive use of online auction sites such as eBay, often resulting in financial and job-related problems. Information Overload – compulsive web surfing or database searching, leading to lower work productivity and less social interaction with family and friends. Computer Addiction – obsessive playing of off-line computer games, such as Solitaire or Minesweeper, or obsessive computer programming. The most common of these Internet addictions are cybersex, online gambling, and cyber-relationship addiction.
METHOD For data gathering
Study Model
This is a descriptive study which used survey model. As it is known, survey models aim to indicate an existing situation. In this framework, we tried to determine internet addiction levels of the individuals from all age groups.
Study Group
Population of the study consisted of the individuals living in Tinago Naga City province of Camarines Sur . Among random sampling methods, simple random sampling method was used to determine the study group. Study group of the study consisted of a total of 596 individuals from different age groups living in Tinago Naga City center. Of the individuals in the study group, 284 (47.7%) were male, 312 (52.3%) were female.
As for the distribution of the study group according to age groups; a total of 109 (18.3%) belonged to the age group of 19 and below; 98 (16.4%) belonged to the age group of 20-29 155 (26.0%) belonged to the age group of 30-39; 141 (23.7%) belonged to the age group of 40-49; and 93 (15.6) belonged to the age group of 50 and above. As for the distribution of the participants according to professional status, it was found that 191 (32.0%) were students; 221 (37.1%) worked in various professions; 39 (6.5%) were unemployed; 119 (20.0%) were housewives and 26 (4.4%) were retired.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Each of the items in internet addiction scale was scaled as Never (1), Rarely (2) Sometimes (3), Generally (4) and Always (5). In parallel with the structure of the scale, for three sub-factors, averages of the response of the individuals to five-item type scale were calculated severally. High averages indicate high level of internet addiction while low averages indicate low addiction levels.
The scores obtained from the responses of the individuals to five-item type scale did not show a standard character due to the differences in number of items in the sub-factors. For this reason, obtained raw scores were converted into standard scores (minimum 20maximum 100). The levels corresponding to the scores obtained from sub-scales can be summarized as follows: low internet addiction (20-51), mean internet addiction (52-67), high internet addiction (68-100). In this framework, internet addiction levels of the individuals were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviation
Surfing the internet can be an interest for people. But people need to use it properly. If not, it will become internet addiction. Internet addiction harmfulness is bigger than “TV addiction”. In deed internet addiction can be called “a mental illness”. Playing online games reasonably can make people happy on free time. People also can increase the relationships between friends by rational use of network. Indisputably, network is a good way to find the information. Then, buying something online is very convenient. But doing anything need moderately. Otherwise it will be bad for people. There are some way to treat the online addiction. People can go outside to do some sport. Then people do not have energy to play computer.
Also, people spend time to chat with friends at real life. It is good way to improve the friends relationship. Well-educated men with a thirst for knowledge. Current research indicates that Internet addicts can be of any race or gender. They will generally fall between the ages of 18 and 55, with an average of 15 years of education. In addition, it appears that many individuals become addicted for social rather than intellectual reasons. As technologies become increasingly accessible and diverse, age and education will no longer serve as useful guidelines for examining Internet addiction.
Internet Addiction is a problem more common in society as Internet usage is increasing. The prevalence of Internet use worldwide is increasing. Along with the benefits the Internet brings, problems of excessive Internet use is becoming apparent. As a result, along with drug and alcoholic addictions nowadays, there is one more – Internet addiction, last but not least. The opinions on the methods for the solution vary, because the problem was not studied enough.
There are a number of steps you can take to get your Internet use under control. While you can initiate many of these yourself, it’s important you get some outside support as well. It can be all too easy to slip back into old patterns of usage, especially if you use the Internet heavily for work or other important activities. 1. Consider Taking a Technology Holiday
Turn off the computer. Don’t use it on a daily basis. If you have to use it, use it only for necessary tasks. Force yourself to go off-line, and say ‘goodbye’ temporarily (or possibly, permanently) to those people you are conducting a life with on the Internet. You can start this in a gradual way by creating a computer-free day, gradually extending this to include larger periods of time. Start by designating one day per week that you will not turn on the computer or log onto the Internet.
The reason for this is simple. You want to begin to train your nervous system to recognize that you can tolerate a day or an evening without something that you use on such a consistent basis. Until you prove to your body and mind that this can be done, you’re going to continue in the repetitious cycle of your behavior. This acceptance and acknowledgement of the possibility of your having a problem allows your personal resources to be focused on the possibility of change.
The important thing to remember is that change has to start somewhere. If you make no changes in your life, time will continue to pass. It will pass just as easily as you begin to make small changes in how you expend your time and energy. Craziness is simply the resistance to change or, rather, the insistence that something be different, in spite of making no efforts to change.
2. Find Other Interests
Preferably something that has nothing to do with computers or the Internet. Try a new activity or hobby. It would be even better if it could include your spouse, friend, or significant other. Force yourself to expand what you think you can do and try something new – it doesn’t matter what. Don’t give in the voice inside you that says you can’t do it.
3. Exercise
There is probably no one single recommendation that I can make that can have as many positive implications for your life. Exercise offers a variety of potential benefits. It’s fun. It can improve your health; increase your longevity; improve your overall functioning on a daily basis; improve your energy; increase your mood; and improve your self-esteem. There is considerable research on the efficacy of exercise in improving psychological well being along with improvement in treating addiction problems.
There appears to be evidence in the addiction literature that many addictive behaviors produce changes in the neurotransmitter Dopamine (among others). This is what may produce the ‘kick’ or ‘high’ to behaviors such as gambling, compulsive eating, alcohol, or drugs. Dopamine is a responsible for changes in brain chemistry that “feels” good. It is this “good feeling” that contributes to the repetition of the behavior over and over. althrough this is not fully understood. Before starting up any exercise program it is important that you consult your physician or healthcare practitioner.
4. Watch Less Television
I am convinced that the use and abuse of television exacerbates many problems in our society. TV is a passive activity that takes your time and energy and gives you little in return. Although there are many positives about television, it has the negative probability to waste your time just as the Internet can. Further, it can take the time you could use to focus on your relationships or other activities in your life. It is also quite addictive. TV can also be a trigger to engage in other addictive patterns of behavior such as eating or sex. Try to reduce the number of hours you watch TV or better yet designate TV-free days.
5. Talk to your friends and family about what is happening in your life Tell them that you’re worried about your Internet use. Shame, often associated with secrecy and isolation, further contributes the problem. Telling others offers the potential for support, decreases shame, stops social isolation, and promotes the healing process. All human problems exist in a social context and, therefore, so are the healing process. The hallmarks of any addictive behavior are often shame, secrecy, and isolation. Compulsive Internet use or addiction is potentially insidious because the Internet is a behavior that is typically practiced alone. The more you use it, the more isolated you become; the more isolated you become, the greater the likelihood that you will continue to engage in the self-defeating/addictive pattern due to guilt and shame.
6. Develop New Relationships and Friendships
Develop new relationships and friendships. Developing new friendships can expand the inner satisfaction you experience in your life. Although technology is stimulating, it does not provide the personal/emotional connection that relationships do.
The computer and the Internet may have the capacity to connect you to the world, and to make the world a smaller place; however, these activities are typically engaged in alone and can be socially isolating. The advances in technology create opportunity for new adventures, but they cannot create the intimacy of human contact. It is my belief (and I like technology) that the greatest inner peace and satisfaction is derived from such relationships.
7. Talk to Other About Your Overuse of the Internet
Don’t keep it a secret. Secrecy breeds shame and shame adds to the isolation. If the isolation continues, depression can occur. The more depressed a person becomes the more likely he/she will resort to behaviors that will artificially elevate their mood. All addictive behaviors have the capacity to do this. Gambling, Internet drugs, alcohol, shopping, and sex can all have the effect of altering mood. The problem is that we tend to repeat those behaviors that make us feel good even if they have a cost or consequence. This creates the addictive paradox: doing something over and over that negatively impacts us.
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