Posted: September 15th, 2022
SITXHRM004 Recruit, select and induct staff Assessment
SITXHRM004 Recruit, select and induct staff
Assessment Details
Term and Year Time allowed
Assessment No Assessment Weighting
Assessment Descriptor
Due Date Extension (if approved)
Re-Assessment Details
Term and Year Time allowed
Assessment No Re-assessment Fee Paid?
Assessment Type
Due Date No Extension
Student Details and Declaration
Student Name
Student ID Trainer/Assessor’s Name
Student Declaration:
a. I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
b. I have not submitted any part of this assignment previously as part of another unit/course.
c. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks.
d. The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes. Signature: __________________________________
Date: _______/________/______
Assessment Outcome – To be completed by the Assessor
Assessor’s Name
0 Satisfactory 0 Not Satisfactory
Re-assessment eligibility
0 Yes 0 No
Due Date:
This assessment First Attempt 0
2nd Attempt 0
Late 0 Penalty__________
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____ Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
0 Student did not attend the feedback session.
Feedback provided on assessment.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been re-assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____ Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
0 Student did not attend the feedback session.
Feedback provided on assessment.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Recruit, select and induct staff
Version Date Comments
15th November 2018
? Original
This checklist is to be completed prior to commencing the assessment.
Please discuss this with the learner and circle yes or no for each question.
Is the learner ready for assessment? ?Yes ? No
Have you explained the assessment process and tasks? ? Yes ?No
Does the learner understand which evidence is to be collected and how? ? Yes ?No
Have the learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? ? Yes ?No
Have you discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment? ? Yes ?No
Does the learner have access to all required resources? ? Yes ?No
Assessment Tool
Practical Application
To demonstrate satisfactory completion of this Assessment Task the learner must: Satisfactory
(S) Not Satisfactory
Conduct fair and equitable selection interviews for each of the above recruitment situations (Role Play)
? ?
Evaluate at least one (1) applicant in each of the above selection processes to select individuals that meet a specific organisational need.
? ?
Overall Assessment Task Performance Satisfactory
(S) Not Satisfactory
Assessment Task: Practical Application ? ?
Resources required for this Assessment
Trainers and Assessors are required to ensure all learners have access to:
? Recruitment and induction documentation
? Job descriptions, linked selection criteria and interview questions
? Key Human Resource (HR) policies
? Operational information about the organisation or activity subject to recruitment
? Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987
? Privacy Act 1988
? Computer with Internet Access and appropriate Microsoft Office Software Applications
? Website Resource: ‘Federal Register of Legislation’:
? Website Resource: ‘Fair Work Australia’:
Instructions for Trainer and Assessors
This assessment task has to be conducted as per the Assessment Conditions:
In class ? In an Industry Workplace 1
In a Simulated Industry Environment
Instructions for the assessments
? The documentation developed as part of Assessment Task 2, project form the basis for the observations in this assessment
a) The interview questions for each position developed for Question 4 in assessment 2(Provide a copy to each candidate)
b) The commentary/review sheet developed for Question 5 in Assessment Task 2 (Provide a copy to each panel member)
? A full set of organisational policies and procedures relevant to all HR aspects, including WHS, are required as per the Assessment Conditions
? Sufficient staff must be available to cover the requirements to staff the interview panel and provide for at least four (4) applicants overall to participate in multiple interviews
? Attendance must be recorded in the Attendance Spreadsheet
? The assessment is to be completed according to the Assessment task instructions This is an individual assessment
? Trainer and Assessor are to complete the Pre-Assessment Checklist before commencing the Assessment process
Assessment Task Duration
? One (1) Day
Learner Evidence Submission Requirements
? The completed and signed Assessment Tool
? This assessment consists of three (3) interviews with at least two (2) job candidates for each position description you have developed in Assessment Task 2, Part A. Your trainer will observe you during the interviews.
? Interview panel includes two (2) staff you have selected and yourself.
? You are required to brief panel members and applicants as instructed below.
? Following the interviews you are required to evaluate one (1) potential candidate for each position interviewed.
? The documentation developed as part of Assessment Task 2, project form the basis for the observations in this assessment
a) The interview questions for each position developed for Question 4 in Assessment Task 2 (Provide a copy to each candidate)
b) The commentary/review sheet developed for Question 5 in Assessment Task 2 (Provide a copy to each panel member)
? A full set of organisational policies and procedures relevant to all HR aspects, including WHS, are required as per the Assessment Conditions
? Sufficient staff must be available to cover the requirements to staff the interview panel and provide for at least four (4) applicants overall to participate in multiple interviews
Your task:
This assessment consists of three (3) interviews with at least two (2) job candidates for the position descriptions you have developed in Assessment Task 2, Part A as instructed below.
Your trainer will observe you during the interviews.
1. ‘Chef de Partie’: Room Service Kitchen, 11.00pm – 7.30am night shift (full-time position)
2. ‘Room Service Attendant’: breakfast shift (casual position 2 days per weekend)
3. ‘Restaurant Manager’: breakfast shift (part-time position 20 hours per week)
4. ‘Volunteer’: Event and seminar support (Thursday and Friday 10 hours per week)
Interview (2×4 mins) + Revision and Final Decision (3 mins)
‘Chef de Partie’: Room Service Kitchen, 11.00pm – 7.30am night shift (full-time position)
Ask the relevant interview questions that you have prepared for this position based on your selection criteria and job description that you have prepared in PART A
Interview (2×4 mins) + Revision and Final Decision (3 mins)
‘Room Service Attendant’: Breakfast shift (casual position 2 days per weekend)
Ask the relevant interview questions that you have prepared for this position based on your selection criteria and job description that you have prepared in PART A
Interview (2×4 mins) + Revision and Final Decision (3 mins)
Restaurant Manager: Breakfast shift (part-time position 20 hours per week)
Ask the relevant interview questions that you have prepared for this position based on your selection criteria and job description that you have prepared in PART A
Interview (2×4 mins) + Revision and Final Decision (3 mins)
Volunteer, event and seminar support: (Thursday and Friday 10 hours per week)
Ask the relevant interview questions that you have prepared for this position based on your selection criteria and job description that you have prepared in PART A
1. For the purpose of this role play you need to select two (2) students to join you on the interview panel.
2. Use the relevant set of interview questions you have developed for the specific position (Assessment Task 2, Question 4) to be interviewed and brief your panel members on the requirements for interview processes, selection criteria and desired customer service attributes which are sought from candidates.
3. Provide the criteria sheet for each set of interview questions (Assessment Task 2, Question 5) which allows each panel member to evaluate the responses from candidates during the interview.
4. Clearly brief each panel member on the legal aspects of EEO legislation and the emphasis on making decisions on merit.
5. Select four (4) colleagues from your class or workplace as potential job candidates.
6. Provide each job candidate with the selection criteria and job description for each interview they participate in.
7. Conduct the interviews using the developed questions for each applicant.
8. Review the interview process with the panel and summarise the results from each candidate.
9. Assignment help – Discuss the final decision and explain how this was agreed on.
10. Provide feedback to each candidate and make the employment offer to the successful candidate.
11. Record the outcome.
Performance and Knowledge Evidence Comment S NS S NS
Selects a selection panel
Briefs panel members on relevant selection criteria for position
? ? ? ?
Briefs panel members on desirable customer service attributes
? ? ? ?
Briefs panel members on processes of interview
? ? ? ?
Clearly explains the EEO legislative requirements to panel members
? ? ? ?
Explains the requirements of merit based decisions making to panel members
? ? ? ?
Provides interview questions to panel members and allocates questions
? ? ? ?
Provides an evaluation/criteria sheet to each panel member
? ? ? ?
Uses effective communication skills
? ? ? ?
Interview 1
Uses effective listening skills
? ? ? ?
Conducts interview in a friendly, encouraging manner
? ? ? ?
Adapts interview techniques according to cultural or special needs where relevant
? ? ? ?
The interview process consistently follows the set-out selection criteria during questioning and follow up
? ? ? ?
The interview process provides applicants with an opportunity to draw on experienced based examples
? ? ? ?
The interview process is structured and organised
? ? ? ?
Post interview: Panel
The responses from candidates are evaluated using notes for each criteria
? ? ? ?
The supporting responses from candidates are considered in final decisions
? ? ? ?
There is no evidence of anti EEO practices
? ? ? ?
The final decision considers suitability of candidate based on the desired attributes
? ? ? ?
The final decision is merit based and fair
? ? ? ?
Potential weak aspects for final recruitment are identified
? ? ? ?
Uses effective teamwork skills during evaluation and feedback
? ? ? ?
Post interview: Applicants
Each applicant is provided with constructive feedback
? ? ? ?
The successful applicant is provided with an employment offer
? ? ? ?
The employment offer outlines the key details of an employment offer in industry.
? ? ? ?
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