Posted: September 15th, 2022
BUS204 Human Resources Management Assessment 3: Essay 2000 words
Subject Code and Name BUS204 Human Resources Management
Assessment Assessment 3: Essay
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
a) Analyse the employment relationship, and evaluate the shared responsibilities between employers, management, human resource specialists, and employees.
b) Evaluate the procedures and practices used for recruiting, selecting and remunerating employees.
c) Evaluate how HRM is responding to current business trends, opportunities and challenges whilst meeting the needs of an organisation or a department.
d) Assess the training requirements and design a training and orientation program.
e) Critically review the knowledge, skill and concepts needed to resolve actual human resource problems and issues.
f) Appraise and apply the legal, ethical, and legislative requirements in relation to the management of human resources in hospitality and event firms.
g) Evaluate the responsibilities of management, HRM specialists, managers, and employees in managing the employment relationship in a unionised and non-unionised environment.
Submission March 31st 11.59 pm
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 80 marks
This essay requires students to apply all knowledge and theories studied within the course in the development of a strategy to holistically support employees and ensure their safety.
As identified within the course, the concept of safety expands beyond the physical realm and organisations are motivated to create safe work spaces to encourage a positive organisational culture, increase motivation and support productivity.
Outline the responsibilities of managers and the strategies employed by human resources management to ensure safe workplaces.
• Develop a strategy focused on employee safety that can be implemented within a workplace and can promote a positive organisational culture. The employee safety strategy you develop must cover the aspects listed below.
o Identify examples of emotional labour within the hospitality industry and analyse how hours of work can affect employee safety, health, and well-being.
o Explain why the physical environment is considered to have the strongest effect on employee attitude and performance.
o The biological response of the nervous system in dangerous situations and how this may impact the guest experience as well as the organisational culture of the hotel.
Formatting Requirement
• 2000 (max) words, size 11, Arial font, with 1.5 line spacing
Submission Instructions:
1. Typed and formatted following the Assessment Formatting Guidelines and uploaded to Turnitin on time on the due date.
2. The total word count, excluding references, must be within 10% (+ or -) of the assessment word count.
3. To be submitted in electronic form as a word-processed file to
4. You are expected to refer, in the text, to a minimum of eight (8) academic journal articles which may be supported by industry journal articles or relevant textbooks, plus other credible sources as required, in order to show competency in the assessment.
5. All referencing must be in accordance with the Academic Writing Guide: Help write my thesis – APA 6th Edition on SharePoint.
6. A school assessment cover sheet to be attached to your paper
(Individual assessment cover sheet)
7. See marking rubric below, you do not need to attach this rubric to your submissions.
Assessment Criteria for Assessment 3: Essay
High Distinction
Supported by evidence
The use of concepts and theories as supported by course material, readings and academic research.
30% Incomplete research (less than 8 journal articles) and links to any materials. Limited research and links to any materials. Good research and documented links to the material used. High Quality research into the issues with clear links to materials. Research of outstanding quality, clear links to a wide range of theoretical ideas.
20% Analysis mostly absent; just copying from other authors’ texts or just listing points.
Identifying different perspectives; describing them adequately but not relating them.
Identifying different perspectives; discussing them and identifying the differences between them. Assignment help – Discussing different perspectives integrating the relations between them and extracting implications from differences and similarities.
Excellent Assignment help – Discussion of different perspectives, integrating the relations between them and extracting implications from differences and similarities, inferring patterns and contradictions.
Style and structure
Writing is unclear and disjointed. Little academic or disciplinary language used in essay. Significant grammar e and spelling errors present.
Writing is somewhat clear but proof-reading is necessary. Essay uses academic and disciplinary language. Essay has some grammar and spelling errors.
Writing is generally clear and concise; some errors are identified. Essay uses a variety of academic and disciplinary language. Essay has minor grammar and spelling errors
Writing is clear and concise. Essay uses a wide variety of academic and disciplinary language. No grammar or spelling errors present.
Writing is very well developed. Essay uses a wide and rich variety of academic and disciplinary language. No grammar and spelling errors present.
Application of concepts
Lack of understanding of concepts from readings or just mentioning the terms without showing understanding.
Use of relevant terms to analyse the case showing some comprehension but only a generalist understanding.
Using sales and marketing concepts, with a good understanding of them. Relevant links with the issues involved in specific cases.
Assignment help – Discussing the sales and marketing concepts and using them for the analysis of the issues involved in the specific case.
Excellent integration of readings and the case through a discussion of key sales and marketing concepts and how they can be best applied to the case
Mark range out of 100% 0- 49.5 50 – 64 65 -74 75-84 85+
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