Posted: March 18th, 2022
Particular mental health problem
Particular mental health problem
This assignment is a library research paper in which you will examine a particular
mental health problem, or vulnerable population with whom you work. Examine
intervention strategies you have employed for the mental health problem including
referral issues, engagement, bio-psycho-social assessment (mind-brain-body
involvement) and diagnosis, contracting, core/middle phase (including the use of
relationship and expressions of resistance), termination, aftercare, and evaluation
of practice, using one or two practice theories which we cover in class. Homework help – Discuss
your role as a social work clinician and how this role may differ from other
service providers, including responsibility of leadership. Include issues of the
working alliance, transference and countertransference as they may apply to
treatment. Be sure to include material throughout the phases of treatment on
diversity, ethics and values, and issues of social justice. Be sure to use APA
citation style including, the use of subheadings, introductions, conclusions, etc.
(15-20 pages, 12 pt. Times Roman, APA style). Case material may be inserted for
illustrative purposes.
Do not simply repeat a manualized treatment (e.g. CBT for veterans). If you choose
CBT you MUST include another treatment approach to pair with it. Do not choose a
first year practice approach or one that we have not covered in this class. Use an
approach suitable for work with adult individuals and their support systems, not
families, or groups. Short use of case material is integrated throughout so please
pick a mental health problem which one of your clients as exhibited. Use phases of
treatment as your subheadings. Proof read your paper. Do not over rely on one or
two citations. Do not use first year texts. Do not over rely on classroom texts. Do
not use narrative from progress reporting e.g. “Client states that…”This is an
academic paper which should comply with the APA style manual. Use current
1. Select a disorder or special population. [ ] A mental disorder present in
a case you are holding is preferred so you can use examples of interventions
2. Select an intervention strategy covered in class. Taking the practice
method selected discover how that method is employed throughout all phases of
intervention. If there is no literature on the phase of treatment (such as
referral), please use other sources of information. Cover all phases including:
Issues in referral for this particular type of population. How does the client come
into the system Is there typically a history with other systems of care In what
segment (s) of the continuum of care are you most likely to be working and why
What might influence client use of mental health care[ ] obj. 5
Methods of engagement given the problem area. (e.g. What issues are involved in
engaging a client who has anorexia and what must you do to establish rapport and
empathy HOW will you engage given these issues Why are these practice aspects
important given the case and problem area Homework help – Discuss engaging diverse groups of
clients-what must you do differently with those from different cultural groups.) [
Homework help – Discuss what is included in the assessment framework using the practice
model chosen Issues in culture and diversity must be a part of this section.
Remember that your assessment should be based on the practice intervention
selected, not just DSM diagnosis. If you are using CBT, HOW would CBT or IPT
assess this case Please use some analysis of case material rather than simply
reporting. Why might someone have certain dynamics going on, certain
symptomatology, etc.
1. Include a short biopsychosocial assessment and analysis of what factors
influenced symptoms presentation.
2. What neurobiological issues come out in the assessment and how do you know
they are present
3. Present DSM diagnosis(es)
4. What methods of assessment can be employed using a valid & reliable
measure (Consult material in the DSM 5 on assessment instruments. [ ]
5. Integrate relevant cultural factors of the case and use citations to
support your assessment. Note that Caucasians are not one group, Latinos are not
one group, etc. [ ]
6. What is the treatment plan and what are the treatment goals Remember to
consult information tied to the intervention you are using [ ]
7. Homework help – Discuss issues in the worker client relationship: your own feelings,
transference & countertransference, values & experiences that may affect motivation
or resistance in you and the client system in treatment. Why are these issues
present What will you do differently given these issues How will you do it[ ]
obj. 3
8. What contracting issues must be set up given this problem and in this
practice model Why is the contract necessary [ ]
Homework help – Discuss methods of intervention in the middle phase of treatment. How is
culturally competent treatment used in this phase Your intervention in the middle
phase should derive from your assessment issues. Tell me why you doing what you are
doing. Go beyond telling what interventions you will use. How will you institute
these interventions The middle phase should represent the bulk of your paper and
should be detailed, i.e. several kinds of interventions not just a couple. [ ]
1. How will you engage and attend to issues in body, mind, and brain [ ]
2. How is termination performed with this model and how do you know it is time
for termination What are the issues & plan [ ]
3. Homework help – Discuss evaluation strategies in the practice model. . Evaluation should
follow the same practice intervention as in the assessment. Remember to include a
valid and reliable assessment measure as a part of your evaluation. [ ]
4. Homework help – Discuss methods of follow-up in the practice model. Why might follow-up be
5. You may use one or more than one practice models but you must tell me why
you are doing so.
6. Please comment on social justice issues as they impact problem presentation
and treatment [ ]. obj. 1
7. Homework help – Discuss your role and identity as a clinical social worker; what makes your
domain different from other professionals What leadership responsibilities do you
have in team activities [ ]. obj. 6
8. What ethical issues are involved in working with this group What social
work values intersect with these ethical issues [ ] obj. 7
Do not present case material with no explanation of your practice model
assessment or theoretically-based intervention strategies. This assignment is not
simply a case study. You may use a case or cases as illustrative material of how to
apply the interventions.
Use APA style. APA style includes the use of headings and subheadings.
Remember to start with an introduction and end with a conclusion. Do not use
lengthy citations; rather, paraphrase material to make your point. When you quote
directly, you must include pagination and attribution. Do not simply link quotes
together with some narrative. If you are unclear about APA style, please consult
the manual or see me. Use Times Roman 12 point. [ ] obj. 1
Use a variety of citations. Do not rely solely on one or two texts, and
not introductory texts such as Hepworth & Larsen, or solely classroom readings. Do
a search for citations including refereed journal articles [ ].
The Clinical Practice in Mental Health Settings course (SOWK 645) will:
Objective # Objectives
1 Help students use their knowledge of explanatory theories of human behavior
to enhance clinical skill in accurate assessment of mental health clients coping
with their often complex social situations, particularly in multicultural, urban
environments such as Los Angeles, including: a) Psychosocial implications of mental
illness, or handicapping mental or emotional conditions on clients and their
support systems, b) Psychosocial development and personality functioning of the
client & support systems, c) Client use of mental health care, reasons why and why
not, d) Influence of race, ethnicity, social class, gender, age, and religion on
individuals and their support systems, and e) Familiarity with social work values
and ethics pertaining to the use and misuse of the DSM 5 diagnostic entities,
particularly with reference to issues of culture, gender, class, race, age,
religion, and physical ability.
2 Increase students’ understanding of the use of the worker/client
relationship and the working alliance with individuals and their support systems
from a variety of cultures, classes, race, and ages. Help students to understand
their own feelings, values, experiences, and culture as these enhance or detract
from a helping relationships with clients, staff colleagues, and others. Also help
students understand the feelings, values, experiences, and culture, of the
individual client, and their significant others as these influence positive
motivation or resistance in the treatment relationship.
3 Facilitate students’ ability to apply various practice theories (building
on first year content) toward developing competence in intervening in beginning,
middle, and ending phases of treatment. Share knowledge of interventions that have
been supported by research as being effective with mental health problems. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain
the strengths and limitations of empirically supported interventions in working
with culturally diverse groups of people with mental health problems. Demonstrate
the process of evidence based practice and its application to mental health
4 Promote students’ development of competence in practice skills (informed
by research findings) across the continuum of care for work with those presenting
common mental health problems evidenced in clients living in multicultural, and
complex, urban environments, and particularly Los Angeles. Increase students’
understanding of practice in urban, multicultural mental health settings, and the
leadership role of the social worker in cooperative, and team activities.
5 Help students demonstrate their identity as social workers, with clarity
about the social work domain, values, ethics, clinical privileges, and
responsibilities. Promote leadership skills by increasing students’ ability to
identify and take a position on philosophical and ethical dilemmas and legal issues
confronting self, client groups, and staff in the mental health care system.
Student learning for this course relates to one or more of the following ten social
work core competencies:
Social Work Core Competencies SOWK 645 Course Objective
1 Professional Identity * 5
2 Ethical Practice * 5
3 Critical Thinking * 2 & 3
4 Diversity in Practice * 1-3
5 Human Rights & Justice
6 Research Based Practice * 1-4
7 Human Behavior * 1
8 Policy Practice
9 Practice Contexts * 1-5
10 Engage, Assess, Intervene, Evaluate * 1-5
* Highlighted in this course
The following table explains the highlighted competencies for this course, the
related student learning outcomes, and the method of assessment.
Competencies/ Knowledge, Values, Skills Student Learning Outcomes
Method of Assessment
Professional IdentityIdentify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself
Social workers competent in Professional Identity:
Serve as representatives of the profession, its mission, and its core
Know the profession’s history.
Commit themselves to the profession’s enhancement and to their own
professional conduct and growth. 1. Advocate for client access to the
services of social work. Midterm Assignment
2. Practice personal reflection and self-correction to ensure
continual professional development. Final Paper
Class Homework help – Discussion, Exercises & Reading Cards
3. Attend to professional roles and boundaries.
4. Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and
5. Engage in career-long learning. Class Homework help – Discussion
6. Use supervision and consultation. Final Paper
Class Homework help – Discussion, Exercises
Ethical PracticeApply social work ethical principles to guide professional
Social workers competent in Ethical Practice:
Fulfill their obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in
ethical decision-making.
Are knowledgeable about the value base of the profession, its ethical
standards, and relevant law. 7. Recognize and manage personal values in a
way that allows professional values to guide practice. Midterm Paper
Final Paper
Class Homework help – Discussion & Reading Cards
8. Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the National
Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics.
9. Tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts. Class
Homework help – Discussion, Exercises, Reading Cards
10. Apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principled
decisions. Midterm Paper
Final Paper
Class Homework help – Discussion, Exercises
Critical ThinkingApply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional
Social workers competent in Critical Thinking:
Are knowledgeable about the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and
reasoned discernment.
Use critical thinking augmented by creativity and curiosity.
Understand that critical thinking also requires the synthesis and
communication of relevant information. 11. Distinguish, appraise, and
integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and
practice wisdom. Midterm Paper
Final Paper
Class Homework help – Discussion, Reading Cards, Exercises
12. Analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and
13. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working
with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and colleagues.
Diversity in PracticeEngage diversity and difference in practice.
Social workers competent in Diversity in Practice:
Understand how diversity characterizes and shapes the human experience and
is critical to the formation of identity.
Recognize that the dimensions of diversity reflect intersectionality of
multiple factors including age, class, color, culture, disability, ethnicity,
gender, gender identity and expression, immigration status, political ideology,
race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.
Appreciate that, as a consequence of difference, a person’s life
experiences may include oppression, poverty, marginalization, and alienation as
well as privilege, power, and acclaim. 14. Recognize the extent to which a
culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or
enhance privilege and power. Midterm Paper
Final Paper,
Class Homework help – Discussion, Exercises, Reading Cards
15. Gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of
personal biases and values in working with diverse groups.
16. Recognize and communicate understanding of the importance of
difference in shaping life experiences.
17. View themselves as learners and engage those with whom they work as
informants. Class Homework help – Discussion, Exercises
Research Based PracticeEngage in research-informed practice and practice-informed
Social workers competent in Research Based Practice:
Use practice experience to inform research, employ evidence-based
interventions, evaluate their own practice, and use research findings to improve
practice, policy, and social service delivery.
Comprehend quantitative and qualitative research and understand scientific
and ethical approaches to building knowledge. 18. Use practice experience to
inform scientific inquiry. Midterm and Final Assignment, Lecture, Class
Homework help – Discussion, Exercises
19. Use research evidence to inform practice. Class Homework help – Discussion,
Lecture, Final Assignment, Exercises In Class, Reading Cards, Midterm Assignment
Human BehaviorApply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
Social workers competent in Human Behavior:
Are knowledgeable about human behavior across the life course; the range of
social systems in which people live; and the ways social systems promote or deter
people in maintaining or achieving health and well-being.
Apply theories and knowledge from the liberal arts to understand
biological, social, cultural, psychological, and spiritual development. 20.
Utilize conceptual frameworks to guide the processes of assessment, intervention,
and evaluation. Midterm, Final, Exercises, Class Homework help – Discussion, Reading Cards
21. Critique and apply knowledge to understand person and environment.
Practice ContextsRespond to contexts that shape practice.
Social workers competent in Practice Contexts:
Are informed, resourceful, and proactive in responding to evolving
organizational, community, and societal contexts at all levels of practice.
Recognize that the context of practice is dynamic, and use knowledge and
skill to respond proactively. 22. Continuously discover, appraise, and attend
to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and
emerging societal trends to provide relevant services. Midterm, Final, Exercises,
Class Homework help – Discussion, Reading Cards
23. Provide leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service
delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services. Class
Homework help – Discussion, Reading Cards, Exercises
Engage, Assess, Intervene, EvaluateEngage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with
individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
Social workers competent in the dynamic and interactive processes of Engagement,
Assessment, Intervention, and Evaluation apply the following knowledge and skills
to practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Identifying, analyzing, and implementing evidence-based interventions
designed to achieve client goals
Using research and technological advances
Evaluating program outcomes and practice effectiveness
Developing, analyzing, advocating, and providing leadership for policies
and services
Promoting social and economic justice 24. Engagement:
Substantively and affectively prepare for action with individuals and their support
systems in mental health settings.
Use empathy and other interpersonal skills.
Develop a mutually agreed-on focus of work and desired outcomes. Class
Homework help – Discussion, Midterm, Final Assignment, Exercises, Reading Cards, Lectures
25. Assessment:
Collect, organize, and interpret client data.
Assess client strengths and limitations.
Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and objectives.
Select appropriate intervention strategies. Midterm, Reading Cards, Exercises,
26. Intervention:
Initiate actions to achieve organizational goals.
Implement prevention interventions that enhance client capacities.
Help clients resolve problems.
Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for clients.
Facilitate transitions and endings.
27. Evaluation: Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate
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