Posted: March 18th, 2022
SOCW 6520: Social Work Field Education III
SOCW 6520: Social Work Field Education III
Please note that this is a master level course so master level work. Please check the grammar and you have to use the reading that I have provided to you. You must answer all the questions that I post. Thank you.
Brief Description of Agency-GA Mentor is a therapeutic foster care agency that provides therapeutic foster care services to youth between the ages of 0-18. We offer evidence-informed training to foster parents to provide quality homes for foster children. Services offered to children include 24 hours of home-based monitoring, therapeutic intervention, and access to community-based services, life skill development, and medication management oversight. GA Mentor ensures that the educational, mental health, physical health, and overall well-being needs of all children in our program are met.
2. I will be completing the following tasks:
-Completion of Risk Assessments and Crisis Assessment to determine the level of the client’s needs and services
-Demonstrate her ability to apply Family-Centered Practice, Systems Theory, and Strengths Perspective when assessing the challenges of the family
-Develop and implement Treatment Plans for client
-Train and develop foster parents in providing therapeutic foster care to foster care children
-Evaluate state and Federal Policies in Child Welfare
-Demonstrate her ability to link the family to resources with consideration to the family’s culture, social-economic status, etc.
Week 11
Evaluation of Learning
• Pomeroy, E. C., & Nonaka, A. M. (2011). The art of not knowing. Social Work, 56(4), 293–295.
• Laureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Evaluation of learning
[Audio file]. Retrieved from
Walden University
Social Work and Human Services
MSW Children and Family Concentration Year Field Evaluation
Evaluatee Class group 2 Evaluator Team 1
Rotation Georgia Mentor GA Course MSW Concentration – Child Fam Academic Year 2019/2020
Period 2 From 2019-11-25 To 2020-02-09
Log Date & Time 1/14/2020 10:12:27 AM
Dear Field Instructor: Below are questions regarding the field experience performance of the Walden University MSW student you have been working with this term. Please complete all of the questions and, if a student receives a rating of 1 or 2 on any items in the section, also please give written feedback on what improvement needs to occur. If you wish to leave the survey and come back to it later, please use the “Save Draft” button at the bottom of the page. Please note that once you submit the evaluation using the “Save Final” button, it will close and you will not be able to make changes. As part of this process, you need to review the evaluation with your student. The student can log in under his/her account, review the evaluation, enter comments, and save them. If you have any questions about completing this evaluation feel free to contact [email protected]. Thank you again for all that you do.
Please summarize the student’s primary responsibilities:
Mrs. SW’s role and responsibility include ensuring quality services are provided to foster care children. She ensures treatment plans created are client-specific and are geared in meeting the educational, mental health, medical/dental, and therapeutic needs of the children. She completes assessments to identify the foster parent and child’s needs during the duration the child is in foster care. She has a role in assessing that the home environment is safe for that child. She is responsible for utilizing a client-centered, strength-based perspective, and solution-focused approach to assisting the agency with managing crisis in the home. Her role also includes linking the foster child and foster parent to any needed community resources.
Please rate the student on each of the following competencies using the following scale:
Demonstrates a high level of competency
Clearly demonstrates competency
Demonstrates minimal level of competency
Demonstrates inadequate level of competency
Fails to demonstrate even minimal competency
Have not had an opportunity to observe (Only use this choice if the student has not had the opportunity to demonstrate the skill. Do not use if the student has had an opportunity but did not demonstrate the skill—this would be rated as “1”.)
Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
1. Makes appropriate decisions based on the NASW Code of Ethics and other local, state, and federal legal statutes and regulations related to children and families.
2. Identifies and manages personal values to provide service delivery to children and families, according to professional values and standards.
3. Incorporates professional behavior when engaging children, families, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
4. Evaluates the ethical and appropriate use of technology to facilitate delivery of social work services to children and families.
5. Integrates principles of supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior.
6. Demonstrates professional development by identifying the specialized skills and knowledge needed to work with children and families.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW has displayed professionalism when working with families. She is able to deliver services in an ethical manner and ensures services deliver are quality and within the agency standards. She continues to grow in the demonstrating professional development and making decisions based on the NASW Code of Ethics. She is receptive to Field Supervisors recommendations and guidance regarding skills and knowledge needed to work with the foster care population.
Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
7. Demonstrates cultural awareness by recognizing and integrating diverse populations’ values about family roles, structure, norms, and beliefs.
8. Demonstrates cultural humility by managing personal biases when partnering with families.
9. Communicates in a culturally responsive way recognizing various family structures, norms, and values.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW is able to respond to families in a way that is culturally sensitive. She identifies the families cultural views, values, and norms that impact their decision making and parental practices.
Competency 3 – Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
10. Examines the effects of oppression, discrimination, structural social inequality, and historical trauma with children and families, and their community systems to guide intervention planning.
11. Chooses social work practices that promote human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice for children and families.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW has been able to identify historical trauma that can impact treatment. She is able to identify how the foster care system has changed historically over time and verbalize biases regarding foster care children. Mrs. SW ensures that within the community, foster children rights and access to services are fair by advocating at school meetings, Family Team Meetings, etc.
Competency 4 – Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
12. Critically evaluates evidence-based and “best practice” treatment interventions with children and families.
13. Develops family intervention plans that are grounded in best available research and “best practices”.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW is moving forward in ensuring best practices are utilized and evaluated within the families she services. She is growing knowledge and skills in ensuring children and families are served in a unique way and one model does not fit all children and families. Mrs. SW continues to grow in areas of utilizing family interventions that would best serve the families she works with.
Competency 5 – Engage in Policy Practice
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
14. Critically evaluates and creates awareness about agency and/or government policies and regulations that impact the well-being of families and children.
15. Applies critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that support the needs of children and families.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW shows awareness and knowledge regarding agency policies. She identifies that sometimes policies may not meet best practices within the agency but is able to ensure policy is followed and children/family services receive quality services.
Competency 6 – Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
16. Uses empathy, reflection, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of development theories and family systems to engage children and family members.
17. Uses empathy, reflection, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of human behavior and the social environment and family systems to engage with families.
18. Engages conversations with inter-professional teams in schools, hospitals, and other agencies that have interactions with children and families.
19. Engages with organizations that provide services, support, advocacy, and resources to families and children.
20. Identifies and actively participates in opportunities to communicate with community leaders and members about services and resources to support families and children.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW is able to communicate and partner with outside organizations to meet the best interest of the children and families she serves. She is able to complete thorough interviews with families, gather needed information, and serve as a support to her families by using empathy and solution-focused approaches.
Competency 7 – Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
21. Conducts assessments that provide information about the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of children and families.
22. Uses critical thinking to apply the strengths perspective, theories of development, and family systems when analyzing and interpreting assessment information.
23. Develops mutually agreed-upon goals and interventions that consider best practice, culture, values, and safety.
24. Conducts family assessments to understand family roles, functioning, relationships, resources, and support needs.
25. Uses critical thinking to apply theories of family systems when analyzing and interpreting family functioning, support, and dynamics to select appropriate interventions.
26. Identifies the professional role of the social worker in the inter-professional group context and assesses how that role contributes to the group’s purpose.
27. Assesses how the agency’s mission, structure, vision, connect to client outcomes.
28. Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of children and family services available for clients.
29. Develops knowledge about community resources, governance, political climate, and initiatives to strengthen families and support children.
30. Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of the community resources and how those impact children and families.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW completes assessments on the families and children with the agency that identify the needs of the family. She has been able to incorporate the strengths perspective in helping empower children and families. She has demonstrated an understanding of the family system, family roles, and family functioning and how that impacts the children being served. She is knowledgeable about the agency’s mission and vision and incorporates it into her contact with families. Her knowledge of community resources haven proven benefit to the children and families she serves.
Competency 8 – Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
31. Implements interventions based on the strengths perspective, biopsychosocial needs, and current theories appropriate for the setting and client needs.
32. Utilizes appropriate resources and services for children and family members.
33. Implements family interventions based on the strengths perspective, family culture, family systems theories, and evidence-based practice.
34. Utilizes appropriate resources, services, and interventions for families.
35. Provides social work perspective that assists with the purpose and function of interprofessional teams that address the needs of children and families.
36. Participates in opportunities to improve agency/organization service delivery that will support the needs of children and families.
37. Explores and actively participates in opportunities to advocate for community services and support health and well-being.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW has demonstrated her knowledge of theories and able to incorporate the theories into practice. She is able to identify the needs of the family and is a strong advocate for the educational needs of the children she serves.
Competency 9 – Evaluates with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed
Research Topics – Criteria
38. Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention strategies with children and family members.
39. Utilizes evaluation data to inform new intervention strategies for children and families.
40. Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention strategies used to improve family functioning and support.
41. Utilizes evaluation data to inform new intervention strategies and resources.
42. Evaluates the effectiveness of group-related processes.
43. Utilizes evaluation data to inform future group processes.
44. Evaluates the effectiveness of social services and intervention strategies provided by agencies that serve children and families.
45. Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives to improve services for children and families.
46. Evaluates the effectiveness of community services and resources for children and families.
47. Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy and/or policy initiatives for children and families.
Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:
Mrs. SW has demonstrated her ability to link children and families to needed resources and services. She has been vocal in voicing her evaluation of how effective services are. She will have more opportunities to develop in this competency.
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MSW Advanced Clinical Concentration -Student Learning Agreement
Walden University — Barbara Solomon School of Social Work
Used with SOCW 6520 and SOCW 6530
Agency Name: Georgia Mentor
Agency Address: 2302 Parklake Drive NE, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30345
Student Information
Instructor/Supervisor Information
Faculty Liaison Information
Agency Info
Walden Email:
Description: Description: Georgia Mentor
Brief Description of Agency-GA Mentor is a therapeutic foster care agency that provides therapeutic foster care services to youth between the ages of 0-18.
Academic Term
Winter 2019
Spring 2020
Course Number
Example: SOCW 6520
Population Served: Children and Family
Proposed Schedule: Sunday 9 AM-5 PM Monday 2 PM – 5 PM Tuesday 2 PM – 5 PM Thursday 2 PM – 5 PM Saturday 9 AM-5 PM
Describe what your regular tasks will be at the agency:
-Completion of Risk Assessments and Crisis Assessment to determine the level of the client’s needs and services
-Demonstrate her ability to apply Family-Centered Practice, Systems Theory, and Strengths Perspective when assessing the challenges of the family
-Develop and implement Treatment Plans for client
-Train and develop foster parents in providing therapeutic foster care to foster care children
-Evaluate state and Federal Policies in Child Welfare
-Demonstrate her ability to link the family to resources with consideration to the family’s culture, social-economic status, etc.
Importance of the Learning Agreement
Purpose of the Learning Agreement: The learning agreement is designed to ensure students are mindful about the learning expectations in their field placement. It was developed to help students and supervisors/instructors plan a well-rounded experience that will help students meet the learning objectives.
Learning Objectives: The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) requires students gain competency in nine areas of social work practice. These areas of practice are defined as core competencies of the profession. Each core competency requires particular behaviors students should be able to engage and gain competency in. Students should provide examples of activities in the agency they can participate in to help them meet the learning objectives. Some examples of activities are provided. This is not an exhaustive list, so others can be added. Students must have an opportunity to complete tasks in all nine areas of competency.
Connection to the Student Evaluation: Not only is the learning agreement a helpful tool to plan the learning goals for the term, but it connects directly to the evaluation points in the student evaluation. Field Instructors/supervisors will be asked to complete student evaluations. Each student is evaluated on the nine core competencies of social work. Having a solid learning agreement aligns the learning goals with the student’s evaluation, so no areas are missed.
Negotiating the Agreement: The learning agreement should be completed by week 3 at the agency. This is a collaborative process, where the field instructor/supervisor and student meet to establish goals for the term. The student will then submit the agreement to the faculty liaison for feedback and comments. Once everyone is happy with the agreement, all parties sign the agreement. During the evaluation session, toward the end of the quarter, the student and instructor/supervisor should meet to discuss progress and challenges with the plan and develop ways to adjust the learning for the remainder of the placement and the next quarter.
Form Layout:
Each page/grid is devoted to one of the nine Social Work Core Competencies. Students must have experience in all nine competencies.
Section Descriptions:
Expected Behaviors – the expected behaviors are those that are identified based on the concentration area. These behaviors should be demonstrated by students during the term of the field placement/internship.
Agency Activities-These are examples of particular activities that students can do at the agency to demonstrate the expected behaviors. Most of these are general to all settings. However, if they don’t quite match, feel free to add/change these to fit with the context of your agency. Check all activities that apply.
Field Course Assignments-These are a few examples of field course assignments that help reinforce the Social Work Core Competencies. Students will be required to complete all field course assignments.
How to Complete the Form:
a- By week 2, students should complete all student designated sections on the learning agreement and discuss it with their supervisor/instructor.
b- By week 3, students should upload the learning agreement to Blackboard for the faculty liaison to review. (Only upload agreements that have been approved by your supervisor/instructor).
c- After the faculty liaison reviews and signs the agreement, the student and instructor should sign it.
d- After the agreement has been signed, the student will upload it to Meditrek.
Learning Agreement
Social Work Core Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a- Makes clinically appropriate decisions based on the NASW Code of Ethics, and other local, state, and federal legal statutes and regulations.
b- Identifies and manages personal values to provide clinical service delivery, according to professional values and standards.
c-Incorporates professional behavior when engaging clients, families, colleagues, and other professionals.
d- Evaluate the ethical and appropriate use technology to facilitate delivery of clinical social work services
e-Integrates principles of supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior.
f-Demonstrates professional development by identifying the specialized skills and knowledge needed to practice clinical social work.
Adhere to ethical standards outlined by the NASW and other social work organizations
Homework help – Discuss personal values in supervision when they conflict with the values of the profession and adjust practice as needed.
Recognize personal triggers that could impede effectiveness with clients. Homework help – Discuss those triggers with your supervisor.
Homework help – Discuss case scenarios with my supervisor and faculty liaison that require ethical reasoning.
Seek guidance when you experience an ethical dilemma.
Maintain professional boundaries with clients and others and discuss and potential boundary challenges in supervision.
Use professional communication and interaction with clients, colleagues, and others.
Recognize your professional responsibility to the client, the profession, and the agency.
Adhere to agency policies about technology and record-keeping. Homework help – Discuss with your supervisor any potential ethical challenges that may arise because of the use of technology.
Add other activities here:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignments:
Self-Assessment Assignment (Week1)
Blog post on confidentiality (Week 2)
Blog Post safety in field (Week 3)
Blog Post on Supervision (Week 4)
Blog on Ethics (Week 5)
Use of Self Blog (Week 8)
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these expectations and activities will help you increase competence in ethical and professional behavior. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
I will have to use reflection and self- regulation to maintain professionalism and keep my personal values to myself.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop as a professional social worker (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Understanding of human psychology – I will need to understand the way people’s mind works. 2. Knowledge of interventions applicable to one’s specialty
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
What things should I pay attention to understand the client’s behavior patterns?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation).
Social Work Core Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a-Demonstrates cultural awareness by recognizing and integrating diverse populations’ varying values, culture, norms, and beliefs throughout the therapeutic process.
b-Demonstrates cultural humility by managing personal biases when partnering with clients.
c- Communicates in a culturally responsive way recognizing various community structures, norms, and values.
Practice with those who are different from you based on age, SES, color, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
Homework help – Discuss in supervision and in class the strengths of engaging diversity and the challenges you have when engaging difference.
Engage in self-reflection about personal biases related to client population and discuss with supervisor and be able to demonstrate that you can have a personal view and a professional view in practice.
Develop a diversity/cultural competency plan that allows you to learn about the cultural needs of client groups and be culturally responsive when communicating with clients.
Add other activities here:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignments:
Agency Assignment – describe the population (Week 4)
Diversity Blog (Week 7)
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage diversity and difference in practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
I have a lot of experience working with diversity. I am always learning new things about clients. I must be open-minded.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage diversity and difference in practice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Conduct an assessment of social systems using diverse theoretical frameworks. 2. Recognize and communicate their understanding of the difference.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Based on your experience, what do you think is the most challenging aspect of working in a diverse environment?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation).
Social Work Core Competency 3- Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a-Examines the effects of oppression, discrimination, structural social inequality, and historical trauma on clients/constituents and their systems to guide intervention planning.
b- Chooses social work clinical practices that promote human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
Identify barriers clients face when accessing services at my agency or at other agencies and discuss during supervision.
Develop a plan to learn about the effects of oppression, discrimination, inequality, and trauma on clients.
Use evidence-based practices that consider the unique challenges clients have when faced with oppression, discrimination, social inequality, and historical trauma.
Homework help – Discuss with supervisor about how social, economic, and environmental factors affect client outcomes.
Work with instructor/supervisor to engage advocacy for needs and services for clients.
Collaborate with a local or national organization that advocates for your population.
Add other activities here:
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
As a social worker, I understand the global interconnections of oppression and human rights violations and are knowledgeable about theories of human need and social justice and strategies to promote social and economic justice and human rights. Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you advance human rights and justice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Engage in practice that advances social and economic justice. 2. Advocate for human rights, social and economic justice.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison: Which are the most common practices to foster social and economic justice?
How can one overcome challenges associated with the advancement of human rights and justice?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a-. Critically evaluates evidence-based and “best practice” treatment interventions
b- Develops clinical intervention plans based on the best available research and “best practices”.
Research the evidence-based treatment interventions associated with the context of your agency.
Use critical thinking to evaluate the benefits and challenges of the evidence-based interventions used with clients. Homework help – Discuss your ideas with your supervisor.
Develop treatment plans for clients that are evidence-based.
Add other activities here:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignment:
Intervention Treatment Plan Assignment
SOCW6530 (Field IV) Assignment:
Intervention Treatment Plan Assignment part II
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
As a social worker, I understand the importance of critical thinking in research to inform of practices. Reading current literature research on best practices to initiate best practices.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you improve use research in your practice justice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development). 1. Develop a culture that supports research use. 2. Improve search skills and analysis.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
What are the common barriers to reading and accessing research?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation).
Social Work Core Competency- 5- Engage in Policy Practice
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a- Critically evaluates and creates awareness about agency and/or government policies and regulations that impact the well-being of clients.
b- Applies critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that support the needs of clients who present for clinical services
Consider policies that affect the lives of your clients and discuss those challenges with your supervisor.
Use critical thinking to examine the negative impact of policies on clients and advocate when needed.
Explore how social problems are connected to social policy.
Explore how agency funding is connected to policy.
Add other activities here:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignment:
Week 10 focuses on Organizational Policy
Social Problem/Policy Assignment
SOCW6530 (Field IV) Assignment:
Agency Funding and Policy Implication Assignment
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage in policy practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
As a social worker, I understand the importance of social policy. The impact of the delivery of social services. I must, therefore, apply critical thinking to analyze social and advocate for policies.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage in policy practice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Advocate policy that will ensure access to social care. 2. Work with advocacy organizations to promote equity of services delivery
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
What are the fundamental impacts of social policy?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 6- Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors – Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage diverse clients in the therapeutic process.
Uses empathy, reflection, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of human behavior and the social environment and family systems to engage with families.
a-Uses empathy, reflection, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of group dynamics to engage group members in the group process.
b- Engages with inter-professional teams and stakeholders associated with clients’ care.
Engages with organizations that provide services, support, advocacy, and resources to support to clients.
Identifies and actively participates in opportunities to communicate with community leaders and members about community service gaps for clients.
Show care, empathy, and genuineness with clients to initiate therapeutic relationships.
Use a strengths-based approach when engaging with individuals, groups, and families.
Use active listening and other engagement skills.
Consult with organizations to assist with client needs.
☒Engage in professional communication in interprofessional team meetings from the social work perspective.
Connect and work with community organizations that provide services related to the clients you serve.
Add other engagement activities:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) –First 11 weeks
Process Recording (Week 5)
Process Recording (Week 7)
Week 9 focuses on Individual, Family, and Group contexts
SOCW6530 (Field IV)- Second 11 weeks
Week 1 & Week 2 Focus on Engagement
Blog on Engagement (Week 2)
Process Recording (Week 3)
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will engage with the following target systems in the context of your agency:
As a social worker and having mastered various communication cues, I can interact with people from diverse backgrounds without a challenge. Furthermore, I am always interested in learning people’s behavior.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your engagement skills (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development). 1. Work on clarity during therapeutic sessions. 2. Work on providing a nice environment for clients.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
How can one maintain balance during a therapeutic session to achieve expected goals?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 7-Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a-Conducts clinical assessments that provide information about the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of clients.
b- Uses critical thinking to apply the strengths perspective and theories of human behavior and the social environment when analyzing and interpreting assessment information in a clinical setting.
c- Develops mutually agreed-upon evidence-based therapeutic interventions that consider culture, values, and safety.
a- Conducts family assessments to understand family roles, functioning, relationships, resources, and support needs.
b- Uses critical thinking to apply theories of family systems when analyzing and interpreting family functioning, support, and dynamics.
a-Identifies the professional social work role in inter-professional and supervision group meetings and assesses how that role contributes to the group’s purpose.
b- Assesses the functioning and needs of professional and/or patient focused groups, and considers the best intervention strategies, based on professional knowledge and ethics.
a-Assesses how the agency’s mission, structure, vision, connect to client outcomes.
b- Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of therapeutic services provided to clients.
a-Develops knowledge about community resources, resources, governance, political climate, and initiatives to support mental health
b- Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of the community and how those impact the functioning of clients
Utilize agency appropriate forms, tools, and processes to complete clinical assessments.
Utilize developmentally, and strengths-based approaches to assessment.
Assist clients in developing mutually agreed upon goals and interventions to enhance well-being.
Assess family functioning, relationships and support needs in the context of the agency’s practice.
Work with groups to assess needs and to inform group intervention goals and treatment strategies.
Assess ways you can participate in inter-professional and supervision meetings from the social work perspective.
Assess how other organizations assist with client needs and where there may be gaps in services.
Assess the role the community plays in providing services for your clients (financial, legislative, representative, etc.) Homework help – Discuss your findings with your supervisor.
Add other assessment activities:
SOCW6520 (Field III) – First 11 weeks
Process Recording (Week 5)
Week 9 Focus on Individuals, Families, and Groups
SOCW 6510 (Field II)- Second 11 weeks
SOCW 6530 (Field IV)- Second 11 weeks
Week 3 and 4 devoted to the assessment process, with assignments of blogs and process recordings.
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will assess the following target systems in the context of your agency:
I have a lot of experience working with different people. Through observation and assessment, I can tell which strategy can best work for a particular client. I will need to understand and respect people’s values and beliefs.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your assessment skills (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Develop superior analytical skills. 2. Identify ethical codes that affect evaluation.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Why are ethical codes adamant in the course of an assessment?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during supervision)
Social Work Core Competency 8-Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Communities, and Organizations
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
a-Implements therapeutic interventions based on the strengths perspective, biopsychosocial needs, and current theories appropriate for the setting and client needs.
b- Utilizes appropriate resources and services for clients.
c- Promotes effective transitions and endings that incorporate mutually agreed-upon goals.
a-Implements family interventions based on the strengths perspective, family culture, family systems theory, and evidence-based practice.
b- Utilizes appropriate resources, services, and interventions for families.
Uses professional ethics, knowledge, and evidence-based interventions in groups.
Participates in opportunities to improve agency/organization service delivery that will support the needs of clients.
Explores and actively participates in opportunities to advocate for community services and support mental health services.
Use agency-appropriate and developmentally- appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
Use relevant prevention strategies with individuals, families, and groups.
Explore various evidence-based interventions and discuss those with your supervisor.
Intervene with families using appropriate family theories.
Explore and utilizes resources to provide holistic care.
Talk with supervisor about planning for termination or transitions with clients.
Consults with supervisor about ways to be involved in service delivery improvement at the agency.
☒Consults with supervisor about opportunities to be involved in advocacy.
Add other activities here:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) First 11 weeks
Week 9 focuses on Individuals, Families, and Groups
Homework help – Discuss with supervisor evidence-based practices used in agency setting
SOCW 6530 (Field IV) Second 11 weeks
Weeks 5 and 6 focus on intervention with assignments of blogs and process recordings.
Week 9 focuses on Termination with clients
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will intervene with all of the following target systems in the context of your agency:
By the end of the internship session, I will have experience in various interventions strategies to implement based on clients’ needs and interests.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you apply appropriate intervention strategies (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
Focus on interventions that improve the well-being of clients. 2. Apply practices and skills that align with selected strategies.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison: To what extent do applied strategy affect the outcome of therapeutic sessions?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 9- Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter
Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.
Evaluates the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention strategies for with individuals
Utilizes evaluation data to inform new intervention strategies.
Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention strategies used to improve family functioning and support.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform new intervention strategies and resources.
Evaluates the effectiveness of group related processes.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform future group processes.
Evaluates the effectiveness of social services and intervention strategies provided by agencies to support clients.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives to improve services.
Evaluates the effectiveness of community services and resources for clients and their families.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives
Considers the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and makes changes to treatment plans as needed.
Consults with supervisor about treatment plan outcomes to consider potential alternatives.
Evaluate the effectiveness of social services provided organizations and communities and advocate where needed.
Meet with clients to assess the progress of their goals and make changes in treatment plans as necessary.
Participate in data collection, needs assessments, and other research efforts to inform advocacy or awareness initiatives.
Add other activities here:
SOCW 6520 (Field III) First 11 weeks
Week 9 focuses on Individuals, Families, and Groups
SOCW 6530 (Field IV) Second 11 weeks
Weeks 7 and 8 focus on evaluation of client success with assignments of blog posts and process recordings.
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will evaluate with all of the following target systems in the context of your agency:
As a therapist, I understand the importance of clients’ satisfaction. I will focus on providing client-oriented services. I have a lot of experience working with different people, groups and communities for great good.
For Students: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you understand how to evaluate clients and other systems (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Raise the professional relationships. 2. Work on setting objectives.
For Students: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
What are some of the common unethical ways that can compromise the client-therapist relationship?
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)
Assignment 2: Mid-Term Evaluation and Self-Assessment
Prior to your field education experience, you completed an agency learning agreement that outlined potential goals and objectives related to social work practice skills that you seek to acquire during this course.
Like a contract, your agency learning agreement also provided your field instructor a set of criteria that would measure your social work practice skills. For this course, you will undergo a formal evaluation of your social work practice skills.
As you engage in future field education experiences, you will be able to refine and hone the development of those skills.
For this Assignment, review your agency learning agreement and the results of your midterm evaluation. Consider how your field education experience fulfilled the goals and objectives in your agency learning agreement. Reflect on what you would like to gain in future field education experiences.
Note: You should receive your midterm evaluation from your field instructor.
The Assignment (4-5 pages):
· Describe whether you met or did not meet the goals/objectives in your agency learning agreement and include the results from your evaluation.
· Compare your learning agreement and your evaluation to critically consider how the two are compatible and how you may approach completing the learning agreement differently next term.
· Describe the social work practice skills you developed.
· Describe potential areas where you might need improvement in relation to social work practice skills, ethics, or professionalism.
· Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how your next field education experience might address those areas.
· Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how participation in this course might inform your future field courses, what will you do the same, what will you do differently.
· Be sure to submit the results of your evaluation to this assignment
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