Posted: January 17th, 2023
Religion 101 Research Essay
Religion 101 Research EssayAssignment: Select a topic from the list provided by your instructor. If the topic that you wish to write about is not on the list, please email me to get it approved. If it is on the list, there is no need to email me. NOTE: You are not allowed to use any essay that you used in any previous course, or that more than 20% of the material was taken from a previous essay submitted to any other course.
Daoism – What is wu wei Why is it central to the teachings of Daoism
How the Architecture of the Cathedrals Reflects Christian Beliefs
How the Architecture of the Mosques Reflects Muslim Beliefs
Peace Churches (Mennonite, Quaker, Amish) – These churches believe that Jesus taught
pacifism. Why do they believe that What scriptures do they cite What other reasons do they
give that are not based on the Bible
Advaita Vedanta/Monism in Hinduism
Animal Rights: What does religion/spirituality have to say about animal rights You could list
some famous vegetarians/vegans (historical and contemporary) and give their
religious/spiritual reasons for being vegetarian/vegan. Religious/spiritual reasons could be
compassion for the animals (all God’s creatures) or a belief that in order to save the planet from
destruction, humans need to switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet.
How Fundamentalist/Conservative Christians Differ from Liberal/Progressive Christians
Shamanism – many consider shamanism to be the first religion
Just War Theory – These are the reasons that a religion gives in order to justify going to war.
For example, usually the country has to be attacked first. Just War Theory also includes such
things as how prisoners of war should be treated, and how civilians should be treated. For
example, most Christians (and people of other religions) believe that when the U.S. entered
WWII, it was a Just War because the U.S. was attacked first at Pearl Harbor.
The Peace Churches (Amish, Mennonite, Quaker) – These churches believe that there is never a
just reason to go to war because they believe that Jesus taught pacifism. What scriptures do
they use as the foundation for that belief What reasons do they present other than scripture
for the belief in pacifism
Compare and Contrast any two religions that interest you. Cover the similarities and the
differences and do not try to prove that one is better than the other.
Compare and Contrast Buddhism and Christianity. Cover the similarities and the differences,
and do not try to prove that one is better than the other.
Dietrich Bonheoffer – Dietrich Bonheoffer was a German Lutheran pastor who came to the
conclusion that the Lutheran church (the largest Protestant church in Germany) and most of the
other German churches were being more loyal to Hitler than to God during WWII. The
Lutheran Church had joined an official alliance comprising most of the Protestant Churches in
Germany. This alliance was formed specifically to support Hitler. Hitler could not have risen to
power without the help of most of the people in Germany – and most people in Germany at the
time were active churchgoers. Bonheoffer and a few other pastors founded the Confessing
Church to protest the active support of Hitler by this alliance of churches in Germany.
Bonheoffer was executed in a concentration camp just a few weeks before the end of WWII.
What is the importance of his life and teachings for Christianity regarding such things as the
churches’ involvement in politics and Separation of Church and State
Sufism (the mystical branch of Islam)
Mysticism – All religions have mystics. What is mysticism
The Arts in Religion (material expression) – music, visual arts, poetry, sacred dance, etc.
The Candles of Hanukkah: Why is lighting the candles of Hanukkah such an important Jewish
Women in Religion: Choose an important female religious. You could choose an example from
history (not from a sacred text or holy book) or you could choose a contemporary example of a
woman who is having an important impact on the world. Write about their work and how
their beliefs have influenced the work that they do. How did their religious beliefs motivate
them to change their part of the world Here is a list of women to consider for your essay:
 Shirin Ebadi – Islam – She is the first Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace prize. She is
a lawyer, and works to improve the rights of women and children.
 Sharon Saltzberg – Buddhist teacher
 Rev. Sally G. Bingham – Episcopalian church – Environmental issues
 Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsu Khandro Rinpoche – Tibetan Buddhist teacher – She is
one of the very few fully trained rinpoches (“precious masters”) in the Tibetan Buddhist
 Anurdha Koirali – Hinduism – She works to end human trafficking in Napal, and to help
its survivors. She was “CNN’s 2010 Hero of the Year.”
 Bishop Vashti McKenzuie – African Methodist Episcopal Church – She is the first woman
bishop in that church.
 Malala Yousafi – Islam – She works for the rights of girls to get an education in
 Bishop Minerva Carcano – United Methodist Church – She is the first Hispanic woman
bishop in that church. She works on immigration issues.
 Dr. Sakena Yacoobi – Islam – She works for women’s right to an education in
 Anat Hoffman – Judaism – “Women of the Wall” – She works for the equal right of
Jewish women to read the Torah at the Western Wall of the second Temple in
Jerusalem. The women also want the right to practice certain Jewish rituals there.
 Margot Adler – Wiccan priestess – (neo-paganism) – Paganism is one of the earliest
religions, and shares many similarities with indigenous religions. But the pagan religions
died out or were persecuted out of existence. Today some people are trying to revive
them. One type of the new form of paganism (neo-paganism) is Wicca. “Pagan” means
“country dweller.” Pagans worshipped nature and nature gods. There were thousands
of pagan groups in many countries (especially Britain and Europe) and there was a great
diversity of pagan beliefs.
 Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum – Judaism – She works for LGBT rights.
 The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers – They pray, educate,
and heal. Page 68 of your textbook describes some of the work that the indigenous
grandmothers do. You can also go to their website to learn about each one of the
grandmothers. They are from Nepal, Mexico, the U.S.A., South America, and Africa. You
could research an individual grandmother, or you could write about the thirteen and the
work that they do together for healing and education around the world. Grandmothers
The Crusades – Examine all the causes. There were many reasons for the Crusades. People who
embraced the Crusades had different motivations. Include all the motivations, religious and
non-religious. Why do some Jewish historians refer to the Crusades as the “first holocaust”
What are the lasting effects of the Crusades on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
The Ethical Perspective of Confucius
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Importance of the Rise and Spread of Western Monasticism
Atheism: Atheism is not a religion, but it is the worldview of many. (You can go online to see
the percentages of atheists in each country. Australia has about 20%. Japan has about 31%.
论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China has 49%. Many European countries have a large percentage of atheists. Atheism in the
U.S. is growing rapidly. Show that you understand the reasons why people become atheists.
Sometimes an atheist can be your best friend if you believe in God, because an atheist will
challenge you to examine your beliefs more carefully, instead of just accepting (without really
thinking about) what you have been taught by your religious tradition/family/culture.
The Jewish View of the Messiah – How is it different from the Christian concept of the
Messiah Note: If you are a Christian, you need to be able to present the Jewish view with
objectivity and fairness. A Jewish person must be able to read your essay and think: “Yes, she
represented what I believe accurately.” You do not have to agree with the Jewish view, but you
must present it with accuracy and fairness. If you cannot do that because of your own strong
beliefs about the subject, it would be better to choose another topic.
The Psychology of Religion: You could use the examples of Sigmund Freud, or Carl Jung, or
William James.
The Religious Wars of the 16th and 17th Century in Europe
The Role of State Shinto prior to WWII in Japan and its Influence on WWII
The Spanish Inquisition
The Stolen Generations – This refers to the Indigenous children in Australia and other countries
who were stolen from their parents by government agents, and then placed in boarding
schools. (See Chapter Two.) If you would like to research this topic, there is a film called the
Rabbit-Proof Fence. This 2002 Australian film was based on the book Follow the Rabbit-Proof
Fence by Doris Pilkington Garimara. It is a true story about three young Aboriginal girls who try
to run away from a boarding school by following a fence. One of the girls was taken at the age
of three or four in 1931. She did not see her mother again until she was 25. Officials had told
her that her mother had given her away, and that indigenous culture was evil. When she finally
saw her mother again, the girl could not speak her native language. You may use the film or the
book as one of your sources. Note: Native American children also were stolen in this country
and sometimes the parents who protested were imprisoned. For example, thirty Hopi fathers
were imprisoned in the notorious island prison of Alcatraz for hiding their children and refusing
to give them over to the government agents. Since this is a Religious Studies paper, please
include the effects of the stolen generations on their indigenous religion.
Theodor Herzl and the Zionist Movement
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation – Note: Martin Luther is usually treated as a
hero among Protestants because he drew attention to the corruption in the Western Church
(led by the Pope), which eventually led to the Protestant Reformation and the Western Church
splitting into two. He is known as the courageous Father of the Protestant Reformation, but he
was also a very flawed human being. An “A” paper will include not only his important
theological insights, but also some aspects of his flawed character and his flawed teachings. For
example, he recommended that rabbis who taught should be executed, that all Jewish
synagogues should be burned to the ground, and that the Jewish people should become slave
labor. Read his booklet: On the Jews and their Lies. (It is available online.) Hitler sold this book
at his rallies to convince the Germans that the founder of the Lutheran Church (the largest
Church in Germany) was anti-Semitic and would have approved of Hitler’s policies toward the
Jews. The Lutheran church in Germany issued an official apology to the Jews after the
Holocaust. Overall, what is Luther’s lasting legacy for Christianity
Zen Buddhism
Zen Buddhism and the Arts in Japan – How has Zen Buddhism influenced art, architecture, and
even Japanese cuisine in Japan
Religion and Ethics: Ethics are called “social justice” issues in the Abrahamic religions of
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. often quoted the Biblical prophets
during the Civil Rights marches and rallies. If you are not clear about what social justice means,
read the Study Guides for Judaism and Christianity. The chapters/Power Points on Buddhism,
Daoism, and Confucianism discuss the religious/philosophical basis for their activism/ethics.
Note: You must tie these issues to a religious perspective. For example, do not write about
animal rights and PETA. Tell me what religions have to say about animal rights or the treatment
of animals.
Make sure that you present both points of view. Why do some religions/churches support
equal rights and gay marriage, and why do some religions/churches reject them After you
have carefully written about both sides of the social justice issue, evaluate the information and
give your perspective in your conclusion.
Here is a list of topics that you could write about if you choose the topic of ethics/social justice.
Choose only one of the following:
 Capital Punishment: Present both sides of the issue. What do religions teach about
capital punishment Use one religion or several.
 Medical/Hospital ethics – end of life issues, hospice care, euthanasia, new medical
discoveries, use of medical marijuana for prevention of pain, etc. These raise ethical
issues for nurses, doctors, families, hospitals, and religions. What do religions teach
about medical ethics
 Religion and Environmental Issues
 Religion and Equal Rights/Gay Marriage for homosexuals, lesbians, bisexual, transgender
 The Dalai Lama and the Movement to Gain Freedom of Religion for Tibetan Buddhists in
论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China
 The Role of the Hebrew Prophets and Social Justice (See the Study Guides on Judaism
and Christianity in order to understand what social justice means.)
 Hindu Ethics Regarding Non-violence (ahimsa)
 The Growth of Buddhist Activism or “engaged Buddhism”
 How the Hebrew Prophets influenced Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (and other Christians)
 Religion and Human Rights: What does religion say about human rights
 Separation of Church and State: Make sure that you understand fully what President
Jefferson and President Madison said about this topic. The PowerPoint on Shinto helps
to explain the meaning and purpose of Separation of Church and State.
If you do not see a topic that interests you, please email me to have your topic approved.
Guidelines for the Essay:
The top of the first page should have the following information:
Your name:
Instructor: Ms. Carol Lawson
Name of Course: REL 101 – W0
Title of Your Essay: State Shinto (or whatever topic you have chosen)
Research essay writing service – MLA format (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, one inch margins)
To Find Instructions for the Research essay writing service – MLA Format: Google Purdue OWL Research essay writing service – MLA Formatting and
Style Guide.
Marks will be deducted for not following the Research essay writing service – MLA format for Works Cited and for
Length: 1,300 words – Note: Any essay that is less than 1,300 words will be an automatic
failure (no more than 64%). You may write more than 1,300 words, but please do not write a
book. ïŠ
Eighty percent of the essay must be written in your own words. (Do not use very long
quotations.) Check your percentage on “How to Check for Plagiarism.” If the result says more
than 20%, you need to reduce it to 20% or less.
 NOTE: Please be careful not to preach a sermon. A sermon is not a research essay.
Sermons will be graded as zero for not following the instructions.
 Objectivity: When you write your essay, please pay particular attention to point three of
the objectives for the course in the syllabus. Point three says that you must demonstrate
that you can study religion in an objective manner. That means that you do not start your
essay with an agenda to prove that your religion is better than another religion.
 Do not use personal anecdotes (information that you have heard of someone’s
personal experience with Buddhist activism or whatever your topic is.) This is a
research paper. At least ten percent will be deducted.
 Quotations: Use no more than two quotations. Five percent will be deducted for more
than two. Ten to forty percent will be deducted, if your quotations are very long.
 Plagiarism: Check your essay for plagiarism after you upload it. Read the How to Check
for Plagiarism document that is found under Essays. If you plagiarize your essay, you
will be given a zero and an academic misconduct. If you are not sure what plagiarism is,
please read p. 2 of the syllabus. It is the responsibility of the student to understand
what constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarized essays will receive a zero and an Academic
1. Opening paragraph – 10 %
2. Content – 50 %
3. Citations – 5% – Citations differ from the Works Cited list. You must have citations at the end
of sentences or paragraphs to show where you found the information. If the citations are
missing, that is plagiarism, even if you have put the information into your own words.
4. Works Cited – 5% -at least two academic sources – At the end of your essay, there must be a
Works Cited list with a minimum of two solid sources. You may use books, websites, film, and
your textbook. Do not use a general encyclopedia or an on-line CD encyclopedia such as
Grolier, Wikipedia, or Encarta. Wikipedia sometimes may lead you to better resources. Do not
use general interest magazines, such as National Geographic. If you need help finding
appropriate sources, ask a reference librarian. Google Scholar is also a good resource. There
are also many good films in the Trident library. You may use one film in the Trident library as
one of your two minimum sources. If you want to use a film that is not in the Trident library,
you must get it approved by sending me a D2L email.
 Please note that the Bible, the Koran, the Buddhist scriptures, or any other sacred text
is not considered to be a source for academic research. You may quote the Bible or the
Buddhist sutras or the Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism or any other sacred texts for up to 10%
of your essay; however, holy books/sacred texts will not count as one of your two
academic sources.
5. Closing paragraph – 30 % – your conclusion/critical thinking
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