Posted: January 17th, 2023
Cleveland and Hospital in UAE IT Strategic Plan
Cleveland and Hospital in UAE IT Strategic Plan
Cleveland and Hospital in UAE IT Strategic Plan
Section 1: Meeting with Team Members to address key Objectives
Cleveland Hospital is a health care organization in United مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabs Emirates. The company has adopted an IT development plan to facilitate delivery of high quality services to its clients. Development of this IT program will include a number of phases that include designing, building, operating a client-based system so as to effectively meet the needs of their clients. Development of new IT system in Cleveland Hospital will address contemporary business environment where the firm has been in operation and an environment which the company’s client desires. There are four key objectives that have been identified with the IT system Cleveland Hospital intends to develop. These goals primarily aims at providing adequate support of Cleveland Hospital vision and enable management board in the company to gauge the level of achievements as well as overall success acquired by the company.
Key strategic goals in the company include;
1. The use of Information technology in reinforcing the business processes as well as customer focus.
2. Establishment of a secure information technology environment
3. Optimization of information technology investments through the use of Splash portfolio management, shared services as well as company’s architecture
4. Creation and maintenance of a world class work team.
Development of Cleveland Hospital information technology plan will require a capital plan of 41 primary initiatives in the fiscal year 2017. In 2018, the Splash capital plan will include 38 main initiatives. In development of the plan, Splash management team will evaluate major initiatives in respect to information technology business- related priorities that will be developed in the company. Moreover, development of this business plan will examine Splash’s vision so as to develop appropriate means to achieve their objectives.
Development of information technology strategic plan Cleveland hospital is a comprehensive blueprint that defines how the system will be envisioned, architected as well as delivered for the whole of the organization. This plan will also boost realization of Cleveland’s mission in delivery of health care services to all its patients (Greenblatt, 2015). Development of IT will focus on definition of the organization’s strategic plan, alignment of all the objectives associated with the strategic plan and definition of all fundamental initiatives in information technology. Moreover, development of this project will seek to identify all the activities that have been of significance to attain objectives of information technology.
Fig: The diagram below shows information technology formulation plan.
The information technology strategic plan above was created by evaluation of key Cleveland and Hospitals business objectives highlighting contemporary strategic plan, interview responses on numerous business associated information technology primary priorities as well as the best commercial operations. The strategic plan above indicates major directions in respect to the management objectives as well as Cleveland objectives as well as execution measures. Moreover, it outlines the level of inputs needed to develop the IT plan.
Key Strategic Goals in Cleveland
Cleveland strategic objectives, as highlighted in the strategic plan have been aligned to acquire the mission of Cleveland and acquire key priorities in the business. The primary goals of the plan includes;
1. Offers competitive value for client agencies as well as taxpayers
2. Attainment responsible asset administration
3. Enhancement of financial accountability
4. Enhancement of efficiency and effectiveness
5. Maintenance of a work force that meets global standards within the environment in Cleveland
6. Conducting social as well as environmental responsibilities in order to foster high level of workforce efficiency.
Section 2. Situation Assessment (Current IT Program Evaluation)
Some of the Cleveland information technology issues that have been prioritized in the plan includes executive, management as well as staff members located within the region. There have been a list of priorities linked to information technology and have been recognized for utilization in controlling organization wide assignment of resources. Therefore, these priorities have been utilized to formulate approaches in information technology objectives which the current system does not adequately address. These priorities have been designed to evaluate key issues that would have potential effects to the organization including;
a. Management of Customer Relationships
In this case, Cleveland aims at creating a system that will enhance good customer relations. The system will leverage the power associated with customer relationship. Creation of technologies that will foster interactions between the organization and its customers have been one of the key priorities that Cleveland Information technology plan has effectively created interactions that fosters depth interactions between Cleveland associates and clients located in varying geographical areas. This has been a transformational component which has been effective in identifying various facts Cleveland whereby, it is shifting from operational-driven aspect in order to create high quality services for their customers by adopting changes that will enable the organization to be customer focused (Global Polio Eradication Initiative, 2015). However, to achieve this objective, Cleveland will depend on the intelligence of its clients (customer data) particularly those who they have targeted, those that have already been reached and this will enable the organization to boost the quality of its services.
b. Web Transformation of Primary Cleveland Technologies
This is a priority issue that will see major information technology applications as well as systems modified. This modification will result in creation of web-enabled programs. Modification will be one by running various applications within a browser so as to make them accessible in the website. The main role of undertaking this transformation is to make the applications as well as systems easily accessible to Cleveland associates as well as its clients. By making upgrades on various Cleveland system applications, a number of changes will be made to enhance transformation of other applications which have not been run through web browsers. This will facilitate easy operations of the system by making them easier to use by Cleveland customers.
c. Expansion and Improvement of Cleveland Web Presence
The strategic plan have addressed various measure that will foster expansion of Cleveland’s web presence. This will be realized by evaluating Cleveland websites for ease-of –use, relevancy, branding, transaction capacities, execution and satisfaction of their clients. The new information technology will focus on consolidating Cleveland websites in order to incorporate various aspects associated with the websites. Furthermore, it will seek to incorporate Cleveland portals in the website. It will also assist in leveraging new initiatives that have been developed by the government.
d. Optimization of Cleveland Infrastructure
Optimization of Cleveland hospital infrastructure has been a major way of creating a wide range of infrastructure in order to ensure that Cleveland hospital customers have an appropriate way of creating a wide range of infrastructures. This as a result ensures that customers are able to easily access high quality services and influence cost-effectiveness, consistency in quality levels, provision of competent services and fostering in all areas of Cleveland operations. This will foster creation of accurate measures that fosters efficiency in regard to information technology as well as making various decisions that are based on cost-benefits as well as risk analysis.
Section 3. Major Business Gaps, Needs and Opportunities
Development of new information technology will effectively addressed various needs in Cleveland Hospital. Information technology plan has been effected in Cleveland system to address the issues associated with quality of services, execution of role among the staff and customer relations. This will as a result. This system will effectively address the gap between expectations and perceptions. Moreover, the system aims at creating alternative applications to foster communication and storage of information. Development of people within Cleveland system has been a major outline. It will also foster high standards and compliance. The new system creates an effective means of outsourcing information. It is also a method through which Cleveland has enhanced continuity of information system this fostering security of information and upgrading its backup system to prevent loss of crucial information. Therefore, Cleveland should seek to embrace measures to foster the level of competence.
Extension of Cleveland SSO Applications as well as Systems
This is a priority that will incorporate extension of system utilization, operation as well as ability to scale various applications linked to SSO. This will assist in increasing the level of profit margins and their utility. Therefore, Cleveland organization will be in a high position to acquire usability throughout various units within its premises. This will encompass enhancement of particular SSO applications as well as expansion of enterprise solutions. Moreover, identification of low performance applications will be done in order to disintegrate them from Cleveland’s operation system.
Information Assurance
Development of information technology will prioritize on information assurance. This will ensure that the system targets the right people, protocols, processes as well as technologies within the system. Moreover, development of these technologies will play a vital role in averting systems, information, entities and clusters. Over the recent past, there have been development of a number of security occasions as well as new legislation within Cleveland information systems as a way of boosting the profile of this organization. Making further advancements in these systems will be of significance in enhancing high level of information security and curtailing any possible access to vital information by unauthorized persons. Moreover, the system will restrain unauthorized guests from having access to the systems.
Section 4. Strategies and Actions
Creation of proper maintenance strategies for the system are vital in ensuring that all systems are effective. Moreover, the system will create enhancement applications to enable development of appropriate information, security of information and backup. Creation of appropriate infrastructure directions are important in enhancing high level of quality enhancement. Moreover, attainment of this program development goal will require a vast range of resources including offices, machinery and information technology experts. Development of risk assessment and mitigation strategies is key to enforcement of various measure that fosters high level of maintenance for the new development. Moreover, the system needs support team that will guide the users in order to ease t their use of the system.
New IT Initiatives
The new system will attempt to bridge the gaps and address emergent needs in Cleveland. Increased level of service data that needs storage is one of the main issues that the IT system will seek to address. Moreover, the system seeks to promote data security to ensure that only authorized persons can access vital information. Current IT system in the hospital fails to adequately address the issue of data security and does not look on future expansion to create more space for future data. The new system will hence comprise administrators to monitor access to information. Moreover, development of new IT system will seek to foster easy access to information such as medical supply, patient data, daily hospital functions and the level of service quality provided in the facility.
How to measure Performance
The level of execution for the new information system will be evaluated by the level of data storage as well as capacity to foster data security. Access of the system is designed to allow only authorized personnel to access database. Thus, personal accounts will have login details. Successful and unsuccessful passwords will be saved in the system database to allow the system administrators to monitor system access. Moreover, performance of the system will be assessed by its capacity of its servers to connect all units in Cleveland Hospital. This will ensure that access of database can be done from different departments in Cleveland. Moreover, ability of the system to backup all files will be evaluated in order to safeguard data security and prevent deletions.
Program Implementation Plan
Implementation of the IT program in Cleveland hospital will be done in four key phases that will include;
a. Need Evaluation
This phase of implementation will address the gaps, opportunities and current needs in the hospital. It will also evaluate the current IT system to evaluate all that is missing. Moreover, it will assess any future needs and capacity for the new system to address any changes in future.
b. Resource Allocation and Budgeting
This will identify all resources required for the project and the value of all equipment needed. This will also encompass resource allocation for training programs and expert salaries and allowances.
c. Program Installation
This will involve technical developments such as hardware installations in different departments where the new IT program will serve. For instance, PC connections, network installation and database server installation. This will be followed by software installations and database development.
d. Training
Training programs will be undertaken by expert team to employees in various departments in which the new development will be effected. Training schedule will be developed to ensure that all operations are not affected.
Global Polio Eradication Initiative. (2015). Polio eradication and endgame strategic plan (2013–2018). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, Global Polio Eradication Initiative; 2013.
Greenblatt, D. J., & Peter, R. M. (2015). American College of Clinical Pharmacology commentary on the Strategic Plan 2010–2014 Progress Report from the Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health.The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 55(7), 723-724.
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