Posted: February 18th, 2022
Elements of Effective Informed Consent (250 words), psychology Coursework Assignment – Need help with my homework – Research paper writing help – Write a paper
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A thorough understanding of ethics and the ethical guidelines that govern the world of clinical psychology is very important for both the professionals who work in the field, as well as those they seek to treat. The ability to effectively deliver informed consent is a big part of that understanding, in particular with regard to the application of all forms of psychotherapy.Through the use of Chapter Five (pp. 113-115) in the text, as well as the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010), in at least 250 words, provide a set of guidelines that detail the necessary elements of an effective informed consent form, as it relates to providers of psychotherapy and clinical psychology. You are not required to develop an informed consent form, simply provide an outline of what constitutes effective informed consent.Resources:American Psychological Association. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010). Retrieved from your AssignmentPut your Assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.”In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 4: Assignment Dropbox.In the “Comments” field, make sure to add at least the title of your essay.Click the “Add Attachments” button.Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.Make sure that you save a copy of your AssignmentHere is the reading material from my book that you will also need to do this.
Makes Multiple Relationships Unethical?
Not every multiple relationship is,
by definition, unethical. To help identify the specific elements of multiple
relationships that characterize them as unethical, we again turn to Ethical
Standard 3.05a:
A psychologist refrains from
entering into a multiple relationship if the multiple relationship could
reasonably be expected to impair the psychologist’s objectivity, competence, or
effectiveness in performing his or her functions as a psychologist, or otherwise
risks exploitation or harm to the person with whom the professional
relationship exists. Multiple relationships that would not reasonably be
expected to cause impairment or risk exploitation or harm are not unethical.
(American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 1065)
As this standard indicates, there
are essentially two criteria for impropriety in a multiple relationship. The
first involves impairment in the psychologist; if the dual role with the client
makes it difficult for the psychologist to remain objective, competent, or
effective, then it should be avoided. The second involves exploitation or harm
to the client. Psychologists must always remember that the therapist–client
relationship is characterized by unequal power, such that the therapist’s role
involves more authority and the client’s role involves more vulnerability,
especially as a consequence of some clients’ presenting problems (Pope, 1994;
Schank et al., 2003). Thus, ethical psychologists remain vigilant about
exploiting or harming clients by clouding or crossing the boundary between
professional and nonprofessional relationships. Above all, the client’s
well-being, not the psychologist’s own needs, must remain the overriding
As the last line of the standard
above indicates, it is possible to engage in a multiple relationship that is
neither impairing to the psychologist nor exploitive or harmful to the client.
(And in some settings, such as small communities, such multiple relationships
may be difficult to avoid. We discuss this in more detail later in this
chapter.) However, multiple relationships can be ethically treacherous
territory, and clinical psychologists owe it to their clients and themselves to
ponder such relationships with caution and foresight. Sometimes, major violations
of the ethical standard of multiple relationships are preceded by “a slow
process of boundary erosion” (Schank et al., 2003, p. 183). That is, a clinical
psychologist may engage in some seemingly harmless, innocuous behavior that
doesn’t exactly fall within the professional relationship—labeled by some as a
“boundary crossing” (Gabbard, 2009b; Zur, 2007)—and although this behavior is
not itself grossly unethical, it can set the stage for future behavior that is.
These harmful behaviors are often called “boundary violations” and can cause
serious harm to clients, regardless of their initial intentions (Gutheil &
Brodsky, 2008; Zur, 2009).
As an example of an ethical
“slippery slope” of this type, consider Dr. Greene, a clinical psychologist in
private practice. Dr. Greene finishes a therapy session with Annie, a
20-year-old college student, and soon after the session, Dr. Greene walks to
his car in the parking lot. On the way, he sees Annie unsuccessfully trying to
start her car. He offers her a ride to class, and she accepts. As they drive
and chat, Annie realizes that she left her backpack in her car, so Dr. Greene
lends her some paper and pens from his briefcase so she will be able to take
notes in class. Dr. Greene drops off Annie and doesn’t give his actions a
second thought; after all, he was merely being helpful. However, his actions
set a precedent with Annie that a certain amount of nonprofessional interaction
is acceptable. Soon, their out-of-therapy relationship may involve socializing
or dating, which would undoubtedly constitute an unethical circumstance in
which Annie could eventually be exploited or harmed. Although such “boundary
erosion” is not inevitable (Gottlieb & Younggren, 2009), minor boundary
infractions can foster the process. As such, clinical psychologists should give
careful thought to certain actions—receiving or giving gifts, sharing food or
drink, self-disclosing one’s own thoughts and feelings, borrowing or lending
objects, hugging—that may be expected and normal within most interpersonal
relationships but may prove detrimental in the clinical relationship (Gabbard,
2009b; Gutheil & Brodsky, 2008; Zur, 2009).
The American Psychological
Association’s (2002) code of ethics devotes an entire section of ethical
standards to the topic of competence. In general, competent clinical
psychologists are those who are sufficiently capable, skilled, experienced, and
expert to adequately complete the professional tasks they undertake (Nagy,
One specific ethical standard in the
section on competence (2.01a) addresses the boundaries of competence: “Psychologists
provide services, teach, and conduct research with populations and in areas
only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education,
training, supervised experience, consultation, study, or professional
experience” (American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 1063).
An important implication of this
standard is that having a doctoral degree or a license in psychology does not
automatically make a psychologist competent for all professional activities.
Instead, the psychologist must be specifically competent for the task at hand.
As an example, consider Dr. Kumar, a clinical psychologist who attended a
doctoral training program in which she specialized in child clinical
psychology. All her graduate coursework in psychological testing focused on
tests appropriate for children, and in her practice, she commonly uses such
tests. Dr. Kumar receives a call from Rick, an adult seeking an intelligence
test for himself. Although Dr. Kumar has extensive training and experience with
children’s intelligence tests, she lacks training and experience with the adult
versions of these tests. Rather than reasoning, “I’m a licensed clinical
psychologist, and clinical psychologists give these kinds of tests, so this is
within the scope of my practice,” Dr. Kumar takes a more responsible, ethical
approach. She understands that she has two options: become adequately competent
(through courses, readings, supervision, etc.) before testing adults such as
Rick, or refer adults to another clinical psychologist with more suitable
Psychologists not only need to
become competent, but they must also remain competent: “Psychologists undertake
ongoing efforts to develop and maintain their competence” (Standard 2.03,
American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 1064). This standard is consistent
with the continuing education regulations of many
state licensing boards. That is, to be eligible to renew their licenses,
psychologists in many states must attend lectures, participate in workshops,
complete readings, or demonstrate in some other way that they are sharpening
their professional skills and keeping their knowledge of the field current.
Among the many aspects of competence
that clinical psychologists must demonstrate is cultural competence (as discussed extensively
in the previous chapter). Ethical Standard 2.01b (American Psychological
Association, 2002) states that when
an understanding of factors
associated with age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture,
national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or
socioeconomic status is essential for effective implementation of their
services or research, psychologists have or obtain the training, experience,
consultation, or supervision necessary to ensure the competence of their
services. (pp. 1063–1064)
Ethical psychologists do not assume
a “one-size-fits-all” approach to their professional work. Instead, they
realize that clients differ in important ways, and they ensure that they have
the competence to choose or customize services to suit culturally and
demographically diverse clients (Salter & Salter, 2012). Such competence
can be obtained in many ways, including through coursework, direct experience,
and efforts to increase one’s own self-awareness. Readings sponsored by the
American Psychological Association, such as the “Guidelines for Psychotherapy
With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients” (Division 44, 2000) and “Guidelines
for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally
Diverse Populations” (American Psychological Association, 1993) can also be
important contributors to cultural competence for clinical psychologists.
It is important to note that ethical
violations involving cultural incompetence (e.g., actions reflecting racism or
sexism) are viewed just as negatively by nonprofessionals as other kinds of
ethical violations, such as confidentiality violations and multiple
relationships (Brown & Pomerantz, 2011). In other words, cultural
competence is not only a wise clinical strategy; it is an essential component
of the ethical practice of clinical psychology that can lead to detrimental
consequences for clients when violated (Gallardo, Johnson, Parham, &
Carter, 2009).
The American Psychological
Association’s (2002) code of ethics also recognizes that psychologists’ own
personal problems can lessen their competence: “When psychologists become aware
of personal problems that may interfere with their performing work-related
duties adequately, they take appropriate measures, such as obtaining
professional consultation or assistance, and determine whether they should
limit, suspend, or terminate their work-related duties” (Standard 2.06, p.
1064). Of course, personal problems that impede psychologists’ performance can
stem from any aspect of their personal or professional lives (Barnett, 2008).
On the professional side, the phenomenon of burnout among clinical
psychologists has been recognized in recent decades (e.g., Grosch & Olsen,
1995; Morrissette, 2004). Burnout refers to a state of exhaustion that
relates to engaging continually in emotionally demanding work that exceeds the
normal stresses or psychological “wear and tear” of the job (Pines &
Aronson, 1988). Due to the nature of the work they often perform, clinical
psychologists can find themselves quite vulnerable to burnout. In one study of
more than 500 licensed psychologists practicing therapy (Ackerley, Burnell,
Holder, & Kurdek, 1988), more than one third reported that they had
experienced high levels of some aspects of burnout, especially emotional
exhaustion. In this study, the factors that increased a psychologist’s
susceptibility to burnout included feeling overcommitted to clients, having a
low sense of control over the therapy, and earning a relatively low salary. A
more recent study confirmed that over involvement with clients correlates strongly
with burnout, particularly in the form of emotional exhaustion (Lee, Lim, Yang,
& Lee, 2011).
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