Posted: February 18th, 2022
BSBCUS402 Address Customer Needs are listed below: Assessment
Address Customer Needs
Assessment Tasks
The assessment activities associated with the unit of competency
BSBCUS402 Address Customer Needs are listed below:
Assessment 1: Written ▪ Written answers to questions
Assessment 2: Project ▪ Written responses to tasks
Assessment 3: Project ▪ Written responses to tasks
This copy contains all of the assessment tasks required for completion of unit of competency
BSBCUS402 Address Customer Needs.
Prior to commencing the assessments your assessor will explain each task to you. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to seek clarification on any of the tasks, and your assessor will remain available to support you through the assessment process.
Your assessor is also available to discuss Recognition of Prior Learning and whether this applies to your circumstances.
Submitting your evidence portfolio
You are recommended to seek the advice of your assessor when putting together your evidence portfolio in order to confirm that you have provided sufficient evidence of competency.
You should note that your evidence portfolio must be retained by the Registered Training Organisation for audit purposes and will not be returned to you. If you wish to keep any evidence, you should make a copy prior to submission for assessment. You are advised to make sure you clearly label each answer and task and complete all sections of each assessment.
If possible, you should also submit copies of any workplace documents that may be relevant to this unit of competency. In this case you will need to gain approval to provide the copies from your employer.
Ownership and plagiarism
You are advised by accepting these terms and conditions you have declared the evidence that you submit is your own work or the result of your own research. By signing the declaration below you acknowledge your assessment is your own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. Note that if you quote any source in your evidence, you must provide a reference to the source in order to ensure that you do not breach Copyright legislation. You need to be aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification.
Re-submission of your evidence portfolio
If your evidence meets the requirements of the unit of competency you will be assessed as Competent (C) in this unit. If your evidence does not meet the requirements of the unit of competency you will be assessed as Not Yet Competent (NYC). If you are assessed NYC, it is important to discuss your re-submission with your assessor as you will be given one opportunity only to revise and re-submit your evidence portfolio.
BSBCUS402 Assessment Cover Sheet
Student Name Yona Tamang
Student ID
Qualification BSB40215 –Certificate IV in Business
Unit of Competency BSBCUS402 Address customer needs
Assessment Task Date of assessment Satisfactory Assessor Signature
Assessment 1:
Written Test Yes □ No □
Assessment 2:
Project Yes □ No □
Assessment 3:
Project Yes □ No □
Assessor’s Comments
Competent □ Not Yet Competent □ Re-assessment required □
Declaration by Learner
I confirm that the evidence that I have presented is my own work and/or the result of my own research. It contains no material written by another person except where I have stated the source. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a qualification.
If at any stage of the assessments, you believe that the safety of anyone is in jeopardy, you should abort the assessment session.
You are required to answer the following questions to confirm your knowledge in relation to unit
BSBCUS402 Address customer needs.
You may refer to your training materials and other research while completing the answers.
Write your answers in the spaces below using a blue or black pen. Alternatively type a document and provide a printed copy. If you re-type the document, repeat each question in the document and type your answer under the question.
Questions Satisfactory (✔)
Question 1. Each State and Territory is responsible for its own OHS Act, regulations and codes of practice. Which two of these three have legislated penalties for a breach?
Work health and safety (WHS) legislation provides for a range of corrective processes and enforcement options, including provisional improvement notices issued by health and safety representatives (HSRs), improvement and prohibition notices and on-the-spot fines issued by the WHS regulator’s inspectors, and prosecutions that could result in heavy fines or other penalties.
The two are legislation and Acts within both state and federal Commonwealth of Australia.
Question 2. What is the purpose of codes of practice?
An approved code of practice is a practical guide (developed by Safe Work Australia, informed by public comment and approved by the Workplace Relations Ministers’ Council) to assist you in complying with your health and safety duties under the WHS Act and Regulations.
Question 3. What are the two main aims of WHS legislation?
1. All employees should perform their work in a safe manner.
2. The work place is a safe work environment free of risks and hazards.
Question 4. What is the purpose of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977?
The purpose of Anti-Discrimination Legislation is to provide people with the legal right to be treated equally regardless of race, sex, religious views, and other types of discrimination.
Question 5. Name six grounds that are prohibited by the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.
● Sex (including breastfeeding, pregnancy and sexual harassment)
● Disability (including past, present or future disability and also includes actual or perceived HIV status)
● Race (including ethno-religion)
● Homosexuality (actual or perceived)[1]
● Marital or domestic status
● Age (present or future)
Question 6. Briefly explain why it is important that a manager understands ethical principles and behaves in an ethical manner.
It is important that a manager understands ethical principles and behaves in an ethical manner because ethical behaviour and corporate social responsibility can bring significant benefits reduce labour turnover and therefore increase productivity.
Question 7. Each organization should have a set of procedures which outlines the expected standards of customer service and how to deal with complaints. Name the legislation that impacts on a business’ customer service procedures.
State Consumer legsation
Question 8. Identify two ways a manager uses the organisation’s customer service procedures to ensure staff understand and comply with the expected levels of quality customer service.
Encourage personne lto consistently implement customer service systems.
Plan and implement team and work activities,and identity resources to meet consumer needs and expectations.
Question 9. Along with procedures, a healthy organization also provides standards for customer service relationships. Identify two reasons for a business to promote high standards in establishing and maintaining good customer service relationships.
They are:
to make business successful
to increase sales
Question 10. To enable you to assist customers, you need detailed knowledge on the products and services available. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain what is meant by:
● Breadth of knowledge
● Depth of knowledge.
Breadth of knowledge is to know a little about a lot of things.
Depth of knowledge is to understand the depth required to increase the knowledge.
Question 11 Describe a system that could collect data to analyse customer complaints
Customer Relationship Management Technology
CRM is both a management function and a technology that deals with integrating all the business processes that involve interactions with sales, marketing and services.
Question 12 Describe how you would align customers, products and services
By creating transparent pricing
By giving customers respect and offering authentic support
Question 13 What system would identify customer interaction within an organisation
Question 14 What tools would be effective in identifying customer needs
Interviewing customers
conducting voice of customer surveys.
Question 15 How do you satisfy customer needs
By managing customer expectations
By being authentic in customer interactions
By treating the customer like royalty
Question 16 How would you manage customer needs being addressed
Establish effective communication
Appropriate referral of customer to products and services
Adequate procedures in place relating to customer service
All of the above
Question 17 Is it important to use the correct communication skills to identify their required needs – Please circle
And Why?
Question 18 The rights and responsibilities of customers should be a part of organisations codes of practice – Please circle
Total Questions 18
This activity is related to the unit of competency BSBCUS402 Address customer needs. In particular, you will be required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in relation to this unit of competency.
You may refer to your training materials and other research if required. The activity may be completed in the workplace or a simulated workplace.
Your assessor will use a checklist to record the assessment decision.
Overview Below are a number of practical tasks to be completed over a period of time in a real or simulated workplace where you will perform the duties of a manager. The times for completion of the tasks are to be negotiated between yourself and the assessor. The tasks will reflect your ability to:
Project Assisting customers to articulate and satisfy their needs.
Your assessor will provide you with instructions and complete a checklist on which they will record your satisfactory performance of workplace tasks.
The Project Tasks table below identifies the documents that you are required to prepare and submit in your evidence portfolio. They may be presented in printed format in a folder or as an electronic copy.
Ensure both your name and student number is clearly displayed.
Project Tasks
The following tasks may be completed as a workplace project based on your own organisation and job role, or as a simulated workplace project based on a fictitious organisation, or an organisation you are familiar with.
1. As a manager you need to be familiar with the promotional strategies used by the business. How, where and when products/services are promoted will affect customer expectations and business sales.
Part A- Develop promotional template letters
As a manager you need to provide templates of promotion letters for staff to use as examples of the standards and requirements of the business. The letter templates should display the content, structure, layout and format of two types of promotional letters- formal and informal.
Provide two template promotion letters to customers- an informal and formal letter promoting two products/services of the business. You may need to supply four letters if the customer groups (target markets) for the products/services are not the same You should ensure the templates are readable, appropriate and mechanically sound as well as display:
● In the formal letter- seven standard parts of a business letter
● In the formal and informal letter- use of the AIDA formula (attention, interest, desire, action)
Formal Letter (Seven points)
D- 1801, Neptune Society,
DS Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai 400 008.
11th June 2018.
The Editor-in-Chief,
Hindustan Times,
Main Street,
Mumbai 400 001.
Subject: Construction work in our locality during monsoon season causing us difficulties.
Through the medium of your esteemed and respected daily, I wish to inform the municipal authorities of the difficulties the residents of my locality are facing due to the construction and repair work currently happening in our area. Monsoon season has started a few days ago and is compounding our problems.
The repair work has been ongoing for five weeks now and is falling way behind schedule. And now with the current weather conditions, we are having persistent problems of water logging and flooding in our area. Another worry is about the accidents that may occur due to the debris lying around the road. Diseases caused due to waterlogging are another one of our concerns.
Therefore I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities with the help of your newspaper. Hopefully, you will be able to help us in drawing their attention and resolving this matter at the earliest.
Thanking You,
Your Sincerely,
[Mr. XYZ]
D- 1801, Neptune Society,
DS Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai 400 008.
11th June 2018.
The Editor-in-Chief,
Hindustan Times,
Main Street,
Mumbai 400 001.
Subject: Construction work in our locality during monsoon season causing us difficulties.
Through the medium of your esteemed and respected daily, I wish to inform the municipal authorities of the difficulties the residents of my locality are facing due to the construction and repair work currently happening in our area. Monsoon season has started a few days ago and is compounding our problems.
The repair work has been ongoing for five weeks now and is falling way behind schedule. And now with the current weather conditions, we are having persistent problems of water logging and flooding in our area. Another worry is about the accidents that may occur due to the debris lying around the road. Diseases caused due to waterlogging are another one of our concerns.
Therefore I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities with the help of your newspaper. Hopefully, you will be able to help us in drawing their attention and resolving this matter at the earliest.
Thanking You,
Your Sincerely,
[ XYZ]
Informal Letter (AIDA)
6th march, 2019
Dear Dasu,
Thank you very much for your last letter It was great to hear from you after so many months you seem to be having a nice time in france.
Thank you alto for the photographs i enjoyed watching them. France looked stunning in photos. Someday i would definitely like to go there. wish i was there with you now.
There’s not much happening here i’m busy with my college and work.
By the way are you coming home anytime soon? if you are just let me know the dates. We can arrange and meet up.
Hope to see you soon
Part B- Promotional activities of the business
For this activity you will imagine the two promotional letters were used to promote the products or services of the business. In a report, answer the following questions.
● Who are your customers? (target market characteristics)
● What customer responses are anticipated from the promotional letters?
● What message was communicated to customers? (e.g. benefits and reasons to use/buy, action required, use of appeals, etc)
Executive Summary To promote the products or services of the business.
Who were your customers? Regular and some new customers
Customer responses from promotional letters? They felt attracted to the new menu and catering party.
Messages communicated to customers Customers are duly welcome to discuss their needs as per their request.
Conclusions Promotional activities of the business were carried out successfully.
References N/A
Part C- Analyse promotional data and compare with timelines and budgets Using the scenario from Part B, in a report:
List, estimate and total the promotional costs for creation and distribution of the letters i.e. wages, postage, stationery, plus any on-costs from overheads, electricity, computer equipment, etc.
● Beside each promotional cost item, create a budget to be used next time this promotional activity is undertaken.
● Review, analyse and make comment (reason) on the difference (over/under budget) between the estimated promotional costs and the proposed future budget.
● Design an activity timeline schedule with task milestones (e.g. design, development, printing, letter sorting/stamping, and mailing/distribution) for the promotional activity scenario and another for the budget promotional activity.
● Review, analyse and make comment (reason) on the difference (time saved, activity combined/not required) between the scenario promotional activity timeframes and/or milestones and the proposed future promotional activity’s
Executive Summary Promotional data and comparison with timelines and budgets
Promotional costs estimate 1700$
Capital costs ( Equipment, utilities) 3000$
Future budget for promotion of business services/products 5000$
Activity timeline schedule for promotion of business services/products 40 days
Conclusion Total promotional costs and proposed budget were estimated within the given time farmes.
Project Tasks
2. In order to effectively assist customers to meet their needs, it is important to be an active listener as well as assist customers articulate the requirements of their needs.
Part A- Customer communication
In a report, explain the communication strategies that could be used to:
● Assist customers explore their needs in a culturally appropriate way
(i.e. including people with diverse backgrounds and levels of ability)
● Ensure both you and the customer understand the customer’s needs
● Come to an agreement as to the customer’s needs.
Customers may include:
● Customers with routine or specific requests
● In person, computer-based and telephone customers
● Internal and external customers
● People from a range of social, cultural or ethnic backgrounds
● People who may be unwell, drug affected or emotionally distressed
● People with varying physical and mental abilities
● Regular and new customers.
Executive Summary Explanation of communication strategies.
Communication strategies utilised that recognise cultural differences of customers 1)different way of speaking
2)gender roles clearly defined along cultural boundaries.
3)codes of behaviour
5)use of physical space.
Customer needs? Product according to customer preference and differences with quantitative and qualitative approach.
Conclusions Customer needs are utilised according to customer based strategies and differences
References None
Part B- Matching customer needs
Using your knowledge of the business’ products/services, in a report explain the process you would use to identify products/services that would match the customer’s needs. Once you have identified the product/service options that would meet the customer’s needs, describe how you would explain and promote each product/service.
Executive Summary Identification of product/service as well as promotion
Strategies to identify customer needs? Market Research
Customer Feedback
Customer Relationship Management
Strategies to provide consumer information and promote products/services? Email marketing
Facebook ads
In-store promotions
Share customer reviews
Conclusions Business products/services are identified on the basis of consumer information and using strategies.
References None
Part C- Customer rights and responsibilities
Using the scenario from Part B, explain (or list) in a report the rights and responsibilities of customers when accepting the product/service.
Rights and responsibilities may include:
● Fulfilment of external obligations
● Informed consent.
Executive Summary Rights and responsibilities of customers on accepting products and services.
List/explain the rights of customers? right to safety
right to be informed
right to choose
right to be heard
right to redress
right to consumer education
right to a healthy environment
Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the purpose and function of Australian Consumer Law (ACL) The purpose and function of Australian Consumer Law is dealing with:
prescribed requirements for asserting a right to payment.
agreements that are not unsolicited consumer agreements.
requirements for warranties against defects and repair notices
reporting requirements for goods or product related services associated with death, serious injury or serious illness.
Conclusions Customer rights and responsibilities are discussed on accepting products and services to the customers
References N/A
The overall project task:
Compile all the above documents together. They will be assessed separately and then assessed for overall readability, which includes use of appropriate grammar and punctuation in sentences and paragraphs.
Project Tasks
This activity is related to the unit of competency BSBCUS402 Address customer needs.
In particular, you will be required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in relation to this unit of competency.
You may refer to your training materials and other research if required. The activity may be completed in the workplace or a simulated workplace.
Your assessor will use a checklist to record the assessment decision.
Overview Below are a number of practical tasks to be completed over a period of time in a real or simulated workplace where you will perform the duties of a manager. The times for completion of the tasks are to be negotiated between yourself and the assessor. The tasks will reflect your ability to:
Project: Maintain internal and external networks to provide quality customer service and effectively service customers.
Your assessor will provide you with instructions and complete a checklist on which they will record your satisfactory performance of workplace tasks.
The Project Tasks table below identifies the documents that you are required to prepare and submit in your evidence portfolio. They may be presented in printed format in a folder or as an electronic copy.
Ensure both your name and student number is clearly displayed.
Project Tasks
The following tasks may be completed as a workplace project based on your own organisation and job role, or as a simulated workplace project based on a fictitious organisation, or an organisation you are familiar with.
1. As a manager and role model for staff you need to provide copy lines as well as demonstrate quality customer service. Regular communication with customers is an important part of ensuring quality customer service as communication assist in building customer loyalty. Also, in order to provide effective customer service, you also need to continually update and maintain a network of product and service providers both within the business and with other organisations so you are able to advise customers and ensure their needs are satisfied.
In a report respond to the following:
Name three customer communication tools/ mediums (e.g. counter feedback forms and service feedback box) that could be used to effectively establish and maintain regular contact with customers.
Identify 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage for each tool/medium (e.g. advantage-easy to collect feedback; disadvantage- generally low number of feedback responses)
● Effective techniques for personal (regular) communication may include:
● Giving customers full attention
● Handling sensitive and confidential issues
● Maintaining eye-contact (for face-to-face interactions), except where eye-contact may be culturally inappropriate
● Speaking clearly and concisely
● Using active listening techniques
● Using appropriate language and tone of voice
● Using clearly written information/communication
● Using non-verbal communication e.g. Body language, personal presentation (for face-to-face interactions)
● Using open and/or closed questions.
● Identify four actions/activities you could undertake in order to establish, maintain and expand your product/service networks within and outside of the business to ensure appropriate customer needs referrals.
Executive Summary Introduction of customer communication tools/mediums.
Name 3 Customer service communication tools? Internet
Social Networks and forums
Chat groups and messaging
List 1 Advantage and one Disadvantage for all 3 identified Customer communication tools? 1)Internet
Advantage: Information,knowledge and learning
Disadvantage: Addiction, time waste ad causes distractions
2)Chat groups and messages
Advantage:Team building cost saving
Disadvantage:different opinions and perspective
3)Social and networks and forums
Advantage:Team building and cost saving
Disadvantage:Different opinions and perspective
Conclusions Homework help – Discussion of advantages and disadvantages of identified customer communication tools
References N/A
Project Tasks
2. A business is more effective when customer service procedures and processes are in place to give staff guidance when they are providing quality customer service.
In a report, explain the consequences if the customer service procedure does not cover certain situations. You need to provide two consequences for each of the following situations.
● Customer services supplied (targeted) are not based on up to date information about the customer and the products/services available
● Customer referrals are not based on an assessment of the customer’s needs and the matching of those needs to the products/services available
● Customer records are not updated and maintained.
Organisational procedures may include:
● Procedural manuals
● Quality systems, standards and copy lines.
Executive Summary Explanation of consequences relating to targeted customer services and their issues
Customer services are not based on up to date information about customer and products/services available Consequence 1:issues related to regular customers
Consequence 2: customer opinions differences in products and services.
Customer referrals are not based on an assessment of the customer’s needs Consequence 1:lack of customer details
Consequence 2:lack of product details
Customer records are not updated and maintained Consequence 1:due to lack of knowledge on staffs.
Consequence 2: customers feel hesitant to provide their details.
Project Tasks
The overall project task:
Compile all the above documents together. They will be assessed separately and then assessed for overall readability, which includes use of appropriate grammar and punctuation in sentences and paragraphs.
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