Fundamental Problems with the Catholic Church in 15th Century and How Martin Luther Faced Them

Question: What was Luther’s fundamental religious problem with the Catholic Church? Trace the development of this problem and why Luther solved it. Among the many problems Luther pointed out in the Catholic Church in his 95 theses, the one he had the most problem with was the issue of salvation and the selling of indulgencies. […]

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A Brief Account of The Destruction of The Indies

Las Casas wrote about this massacre of the Amerindians committed by the Spaniards. In my opinion he only wrote about the massacre to help discredit the values of the Spaniard army, and their actions went against his moral views. Las Casas did not view the Amerindians as equals of the Spaniards. Las Casas was a […]

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Protect Our Mother Nature

PROTECT OUR MOTHER NATURE Repeatedly in history, conceptions of nature have served as ideological justifications for political theory. The most obvious example is the Hobbesian state of nature against which even the most oppressive government appears perfectly legitimate. Whereas in most cases of political theory, nature looks like an incompetent savage or unreliable tramp, some […]

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Please refer to the Message Section. Agrarianism in Southern Literature

Agrarianism is defined as a political and social philosophy that emphasizes the importance of farming and the cultivation of plant life for man to lead a happier and fuller life. Thomas Jefferson, one of the chief proponents of Agrarian thought in American history, had mentioned its significance thus: “Those who labor in the earth are […]

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Police: Racial Profiling in America

POLICE: RACIAL PROFILING IN AMERICA Naomi D. Hopkins Stevens-Henager College APP 101 9 February 2013 Abstract This paper will discuss the relationship between Fear and how it relates to Racial Profiling in Police Practices. We will also discuss and illustrate real life examples under which Racial Profiling has occurred and how it is scientifically defined. […]

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Debate On The Nuclear Policy And Relevance Of Nuclear Weapons

The invention of nuclear weapons has been one of the most significant events in the history of humanity. It not only changed the conduct of military warfare, but also completely transformed the geo-political equation by placing humanity’s level of control on its own future through coming in possession of such omni potent means that could […]

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Immersion Project Paper—Part IV

Your Immersion Project for this course is essentially ethnographic research. When you hear the words ethnography or ethnographic research, you may think of Margaret Mead or Franz Boas performing their research on cultures outside their own countries and living among their research subjects. Contemporary ethnographic research includes many other types of research scenarios, such as […]

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A Philippine Hero

… I. for my part, have done everything possible to avoid it, although at the cost of many rights uselessly sacrificed… My government can not remain indifferent in view of [the] violent and aggressive seizure of its territory by a nation which has arrogated to itself the title champion of oppressed nations. Thus… my government […]

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Comparing the US Constitution to the 1918

In 1918, while the rest of Europe was still engaged in World War I, a newly formed communist government was developing in Russia. Much like 18th century Americans, they had just managed to overthrow what was viewed as a tyrannical government and hoped to form a new nation free of the injustices of the previous […]

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Aids in the African American Community

In the mind of the public, the AIDS problem is undoubtedly linked to sexual behaviors and possibly perceived to be a result of promiscuity, nonmonogamous sexual activity, and a well-deserved problem that should affect gay and homosexual people. To a certain extent, efforts to combat AIDS in the African-American communities have also been hindered by […]

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Fundamental Problems with the Catholic Church in 15th Century and How Martin Luther Faced Them

Question: What was Luther’s fundamental religious problem with the Catholic Church? Trace the development of this problem and why Luther solved it. Among the many problems Luther pointed out in the Catholic Church in his 95 theses, the one he had the most problem with was the issue of salvation and the selling of indulgencies. […]

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A Brief Account of The Destruction of The Indies

Las Casas wrote about this massacre of the Amerindians committed by the Spaniards. In my opinion he only wrote about the massacre to help discredit the values of the Spaniard army, and their actions went against his moral views. Las Casas did not view the Amerindians as equals of the Spaniards. Las Casas was a […]

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Protect Our Mother Nature

PROTECT OUR MOTHER NATURE Repeatedly in history, conceptions of nature have served as ideological justifications for political theory. The most obvious example is the Hobbesian state of nature against which even the most oppressive government appears perfectly legitimate. Whereas in most cases of political theory, nature looks like an incompetent savage or unreliable tramp, some […]

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Please refer to the Message Section. Agrarianism in Southern Literature

Agrarianism is defined as a political and social philosophy that emphasizes the importance of farming and the cultivation of plant life for man to lead a happier and fuller life. Thomas Jefferson, one of the chief proponents of Agrarian thought in American history, had mentioned its significance thus: “Those who labor in the earth are […]

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Police: Racial Profiling in America

POLICE: RACIAL PROFILING IN AMERICA Naomi D. Hopkins Stevens-Henager College APP 101 9 February 2013 Abstract This paper will discuss the relationship between Fear and how it relates to Racial Profiling in Police Practices. We will also discuss and illustrate real life examples under which Racial Profiling has occurred and how it is scientifically defined. […]

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Debate On The Nuclear Policy And Relevance Of Nuclear Weapons

The invention of nuclear weapons has been one of the most significant events in the history of humanity. It not only changed the conduct of military warfare, but also completely transformed the geo-political equation by placing humanity’s level of control on its own future through coming in possession of such omni potent means that could […]

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Immersion Project Paper—Part IV

Your Immersion Project for this course is essentially ethnographic research. When you hear the words ethnography or ethnographic research, you may think of Margaret Mead or Franz Boas performing their research on cultures outside their own countries and living among their research subjects. Contemporary ethnographic research includes many other types of research scenarios, such as […]

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A Philippine Hero

… I. for my part, have done everything possible to avoid it, although at the cost of many rights uselessly sacrificed… My government can not remain indifferent in view of [the] violent and aggressive seizure of its territory by a nation which has arrogated to itself the title champion of oppressed nations. Thus… my government […]

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Comparing the US Constitution to the 1918

In 1918, while the rest of Europe was still engaged in World War I, a newly formed communist government was developing in Russia. Much like 18th century Americans, they had just managed to overthrow what was viewed as a tyrannical government and hoped to form a new nation free of the injustices of the previous […]

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Aids in the African American Community

In the mind of the public, the AIDS problem is undoubtedly linked to sexual behaviors and possibly perceived to be a result of promiscuity, nonmonogamous sexual activity, and a well-deserved problem that should affect gay and homosexual people. To a certain extent, efforts to combat AIDS in the African-American communities have also been hindered by […]

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