Leadership Models

A vast number of leadership models exist in practices that are proposed by a many theorists. The leadership models that will be discussed in this assignment are the Classical Model, Style Approach Model and Path-Goal Approach Model. 1.1 Classical Model Classical model concentrates mainly on the personal traits that a manager should have to be […]

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Utilization of Marigold Extract as Household Insecticide

UTILIZATION OF MARIGOLD EXTRACT (Tagestes erecta L. ) AND CIGARETTE BUTTS AS HOUSEHOLD INSECTICIDE INTRODUCTION Most insecticides effective for household use are inorganic which tend to be harmful to the user and to the environment. Recent statistics show that 75% of households use some form of insecticide, with much of this being used indoors. They […]

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Leadership Models

A vast number of leadership models exist in practices that are proposed by a many theorists. The leadership models that will be discussed in this assignment are the Classical Model, Style Approach Model and Path-Goal Approach Model. 1.1 Classical Model Classical model concentrates mainly on the personal traits that a manager should have to be […]

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Utilization of Marigold Extract as Household Insecticide

UTILIZATION OF MARIGOLD EXTRACT (Tagestes erecta L. ) AND CIGARETTE BUTTS AS HOUSEHOLD INSECTICIDE INTRODUCTION Most insecticides effective for household use are inorganic which tend to be harmful to the user and to the environment. Recent statistics show that 75% of households use some form of insecticide, with much of this being used indoors. They […]

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