Graduate Qualities Assessed Understanding business theory and practice Graduate Qualities Assessed Understanding business theory and practice Intelligent use of information Creative problem solving Responsible and ethical behaviour Learning and professional development Topic Unilever and Profitability Length 1500-2,000 words. This does not include references and appendices; that is, the body of your paper should be between […]
Exploring Global Business Challenges from Multiple Perspective Type of Collaboration Individual Assessment Marking Criteria The marking criteria are as follows: 1. The ability to consider multiple perspectives and explain how they are relevant to this case (30% of total mark); 2. The use of theoretical and conceptual arguments to support and critique aspects of the […]
Practical Assessment Assessment Title Practical Assessment: Your Business Idea and the Constructive Workshopping of Ideas Task Description This is an individual assignment that students complete in consultation with their group/team. The objective of Assessment 2 is to learn how to develop a business idea by brainstorming and levering off the skillsets of others. Thus, you […]
Jurlique: Globalizing Beauty from Nature and Science This assessment exercise is designed to facilitate the following three Student Learning Outcomes. The marking criteria are developed in the context of these outcomes. SLO2: Analyse complex business situations using appropriate theories and techniques. SLO4: Generate solutions to problems in contemporary organisations. SLO6: Communicate complex business ideas. […]
Individual Assessment: Current Issues students are required to: 1.Identify and select three referenced news articles, one from each of the following topics: (a) Economic and financial environment; (b) Political and legal environment; and (c) Technological environment. Each referenced news article should be no more than four months old and may be sourced from either print or online news publications. 2. […]
Assignment: Case StudyDescription Marks out of Wtg (%) Due dateCase Study 1 (2000 words) 40 40 10 December 2017Please see the case titled ‘Home Pharmaceuticals’ in the assignment forum on study desk. This…ASSIGNMENT 1 – A CRITICAL REVIEW (40 MARKS)PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT 1The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to:? Understand the theory […]
Project planning and budgeting Polyproducts Incorporated, a major producer of rubber components, employs 800 people and is organized with a matrix structure. Exhibit I shows the salary structure for the company, and Exhibit II identifies the overhead rate projections for the next two years. Polyproducts has been very successful at maintaining its current business base […]
BUS707 – Applied Business Research T2 2020 ASSESSMENT 4: Research Proposal – 50% This assessment is designed to allow students to present and justify appropriate method(s) for a research project designed to address the research question posed. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b and d. There are two components of the assessment: • […]
Assessment Details Qualification Code/Title ICT50415 Diploma of Information Technology Networking Assessment Type Assessment -02 ( Practical Demonstration) Time allowed Due Date Location AHIC Term / Year Unit of Competency National Code/Title ICTNWK505 Design, build and test a network server Student Details Student Name Student ID Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my […]
Improve your interview and referral questions for the case vignette you selected in M1 Assignment 3. Using this case vignette, add to your referral questions by integrating the feedback that you received from your instructor in M4 Assignment 2 on your mock interview questions and formulated hypothesis on why the individual needs the referral. Example […]