Applied Clinical Diabetes Education (NS5382) Technology Requirements for Online Study Introduction James Cook University’s subject NS5382 Applied Clinical Diabetes Education is offered fully online. As such, it has certain technology requirements students must meet in order to effectively engage with course content and complete assessments. This paper will outline the key technology needs as stated […]
Assignment 2 – SIT284 Cybersecurity Management This assessment requires you to conduct investigation of serious security management issue in corporate organisations. You are required to prepare a security management report based on the findings of your investigation. This task assesses your achievement of these learning outcome(s) • ULO2 Assess security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to […]
400254 Therapeutic Recreation Professional Project Spring 2018 Edition: Spring 2018 Unit Code: 400254 Unit Name: Therapeutic Recreation Professional Project Credit Points: 10 Unit Level: 3 Assumed Knowledge: Not Applicable Note: Students with any problems, concerns or doubts should discuss those with the Unit Coordinator as early as they can. Unit Coordinator Name: Nicole Peel Phone: […]
Assignment 3 Individual Assessment (35%) STOTT’S COLLEGE Due Date: Week 10 (word count 1500 – 1800) Choose one life event from your own experience e.g. welcoming a new sibling, moving into a new house, attending high school, coming to Australia. Using two theories of development, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and one other Developmental Theory from the […]
Assessment 2 Assessment Type: Research Exercise 2 – research and 1500 + 10% word report – individual assessment Purpose: In this assessment, students should use the feedback from the first assessment to improve and further develop their research, analysis and report writing skills, applying these to the topic of planning implementation issues. This assessment relates […]
GRO UP ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Name HGE401: Hotels and the Guest Experience Assessment Group Project (Written Business Repot) Individual/Group Group Length 5000 + Infographics Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Understand the concept and development of professionalism within the broader tourism, hospitality and events industry; c) Explore the […]
Homework help – Write a 700- to 1050-word executive summary HC1052 Assessment Type: Individual Assessment Assessment Title: Individual Essay (2000 words excluding references) Learning Objectives: Applying concepts such as employee engagement, organisational citizenship, dysfunctional behaviours, and managing for effectiveness. Weight: 20 marks Word Limit: 2000 words Due date: Week 5 (Friday 21 August, 2020, 11:59 […]
Assessment Details Qualification Code/Title ICT50415 Diploma of Information Technology Networking Assessment Type Assessment -01 ( Written Assessment) Time allowed Due Date Location AHIC Term / Year Unit of Competency National Code/Title ICTNWK525 Configure an enterprise virtual computing environment Student Details Student Name Student ID Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, […]
BACKGROUND The aim of this case study is to investigate an infamous incident, Aloha Airlines Flight 243, in which a Boeing 737 aircraft suffered an explosive decompression in flight, leading to extensive damage of the fuselage. The aircraft was not lost, which provided a sound basis for an investigation into the incident. The case is […]
Page 1 of 8 School of Business IT and Logistics — Business Project Management (BUSM4611) Assessment 2: Group Project Proposal Report Assessment Type: Report, Group or individual assessment (A team of two students or an individual student) Word limit: Maximum: 3500-4000 words (excluding tables, figures, table of contents) Due date: End of Week 5 (Sunday […]