‘- AIMS OF THE MODULE:• To present strategy as a debate.• To provide an international focus, introducing students to the issues of adapting ap- proaches to strategy in an international context.• To engage students in the process of critical evaluation.• To enable students to describe and apply appropriate techniques for designing managing strategy.INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES:On […]
‘- Having read Chapter 6 in your course text, you should now be familiar with the concepts of planning, strategy, and a competitive advantage. It is now time to examine the case of the Campbell Soup company and the direction that the CEO took that company in the early 2000s. See Chapter 6 of your […]
Strategic Supply Chain Management – 21797 – Autumn, 2015 Course Introductory Document – Prof. Mark Starik Subject description Strategic supply chain management concerns the effective design and long-term planning of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the provision of products and services to the end-users. This subject introduces students to the philosophy of supply […]
Handout 1: Carrie’s Candy Shop History Carrie Jube has worked in the confectionery industry for over 25 years. It has always been her dream to own and operate a retail confectionery store. Carrie imagines her store to be filled with glass jars of lollies and chocolates, and wants to be recognised as a boutique confectionery […]
Handout 1: Carrie’s Candy Shop History – Carrie Jube has worked in the confectionery industry for over 25 years. It has always been her dream to own and operate a retail confectionery store. Carrie imagines her store to be filled with glass jars of lollies and chocolates, and wants to be recognised as a boutique […]
ASSESSMENT BRIEF COURSE: Bachelor of Information Technology Unit: Object Oriented Design and Programming Unit Code: OODP101 Type of Assessment: Assessment 5 – Content Analysis (Reflective Journal) Length/Duration: 2500 words Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts and programming problems […]
Assessment #3 – Research assignment (Graded) You may choose from one of the following research essay questions or negotiate one of your own that is relevant to your professional, program or academic interests with the Course Coordinator. Any negotiated research topics must satisfy the Coordinator with respect to their alignment of the course aims and […]
Assessment #3 – Research assignment (Graded) You may choose from one of the following research essay questions or negotiate one of your own that is relevant to your professional, program or academic interests with the Course Coordinator. Any negotiated research topics must satisfy the Coordinator with respect to their alignment of the course aims and […]
Assessment #3 – Research assignment (Graded) – You may choose from one of the following research essay questions or negotiate one of your own that is relevant to your professional, program or academic interests with the Course Coordinator. Any negotiated research topics must satisfy the Coordinator with respect to their alignment of the course aims […]
Assessment #3 – Research assignment (Graded) You may choose from one of the following research essay questions or negotiate one of your own that is relevant to your professional, program or academic interests with the Course Coordinator. Any negotiated research topics must satisfy the Coordinator with respect to their alignment of the course aims and […]