illusory correlation/self-fulfilling prophecies/attribution errors/self-serving biases/self-handicapping/aggression/social stimuli/intergroup conflict/peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups/interpersonal attraction/brainwashing/cognitive dissonance/loneliness/love and close relationships/helping behavior/conformity and obedience/indoctrination and cults/social loafing/groupthink/leadership or minority influence/prejudice/discrimination/catharsis, frustration, and aggression/individualism vs. collectivism/gender roles/culture

illusory correlation/self-fulfilling prophecies/attribution errors/self-serving biases/self-handicapping/aggression/social stimuli/intergroup conflict/peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups/interpersonal attraction/brainwashing/cognitive dissonance/loneliness/love and close relationships/helping behavior/conformity and obedience/indoctrination and cults/social loafing/groupthink/leadership or minority influence/prejudice/discrimination/catharsis, frustration, and aggression/individualism vs. collectivism/gender roles/culture The paper will be a 10-12 page essay on a topic you choose from a list of social psychological concepts which will be […]

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MLA Documentation Exercise

MLA Documentation Exercise Main Objective: Cite Primary and Secondary Sources in MLA Format Secondary Objective: Use research to develop a literary analysis It is important to use a citation format to prevent plagiarism i.e. cheating. There are dire consequences if the instructor suspects a student has committed this misdeed. That is why it is important […]

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GEN 499 Final project

Question description Final Research Project The topic of your project needs to be a contemporary societal problem, such as healthcare reform, immigration reform, privacy rights, euthanasia, First Amendment Rights, stem cell research, capital punishment, corporate prisons, legalizing drugs, ageism, animal rights, cloning, prayer in schools, racial profiling, recycling/conservation, sexism, outsourcing jobs, workplace bullying, etc. The […]

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Guide for Behavioral Disorders in Children Final Paper

This paper may be the first experience you have had with writing a formal research paper in the field of psychology. Exams in this class are designed to measure how well you are learning course material, while the paper seeks to measure your skills in the following areas: Making logical arguments Describing relevant studies in […]

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A written summary of a professional social science journal article, assignment help

Question description The instructions are below:1.  A written summary of a professional social science journal article.  The ARTICLE YOU READ must discuss subject matter that concerns itself with SOCIOLOGY or is sociological in nature.  The article YOU READ must be a MINIMUM OF 5 PAGES in length.2.  Your summary MUST BE TYPED and double-spaced, 275-350 words.  The average full […]

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Assignment help – Discuss Alcohol Effect On Society

Assignment help – Discuss Alcohol Effect On Society Federalizing Medical Campaigns against Alcoholism and Drug Abuse GRISCHA M ETL AY Office of NIH History, National Institutes of Health Context: The formation of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Al- coholism (NIAAA) and the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (SAODAP) in the early […]

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PSYCHOLOGY Multiple Choice Questions

1. A reward can interfere with a punisher when: (page 138)(a) reward and punishment fail to arouse approach-avoidance conflict(b) the punishment is not consistent(c) the punishing event becomes a secondary positive reinforcer(d) none of the above- rewards never interfere with punishment2. Self-Injurious Behavior tends to be treated with:(a) reinforcement(b) punishment(c) aversion therapy(d) learned helplessness3. The […]

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Decision of Bill Gates to give away much of his vast fortune to charity

Decision of Bill Gates to give away much of his vast fortune to charity Paper details: I CHOOSE CASE NUMBER 2: Bill Gates decision to give away much of his vast fortune to charity. (WILL UPLOAD YOU THE INSTRUCTION AND THE LINK TO THE CASE). THIS ASSIGNMENT SUBJECT IS MANAGING UNDER UNCERTAINTY (ALL ABOUT DECISION […]

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Validity and Test Development

Order Description A review paper describes many published research studies on a particular topic. For this project, you will be critiquing an article that is a review paper (Mitchell, 2012) related to external validity of psychological research. External validity refers to the generalizability of results of a study and how well those results will hold […]

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Nietzsche 1383359599

Nietzsche 1383359599 Introduction Nietzsche was a philosopher who was great influenced by the work of his earlier philosophers. His thoughts had a great impact on the community he lived in and influenced a wide group of people and professionals across the globe. his influence can also be felt today in various arts, music and writings. […]

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illusory correlation/self-fulfilling prophecies/attribution errors/self-serving biases/self-handicapping/aggression/social stimuli/intergroup conflict/peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups/interpersonal attraction/brainwashing/cognitive dissonance/loneliness/love and close relationships/helping behavior/conformity and obedience/indoctrination and cults/social loafing/groupthink/leadership or minority influence/prejudice/discrimination/catharsis, frustration, and aggression/individualism vs. collectivism/gender roles/culture

illusory correlation/self-fulfilling prophecies/attribution errors/self-serving biases/self-handicapping/aggression/social stimuli/intergroup conflict/peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups/interpersonal attraction/brainwashing/cognitive dissonance/loneliness/love and close relationships/helping behavior/conformity and obedience/indoctrination and cults/social loafing/groupthink/leadership or minority influence/prejudice/discrimination/catharsis, frustration, and aggression/individualism vs. collectivism/gender roles/culture The paper will be a 10-12 page essay on a topic you choose from a list of social psychological concepts which will be […]

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MLA Documentation Exercise

MLA Documentation Exercise Main Objective: Cite Primary and Secondary Sources in MLA Format Secondary Objective: Use research to develop a literary analysis It is important to use a citation format to prevent plagiarism i.e. cheating. There are dire consequences if the instructor suspects a student has committed this misdeed. That is why it is important […]

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GEN 499 Final project

Question description Final Research Project The topic of your project needs to be a contemporary societal problem, such as healthcare reform, immigration reform, privacy rights, euthanasia, First Amendment Rights, stem cell research, capital punishment, corporate prisons, legalizing drugs, ageism, animal rights, cloning, prayer in schools, racial profiling, recycling/conservation, sexism, outsourcing jobs, workplace bullying, etc. The […]

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Guide for Behavioral Disorders in Children Final Paper

This paper may be the first experience you have had with writing a formal research paper in the field of psychology. Exams in this class are designed to measure how well you are learning course material, while the paper seeks to measure your skills in the following areas: Making logical arguments Describing relevant studies in […]

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A written summary of a professional social science journal article, assignment help

Question description The instructions are below:1.  A written summary of a professional social science journal article.  The ARTICLE YOU READ must discuss subject matter that concerns itself with SOCIOLOGY or is sociological in nature.  The article YOU READ must be a MINIMUM OF 5 PAGES in length.2.  Your summary MUST BE TYPED and double-spaced, 275-350 words.  The average full […]

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Assignment help – Discuss Alcohol Effect On Society

Assignment help – Discuss Alcohol Effect On Society Federalizing Medical Campaigns against Alcoholism and Drug Abuse GRISCHA M ETL AY Office of NIH History, National Institutes of Health Context: The formation of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Al- coholism (NIAAA) and the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (SAODAP) in the early […]

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PSYCHOLOGY Multiple Choice Questions

1. A reward can interfere with a punisher when: (page 138)(a) reward and punishment fail to arouse approach-avoidance conflict(b) the punishment is not consistent(c) the punishing event becomes a secondary positive reinforcer(d) none of the above- rewards never interfere with punishment2. Self-Injurious Behavior tends to be treated with:(a) reinforcement(b) punishment(c) aversion therapy(d) learned helplessness3. The […]

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Decision of Bill Gates to give away much of his vast fortune to charity

Decision of Bill Gates to give away much of his vast fortune to charity Paper details: I CHOOSE CASE NUMBER 2: Bill Gates decision to give away much of his vast fortune to charity. (WILL UPLOAD YOU THE INSTRUCTION AND THE LINK TO THE CASE). THIS ASSIGNMENT SUBJECT IS MANAGING UNDER UNCERTAINTY (ALL ABOUT DECISION […]

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Validity and Test Development

Order Description A review paper describes many published research studies on a particular topic. For this project, you will be critiquing an article that is a review paper (Mitchell, 2012) related to external validity of psychological research. External validity refers to the generalizability of results of a study and how well those results will hold […]

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Nietzsche 1383359599

Nietzsche 1383359599 Introduction Nietzsche was a philosopher who was great influenced by the work of his earlier philosophers. His thoughts had a great impact on the community he lived in and influenced a wide group of people and professionals across the globe. his influence can also be felt today in various arts, music and writings. […]

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