INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION – Assessment 1: Reflective Essay Session due: Session 6 Date 23 October Length: 1200 words maximum Marks: 100 (40%) What is a Reflective Essay? Reflection exercises offer the student the opportunity to consider their thoughts, opinions, and experiences about specific content covered in the module. Furthermore, it allows the student to engage with […]
Assessment 1: Contemporary Business Issues Report As consumers become increasingly aware of sustainable practices, as many as 70% of companies worldwide are starting to integrate formal sustainability policies into their business practices (McKinsey & Company, 2017). These policies generally focus on the company’s effect on the environment and society (Spiliakos, 2018). TASK: Choose an Engineering […]
NRS162 ASSESSMENT 2 WORKPLACE LEARNING SCENARIO OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT DETAILS Value: 40% Due Date: 6-Sept-2023 Return Date: 28-Sept-2023 Length: 1000 words Submission method options: TurnItIn Assignment Portal (online) ASSESSMENT RESOURCES The following are downloadable documents to use in your preparation (they are all available in the Assessment 2 folder – you have likely already downloaded a […]
MASTER OF ACCOUNTING (Professional) ACCG8126 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Assessed Coursework 2 Due date: 23:55pm 10 Sep 2023 Sunday, submitted on ilearn Marks and percentages: This assessed coursework will be marked out of 20 marks and contributes towards 5% to your assessment. Submitted document format: pdf file On 1 July 2020 Lion Ltd acquired 100% of the […]
Faculty of Business and Law INF30035 – Business Process Management Semester 2, 2023 Assignment One Analysing As-Is Business Processes for an Organization Due: Friday, 8th Sep. 2023 @ 9:00am AEST Assignment 1 Weight = 35% Assignment 1 is an individual assignment! To be completed individually. Your submission should include: • Submit assignment 1 report file […]
College of Health and Biomedicine ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Family Name: First Name: Student ID Number: Unit Code: Unit Title: Assignment Title / Reference: Name of Lecturer / Tutor: Tutorial Group (Day & Time): Date Submitted: Student Contact Telephone No./Student Email Address PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s […]
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: CREATIVE TASK AND WRITTEN REFLECTION In this assessment you will reflect on Catholic social thought to apply it to a theme from this unit and a marginalised or minority group in Australia society. There are two parts for this assessment task. Part 1: Produce an original and creative work that reflects the […]
ASSIGNMENT 2: Essay Written Assessment: You are required to write a formal academic essay. The essay will require an introduction, body, conclusion and reference list. All in-text citations must have a corresponding entry in the reference list. You are required to use Help write my thesis – APA (7th ed.) referencing for your essay, citing […]
In this assessment task you will reflect on the Catholic social thought principles with reference to or consideration of your course of study to explain the interrelatedness of self and community. You will do this using the format of stand-alone, medium-length paragraphs that respond to four statements below (300 words for each of the four […]
UNCC100: Self and Community: Exploring the Anatomy of Modern Society ASSESSMENT TASK 1: QUIZ In this quiz you will show your understanding of the principles of Catholic social thought, with reference to the prescribed resources. You will do this in the format of short responses to six quiz questions, using the prescribed template. The six […]