Assessment Brief AF5031 – 2022/23 Accounting BSc (Hons) Economics BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance BSc (Hons) Finance and Investment Management Module Code: AF5031 Module Title: Professional Practice in Accounting, Economics and Finance Distributed on: Teaching Week 1 Submission Time and Date: Component 1 10-minute Group presentation will be delivered during the seminars in teaching week […]
MKTM028 AS2 Feed-forward advice Check your feedback from AS1 and incorporate the learning from this to improve your performance further in AS2. In addition, here is some feedforward advice for AS2 AS2 Contents Page advice: This is a report, so a contents page is required. Structure this around the brief: 1. introduce the subject, defining […]
Task Brief – Coursework 1 Module Title: Business and Management Strategy Business strategy refers to the actions and decisions a company takes to achieve its goals and objectives. This can include decisions related to products and services, marketing, operations, and organizational structure. Management strategy refers to the plans and actions taken by a company’s management […]
Module Code: LD 4004 Module Title: Entrepreneurship – Context, Process and Practice Assessment Component 2 – Individual Reflective Essay Distributed on: 26.9.2022 Hand in Time &Date: 12:00pm on 17.01.2023 Word Limit: 4000 words. Weighting 80% Submission of Assessment All assignments must be submitted electronically. It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before […]
Module Code: NX0474 Module Title: Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage Strategic management is the process of making decisions and taking actions that will shape an organization’s future direction and performance. It involves setting goals and objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, and identifying external and internal opportunities and threats. The ultimate goal of strategic management is […]
Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form 2022-23 Module Code: CS1S469 Module Title: Logic Programming and Computational Thinking Assessment Title and Tasks: Poster presentation Assessment No. 1 Date Set: 17-Oct-22 Submission Date: 16-Dec-22 Return Date: 15-Jan-23 IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP RECORDS OF ALL WORK SUBMITTED Marking and Assessment This assignment will be marked out […]
Assessment Task Information (In-College & Remote delivery) Key details: Assessment title: Written assignment (individual): Advisory Strategy Report Module Name: Strategic Management Module Code: PM607 Tutor’s Name: Michelle Aitken Assessment will be set on: Week 11 Peer Feedback: Your tutor will arrange a suitable time for this Assessment is due on: Monday 14th February 2023 at […]
Subject Title Social Content Creation Subject Code MKT304A Assessment Title Concept development and planning a content shoot Graduate Capabilities • Innovative Problem Solving • Technology and Information Literacy Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Evaluate visual content (photos, videos and social) from a variety of written and visual sources. b) Experiment with creative […]
Assignment 1: Digital Content Creation, Publishing And Analysis Start Assignment Due Sunday by 23:59 Points 25Submitting a file upload Assignment 1: Digital Content Creation, Publishing And Analysis Value: 25% Group or individual: Individual Word limit: Facebook post = 80-100 words, Analysis = 1,000 words (+/- 10%) Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1: Appraise digital and social media […]
Business and Law ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/23 Assessment Brief Submission and feedback dates Submission deadline: Marks and Feedback due on: (please note, deadline for returning marking, includes the university shut down over Easter and the five-day late submission window) N.B. all times are 24-hour clock, current local time (at time of submission) in the UK Submission […]