The Role of Nursing Staff in Supporting Mothers of Neonatal Incubation Patients Nursing staff play a vital role in supporting mothers of neonatal incubation patients, who face complex challenges and stressors during the hospitalization of their newborns. This blog post aims to explore the importance of nursing staff support for these mothers, the types of […]
Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer The theologians Paul Tillich and Dietrich Bonhoeffer grappled with relating theological concepts to modern secular society in impactful ways. Both thinkers sought to develop “secular theology” that could speak meaningfully about ultimate concerns to those existing largely outside traditional religious frameworks (Tillich, 1957; Bonhoeffer, 1955). While their approaches […]
Can the Religious Leaning of a Political Candidate Win or Lose Them an Election? Religion is a significant factor in the political landscape of many countries. It can influence the values, beliefs, and preferences of voters, as well as the policies and agendas of candidates. However, the impact of religion on electoral outcomes is not […]
What challenges are there to the Christian belief that there is only one omnipotent God? The Christian faith is based on the idea that there is only one God, who is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving. This God is revealed in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that this God […]
Theological Reasoning as a Basis for Faith Faith and reason have long been debated as compatible or incompatible approaches to understanding religion and spirituality. Some argue that faith is based solely on revelation or intuition and cannot be reasoned, while others posit that theological reasoning provides a rational basis for religious beliefs. This paper examines […]
Ethical Egoism in the 21st Century In the 21st century ethical egoism is the only logical moral code Ethical egoism is the moral theory that holds that one should act in one’s own self-interest, regardless of the consequences for others. It is often contrasted with altruism, which is the moral theory that holds that one […]
Should Religious Leaders Be Equipped with Some Form of Political or Legal Authority? Religion and politics are two domains that have often been intertwined throughout history. Some argue that religious leaders should have some form of political or legal authority, as they can provide moral guidance, promote social cohesion, and represent the interests of their […]
Religion and War: Examining the Complex Relationship Throughout history, religion and war have shared a complex relationship. On one hand, some argue certain religious doctrines have promoted violence and conflict between groups. However, most major faiths also emphasize peace, love and nonviolence. The reality is nuanced. In the early 20th century, nationalism and imperial ambitions […]
Immigration Policy in Texas Immigration policy in Texas is a complex and controversial topic that affects the lives of millions of people. Texas has a long history of immigration and immigration policy, dating back to the colonial era when the land was home to several Native American tribes and later settled by the French and […]
Capella Capstone Project Professional E-Portfolio Professional Context: A portfolio serves as a valuable tool for nurses to document and provide evidence of their skills, achievements, experiences, development, and ongoing learning. It not only benefits nurses themselves but also serves as a valuable resource for registration boards, employers, managers, and peers (Green, Wyllie, & Jackson, 2014, […]