Mattel Toy Recalls

Mattel, Inc. is the largest toy company in the world. This largest toy company in the world was founded by Harold Matson and Elliot Handler in 1945, as they started to produce picture frames. However it was Elliott Handler who had a visionary of a side business in dollhouse furniture out of the converted garage […]

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Critical analysis of a PR campaign

Abstract The value of the public relations campaign has become a topic of substantial debate. This essay assesses the role of the process and the value it has in today’s business world. With the evidence presented showing that there can be value found in a well-executed PR strategy, the Queensland 2009 project illustrates the pros […]

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The Acquisition Between Merck and Schering-Plough

On March 9, 2009, Merck & Co., Inc. and Schering-Plough Corporation announced that their Boards of Directors have unanimously approved a definitive merger agreement under which Merck and Schering-Plough will combine, under the name Merck in a stock and cash transaction. As the two companies’ combined 2008 revenues were $47 billion. The deal officially closed […]

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Social Responsibility, Consumerism, and the Marketing Concept

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, CONSUMERISM, AND THE MARKETING CONCEPT Robert D. Winsor, Loyola Marymount University ABSTRACT This paper compares the often-criticized “selling orientation” or “selling concept” with the commonly-praised “societal marketing concept “from the perspectives of consumer rationality and persuasibility. It is suggested that both orientations view consumers as relatively irrational and as easily prone to manipulation […]

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Non-Profit Marketing- Problems and Future Challenges

Marketing is being blamed for creating materialism in society and also for creating unnecessary demand for Products and Services, which the customer would not have asked for. It is because of marketing that the suppressed desires of the materialistic world take over the moral man and loads into being a hedonist.But people also feel that […]

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Audit in Private and Public Sector

Audit in private and public sector * Research problem Private companies have lack of confidence, since they are not sure for property of financial records. Procedures and numbers of company are not reviewed regularly. Most importantly, internal controls are getting poorer, and reliability of financial statements is not attaining progress. In addition, errors on tax […]

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Project Proposal on an Internet Cafe

Executive Summary Cheetahs’ Internet cafe With fast appreciation of technology amongst the people of Zimbabwe, an insatiable need for access to internet has spread out across all societies in Zimbabwe. This has seen mushrooming of internet cafes in different parts of the nation. It is this mismatch between vast demand for internet services and few […]

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Placebo Effect

Feda Aziz Amy Blitchok ENG 1060-0013 April 30, 2012 Placebo over Mind For years, scientists and researchers have sought to find an explanation for the placebo effect. What many scientists and researchers do not realize is that placebo or “fake medicine” has been used as early as the revolutionary period in the seventeen hundreds. The […]

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Why I need a degree in Christian ministry

I am a devoted Christian with a calling to serve human kind so as to convert as many people as possible to Christianity.  For me, nothing makes more sense that preaching the word of God.  Although I believe that Christianity is a matter of spirituality and the Holy Spirit is largely responsible for teaching Christians […]

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homework for kim woods only

  due April 30,2018 Write a Block Business Letter from the perspective of company management.  It must provide bad news to the recipient and follow the guidelines outlined in Chapter 7: Delivering Bad-News Messages in BCOM7 (pages 110-128). The message should take the block business letter form from the posted example; however, you will submit your assignment […]

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Mattel Toy Recalls

Mattel, Inc. is the largest toy company in the world. This largest toy company in the world was founded by Harold Matson and Elliot Handler in 1945, as they started to produce picture frames. However it was Elliott Handler who had a visionary of a side business in dollhouse furniture out of the converted garage […]

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Critical analysis of a PR campaign

Abstract The value of the public relations campaign has become a topic of substantial debate. This essay assesses the role of the process and the value it has in today’s business world. With the evidence presented showing that there can be value found in a well-executed PR strategy, the Queensland 2009 project illustrates the pros […]

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The Acquisition Between Merck and Schering-Plough

On March 9, 2009, Merck & Co., Inc. and Schering-Plough Corporation announced that their Boards of Directors have unanimously approved a definitive merger agreement under which Merck and Schering-Plough will combine, under the name Merck in a stock and cash transaction. As the two companies’ combined 2008 revenues were $47 billion. The deal officially closed […]

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Social Responsibility, Consumerism, and the Marketing Concept

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, CONSUMERISM, AND THE MARKETING CONCEPT Robert D. Winsor, Loyola Marymount University ABSTRACT This paper compares the often-criticized “selling orientation” or “selling concept” with the commonly-praised “societal marketing concept “from the perspectives of consumer rationality and persuasibility. It is suggested that both orientations view consumers as relatively irrational and as easily prone to manipulation […]

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Non-Profit Marketing- Problems and Future Challenges

Marketing is being blamed for creating materialism in society and also for creating unnecessary demand for Products and Services, which the customer would not have asked for. It is because of marketing that the suppressed desires of the materialistic world take over the moral man and loads into being a hedonist.But people also feel that […]

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Audit in Private and Public Sector

Audit in private and public sector * Research problem Private companies have lack of confidence, since they are not sure for property of financial records. Procedures and numbers of company are not reviewed regularly. Most importantly, internal controls are getting poorer, and reliability of financial statements is not attaining progress. In addition, errors on tax […]

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Project Proposal on an Internet Cafe

Executive Summary Cheetahs’ Internet cafe With fast appreciation of technology amongst the people of Zimbabwe, an insatiable need for access to internet has spread out across all societies in Zimbabwe. This has seen mushrooming of internet cafes in different parts of the nation. It is this mismatch between vast demand for internet services and few […]

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Placebo Effect

Feda Aziz Amy Blitchok ENG 1060-0013 April 30, 2012 Placebo over Mind For years, scientists and researchers have sought to find an explanation for the placebo effect. What many scientists and researchers do not realize is that placebo or “fake medicine” has been used as early as the revolutionary period in the seventeen hundreds. The […]

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Why I need a degree in Christian ministry

I am a devoted Christian with a calling to serve human kind so as to convert as many people as possible to Christianity.  For me, nothing makes more sense that preaching the word of God.  Although I believe that Christianity is a matter of spirituality and the Holy Spirit is largely responsible for teaching Christians […]

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homework for kim woods only

  due April 30,2018 Write a Block Business Letter from the perspective of company management.  It must provide bad news to the recipient and follow the guidelines outlined in Chapter 7: Delivering Bad-News Messages in BCOM7 (pages 110-128). The message should take the block business letter form from the posted example; however, you will submit your assignment […]

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