Assessment 1: Reflective Essay Reflections on “The Secret Life of 4, 5 and 6-Year-Olds”

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION – Assessment 1: Reflective Essay Session due: Session 6 Date 23 October Length: 1200 words maximum Marks: 100 (40%) What is a Reflective Essay? Reflection exercises offer the student the opportunity to consider their thoughts, opinions, and experiences about specific content covered in the module. Furthermore, it allows the student to engage with […]

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Contemporary Business Issues for ACME Engineering in Australia

Assessment 1: Contemporary Business Issues Report As consumers become increasingly aware of sustainable practices, as many as 70% of companies worldwide are starting to integrate formal sustainability policies into their business practices (McKinsey & Company, 2017). These policies generally focus on the company’s effect on the environment and society (Spiliakos, 2018). TASK: Choose an Engineering […]

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NRS162 ASSESSMENT 2 WORKPLACE LEARNING SCENARIO OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT DETAILS Value: 40% Due Date: 6-Sept-2023 Return Date: 28-Sept-2023 Length: 1000 words Submission method options: TurnItIn Assignment Portal (online) ASSESSMENT RESOURCES The following are downloadable documents to use in your preparation (they are all available in the Assessment 2 folder – you have likely already downloaded a […]

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ACCG8126 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Assessed Coursework 2

MASTER OF ACCOUNTING (Professional) ACCG8126 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Assessed Coursework 2 Due date: 23:55pm 10 Sep 2023 Sunday, submitted on ilearn Marks and percentages: This assessed coursework will be marked out of 20 marks and contributes towards 5% to your assessment. Submitted document format: pdf file On 1 July 2020 Lion Ltd acquired 100% of the […]

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Improving Efficiency and Quality of Care at Maroondah Hospital through Business Process Reengineering

Faculty of Business and Law INF30035 – Business Process Management Semester 2, 2023 Assignment One Analysing As-Is Business Processes for an Organization Due: Friday, 8th Sep. 2023 @ 9:00am AEST Assignment 1 Weight = 35% Assignment 1 is an individual assignment! To be completed individually. Your submission should include: • Submit assignment 1 report file […]

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Evidence of Continuing Professional Development

College of Health and Biomedicine ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Family Name: First Name: Student ID Number: Unit Code: Unit Title: Assignment Title / Reference: Name of Lecturer / Tutor: Tutorial Group (Day & Time): Date Submitted: Student Contact Telephone No./Student Email Address PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s […]

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Portfolio item 1- Macro Policy and Strategy Plan 1000 words

Portfolio item 1- Macro Policy and Strategy Plan 1000 words Purpose To demonstrate your ability to identify and address systemic issues and macro policy. (Aged Care Policy) Steps 1. Choose one aspect of macro policy that affects the work your agency does 2. Identify one or more relevant policies or issues. 3. Explain how aspects […]

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BSBESB301 Investigate Business Opportunities Task 2

BSBESB301 Investigate Business Opportunities Task 2 Investigating a Business Opportunity. 1. Students are to identify a small business they are interested in starting or a new aspect business opportunity for a current business. This could be expanding offerings to a musical theatre, acrobatics, hip hop or other genre not yet delivered in the business. Students […]

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NURS90155: Nursing of Acute Health Conditions Exam

NURS90155: Nursing of Acute Health Conditions – End of Semester 2 Take Home Examination 2023: Exam 1 Due Date: Monday 2nd October 2023, 1000 hours Weight: 25% Word Count: 2500 words Submission: Online via Canvas, through the link in this subject. Assessment Outline: This take-home exam consists of one case study, containing questions that you […]

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Part C – Informing Teaching Practice:

Part C – Informing Teaching Practice: Considering Literacy Development and Curriculum: (1200 words) For this task vou wIll: Examine the wav that the different states and territories view literacy development tol . states example (vic,nsw,queensland) children from birth to 8 years old. Investigate two approaches that: a can be used to promote literacy development and […]

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Assessment 1: Reflective Essay Reflections on “The Secret Life of 4, 5 and 6-Year-Olds”

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION – Assessment 1: Reflective Essay Session due: Session 6 Date 23 October Length: 1200 words maximum Marks: 100 (40%) What is a Reflective Essay? Reflection exercises offer the student the opportunity to consider their thoughts, opinions, and experiences about specific content covered in the module. Furthermore, it allows the student to engage with […]

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Contemporary Business Issues for ACME Engineering in Australia

Assessment 1: Contemporary Business Issues Report As consumers become increasingly aware of sustainable practices, as many as 70% of companies worldwide are starting to integrate formal sustainability policies into their business practices (McKinsey & Company, 2017). These policies generally focus on the company’s effect on the environment and society (Spiliakos, 2018). TASK: Choose an Engineering […]

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NRS162 ASSESSMENT 2 WORKPLACE LEARNING SCENARIO OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT DETAILS Value: 40% Due Date: 6-Sept-2023 Return Date: 28-Sept-2023 Length: 1000 words Submission method options: TurnItIn Assignment Portal (online) ASSESSMENT RESOURCES The following are downloadable documents to use in your preparation (they are all available in the Assessment 2 folder – you have likely already downloaded a […]

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ACCG8126 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Assessed Coursework 2

MASTER OF ACCOUNTING (Professional) ACCG8126 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Assessed Coursework 2 Due date: 23:55pm 10 Sep 2023 Sunday, submitted on ilearn Marks and percentages: This assessed coursework will be marked out of 20 marks and contributes towards 5% to your assessment. Submitted document format: pdf file On 1 July 2020 Lion Ltd acquired 100% of the […]

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Improving Efficiency and Quality of Care at Maroondah Hospital through Business Process Reengineering

Faculty of Business and Law INF30035 – Business Process Management Semester 2, 2023 Assignment One Analysing As-Is Business Processes for an Organization Due: Friday, 8th Sep. 2023 @ 9:00am AEST Assignment 1 Weight = 35% Assignment 1 is an individual assignment! To be completed individually. Your submission should include: • Submit assignment 1 report file […]

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Evidence of Continuing Professional Development

College of Health and Biomedicine ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Family Name: First Name: Student ID Number: Unit Code: Unit Title: Assignment Title / Reference: Name of Lecturer / Tutor: Tutorial Group (Day & Time): Date Submitted: Student Contact Telephone No./Student Email Address PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s […]

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Portfolio item 1- Macro Policy and Strategy Plan 1000 words

Portfolio item 1- Macro Policy and Strategy Plan 1000 words Purpose To demonstrate your ability to identify and address systemic issues and macro policy. (Aged Care Policy) Steps 1. Choose one aspect of macro policy that affects the work your agency does 2. Identify one or more relevant policies or issues. 3. Explain how aspects […]

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BSBESB301 Investigate Business Opportunities Task 2

BSBESB301 Investigate Business Opportunities Task 2 Investigating a Business Opportunity. 1. Students are to identify a small business they are interested in starting or a new aspect business opportunity for a current business. This could be expanding offerings to a musical theatre, acrobatics, hip hop or other genre not yet delivered in the business. Students […]

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NURS90155: Nursing of Acute Health Conditions Exam

NURS90155: Nursing of Acute Health Conditions – End of Semester 2 Take Home Examination 2023: Exam 1 Due Date: Monday 2nd October 2023, 1000 hours Weight: 25% Word Count: 2500 words Submission: Online via Canvas, through the link in this subject. Assessment Outline: This take-home exam consists of one case study, containing questions that you […]

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Part C – Informing Teaching Practice:

Part C – Informing Teaching Practice: Considering Literacy Development and Curriculum: (1200 words) For this task vou wIll: Examine the wav that the different states and territories view literacy development tol . states example (vic,nsw,queensland) children from birth to 8 years old. Investigate two approaches that: a can be used to promote literacy development and […]

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