A. Analyze the various responsibilities of a coding manager by doing the following: 1. Describe the responsibilities of inpatient and outpatient coders within a healthcare organization. 2. Describe the purpose of a clinical documentation improvement (CDI) program. 3. Explain how you would evaluate the qualifications of potential coding candidates for employment. 4. Explain strategies that […]
Wk 7 Anemia- patho Anemia This discussion will cover an overview of folate deficiency anemia. The pathophysiology will be reviewed along with the similarities and differences between folate deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemia. Patient factors will be discussed and how they impact these types of anemic disorders. Folate Deficiency Anemia First, folate is a […]
Clinical Leadership in Nursing Clinical leadership is important for achievement of the goals of a health organization. Leadership in a clinical setting to a great extent determines how well the needs of the patients are met and the overall quality of delivered healthcare services. Basically, clinical leadership in nursing is all about influencing peers to […]
The Nursing Homes or Home Care Dilemma” Introduction Living in the developing world force young generation to face the dilemma of putting their elder relatives, parents, or people they are familiar with into the nursing houses or take care of them at homes. Traditionally, it is believed that all those mentioned must be taken care […]
Ethical Issues, Ethical Dilemmas, and Ethical Theories Ethical issues arise when a decision or scenario is against the moral principles in society. Employees in a workplace may be confronted with various ethical issues including manipulating sales figures, spending the company’s money on personal budgets and taking bribes (Amer. 2019). The ethical issues are clearly defined […]
The nursing profession is among the key areas that developed in the past centuries. This profession involves the relationship between medical practitioners and patients. The communication between these groups has become a best practice in this line of profession. Ethics refers to the acceptable conduct of practice in a given field of operations. Ethics are […]
Hospice Nursing Hospice or palliative care is a specialized type of healthcare given to terminally ill patients who are predicted to die in less than six months. Rather than treatment, hospice focuses on providing compassionate care and comfort meant to maximize the quality of life for the patients for the remaining period of their lives. […]
Family Medicine 12: 16-year-old female with vaginal bleeding and UCG Date: April 25, 2020 10:01AM Learning Objectives The student should be able to: Describe the essential features of a preconception consultation, including how to incorporate this content into any visit. Assignment help – Discuss chlamydia screening. Demonstrate the use of the HEEADSS adolescent-interviewing technique. Recognize […]
1. Case Study The hospice nurse sat with Ann’s husband, Ben. Ann was resting quietly as the increased dosage of IV pain medication gradually reached its therapeutic level. Ben turned his head and slowly turned, looking out the room’s only window. As he glanced up, a small flicker of light caught his breath. It was […]
Instructions for Leadership Change Paper: Observe your environment in the health care facility where you have clinical and monitor the site for signs and symptoms of the need for change. Look at the nursing processes in place: do they work efficiently, are infection control practices being done routinely. Anything can be a catalyst for change […]