Course″>Overview and Guidelines |″>Scenarios |″>Grading Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubrics |″>Best PracticesOverview and GuidelinesAn important part of our course is researching information on diversity and multiculturalism and its social, cultural, and ethical impact upon individual citizens, groups of people, and society at large.Below are four scenarios pertaining to cultural diversity. For […]
ScenarioScenario SummaryAn Atlanta based Fortune 500 Company has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager. You are in charge of hiring new sales consultants for the fiber optics division of this organization. Due to the competitive marketplace, sales and revenues are at an all-time low. During your interview, you stated that you could serve […]
ScenarioScenario SummaryAn Atlanta based Fortune 500 Company has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager. You are in charge of hiring new sales consultants for the fiber optics division of this organization. Due to the competitive marketplace, sales and revenues are at an all-time low. During your interview, you stated that you could serve […]
WEEK 1You Eat What?! (graded)Ethnocentrism is generally defined as viewing one’s own culture as superior to all others. However, quite often, it is not quite that obvious. Whenever we encounter something that seems strange or different, we will feel some degree of discomfort. How we respond to that feeling is a gauge of how ethnocentric […]
research Paper 3 pagesChoose a conflict: internal or intrapersonal (self-esteem, identity, guilt, unforgiveness) , interpersonal (family, labor, church, community), social (local, national, international).The professor assignment a Social conflict! The conflict will be about ILEGAL IMMAGRATIONWith this conflict, answer the following questions !1. Description of a situation of conflict intrapersonal, interpersonal, social.a. What is going on?b. […]
The strategy that is likely to be counterproductive when working with students and their parents is b. Acknowledge that authoritarian methods may be quite appropriate if families live in dangerous neighborhoods. The reason is that it may encourage authoritarian parenting even when it is not necessary, and this can lead to negative outcomes in the […]
WEEK 1Identifying Global Business Opportunities (graded)Although the lowering of trade barriers made the globalization of markets and production a theoretical possibility, technological change made it a tangible reality. How have changes in technology contributed to the globalization of markets and of production? Would the globalization of production and markets have been possible without these technological […]
GBA 440 – Research Paper Guidelines and Topic Approval Process This document contains the following information: · Guidelines for writing the Research Paper due in Module 7 · A list of possible Research Paper topics · Guidelines for submitting your Research Paper Proposal (due as Assignment 2 in Module 3) · Grading rubric for […]
Writing an Argumentative “Research Paper”: English 110 I. Choosing a research topic a. For most students, the idea of writing a research paper can be overwhelming and they freeze at the initial onset of writing the paper. However, if you take it a step at a time, progress will be steady and even enjoyable. b. […]
Assignment 2: Decision-making and Philosophy Part II: Philosophy and the Community Whereas Part I focused on how you as an individual are impacted by a particular decision, Part II focuses on the individual as a member of a community. Thus, you will write an eight- to ten-page research paper based upon a current event/pressing social […]