Caste As Viewed By Dumont, Berreman And Dirks For thousands of years, the caste system has always existed in South Asia and has its traditional roots in the Hindu system. Among the people of South Asia, they are divided into four groups which are also known as castes and form the basis of the caste […]
Forthisanalysis,youwillneedtoextendthereachofyourinterpretationintoareasoutsidethemovieitself. Ratherthansimplyexplainingthatacertainobjectissymbolicorwhyacertaincharactersaysacertainline,you willshowmehowthatsymbolismorhowthatlineofdialoguecreatesalargerholisticmeaningforthemovie thatrelatestotherealworldinsomeway(thiscanbeANYaspectofourworld,bytheway).Inotherwords, youareattemptingtoexplainwhatoneofthemoviessaysaboutourlives,theworldwelivein,orrealityin general.Iwanttoseethatyoucantakenumerousaspectsofamovie,dissectthem,andthenpatchthemall togethersothatyouhavesupportforassertingthatthemoviehasanoverarchingmeaningthatrelatestothe realworld(and,ofcourse,sothatyoucanexplainwhatthatbiggermeaningis). Youcouldapproachthemoviethroughanynumberofotherequallyvalidwindowsofinterpretation,including butnotlimitedto: popularculture/culturalstudies(whichcanincludestudiesofrace,gender,sexuality,class,etc.withinaspecific culturalgrouplikeAmericans,forexample) sociologyoranthropology(whichcanincludestudiesofrace,gender,sexuality,class,etc.asapplytopeople acrossculturesi.e.,humanityatlarge) politics(whichcanincludewarandeconomicissues) filmtheoryand/orphilosophy othermovies(intertextuality) religionandspirituality scientificinquiryandscientificprogress Solongasyouaregivingmeananalysisofthefilmanditsoverarchingmeaningand,further,relatingthat meaningtotheworldaroundus,youwillbeaccomplishingtheassignment. Inordertomoreeffectivelysupportyourassertionsastothemovie’smeaning,youshouldprobablycite literarycriticswhohavepreviouslywrittenonthemovieORonthesubjectthatyoubelievethemoviedeals with.Findoutwhatotherscholars(yes,you’reascholar)havesaidabouttheparticularfilm/topicyou’re analyzing.Seehowwhatthey’vesaidmightbesimilarordifferenttowhatyou’dliketosaythosesimilarities anddifferenceswillbepointsforyoutoexpandoninyourpaper.Indeed,byutilizingthescholarshipofother literarycritics,youmakeyouranalysismoreforceful,morefocused,andmorerelevanttothepeoplewhomight beinterestedinreadingaboutthissubject(thestoryyou’veanalyzed). Examplesofpreviouspapersinclude: anargumentthatTheShiningisafilmaboutaboutdomesticabuse anexaminationofphilosophicalideasofjusticeandrevengeinANightmareonElmStreet astudyoftheroleofsexandsexualityinHalloweenandAmericanPsycho adiscussionoftheeffectsoffirstpersonperspectiveinhorrormoviessuchasJawsorHalloween Requirements: 57fullpages 12pointfont,doublespaced 35secondarysources
Workshop Presentation instructions Assessment Task 1: Workshop Presentation Assessment Task 1: Workshop (style) Presentation Details of task 1: Due date: Saturday 25 March 2017 Length: 10 minutes oral presentation (12-20 slides recommended) Weighting: 10% You are required to give a short presentation, demonstrating how the material contained in this Unit could be applied to a specific […]
Religion, Ethnicity and Democratic Consolidation: Nigeria’s Fourth Republic By Hephzibah Adesina A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Quinnipiac University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree in Political Science Spring 2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would just like to thank God Almighty for the strength and wisdom he has given me to complete […]
Tetiana Havlin, PhD UMUC Europe | SOCY 100 E222 | Final exam Dear Student The final exam covers material from all weeks and may include information from UMUC readings, E-textbook readings, assignments, class and online discussions. The exam is open notes. You have a 72 hour period in Week 8 to complete the exam, and […]
Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided? You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very […]
French Film Analysis;To compare/contrast/analyze TWO of the assigned films, aiming for appropriate application of basic theories of critical interpretation in the humanities, to help students develop the ability to construct their own artistic, literary Term Paper/ Film Analysis PICK ONLY 2 OF THE French Films: The Golden Age of French Cinema: La Règle du jeu […]
Chinese Folk Music The tradition of music is as old as the Chinese civilisation. Several instruments were excavated from various sites, and they date back to the Shang dynasty. These artefacts reveal a lot about the Chinese music. They show that way back then; the society had already advanced their musical instrument. The artefacts were […]
Check the file I had uploaded for instruction A. Answer any two of the following questions. This should be a short paragraph (at least a hundred words) for each question (50 points) 1. Who was Muhammad, and why is he so important to the Islamic tradition? How is Muhammad similar to or different from other […]
History Essay. Part one. choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapter 15 and part of chapter 16 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count. Essay […]