1. Do you feel it is better to allow individuals the freedom to choose any type of (or no) health insurance coverage available to them or to increase government involvement in a person’s/family’s healthcare via mandates, such as the ACA and/or the government as a single insurer for all residents. Why? 2. Homework help […]
Week 1: Introduction to Implementation, Evaluation, and Dissemination As you near the completion of your DNP program, it is wise to consider the positive impact that one dedicated individual can have on the lives of many—a notion that is markedly evident in the field of health care. Iconic figures such as Lillian Wald, the first […]
Homework help – Discussion: Mental Health Responders for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events Critical incident responders come from a variety of fields. Rescue workers (e.g., police, firefighters, emergency medical professionals) are often the first-line responders. However, the helping professionals and volunteers from emergency response organizations are often just behind the first-line responders, allocating resources, assessing […]
Acute Care Adult: Assessment Part A. The Case of Ms. Diana Doyle Ms. Diana Doyle, 19 years old, is status post exploratory laparotomy with appendectomy having just returned to the ward at 1:00 PM. Her appendix had ruptured. Patient assessment is imperative to determine what interventions would be required during the shift. Assessing pain is […]
Homework help – Discuss a current issue that has both legal and ethical ramifications (the right to die varies by state: legal to a felony, ethical; medical marijuana: legal and who can provide; right-to-try laws: more accepted than the right to die and who gets the organ transplant, and whether the reporting of child abuse […]
The Plague and Frankenstein The quest for knowledge is eternal and almost never-ending. People devote their lives to studying and advancing their knowledge, but their advancement is always held in check by society and the people who studied before them. Several novels have been written which explore the effect knowledge and its limitations can have […]
https://monoskop.org/images/f/f6/Rabinow_Paul_ed_The_Foucault_Reader_1984.pdf Foucault, Michel pp. 257-89 (Right of Death and Power Over Life, The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century) in The Foucault Reader 1984, Rabinow, Paul ed. New York: Pantheon Books. Foucault, Michel 1973 [1963 in French] The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. Pp. ix-123, 195-99) https://www.google.com/books/edition/Asylums/GKw0DwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1 Goffman, Erving. 1961 […]
For each article, address the following: a. Create a bibliographic citation in PAP format for each article b. Summarize the article, addressing the following questions: I. Who? I. What was done? Iii. How was it done? Iv. What were the findings? V. What contributions has this research made? C. Describe in a meaningful way, how […]
CHAPTER 18 Shadowphobia Saturday morning Josh Spagnola was sleeping in and dreaming of putting shampoo into bunnies’ eyes when the Harley-Davidson crashed through his front door carrying a 270-pound, pissed-off, speed-crazed biker named Tinker. With the crash and thunder of the bike in his living room, Spagnola sat up in his nest of satin sheets […]
Industry Abstract Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are the largest and most successful pharmaceutical companies in the world today. Each company has a massive workforce and conducts business in countries all over the globe. Both companies have used a high degree of horizontal differentiation in order to manage their business units more effectively. Operating companies […]